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身在時尚核心的女人,究竟所謂的「Parisienne巴黎女性」是什麼模樣?CHANEL香奈兒給出了其中一個可能的答案。 一切回到原點。CHANEL香奈兒2023/24秋冬高級訂製系列的視角從過去幾季的奇幻回到了巴黎。這次,創意總監Virginie Viard向我們清楚地詮釋了所謂的「巴黎女性」風範,而發生這一切的地點,當然也必須是巴黎的心臟地帶——塞納河畔。 在塞納河畔碼頭處,在書報攤前,走在石子路上的女人牽著愛犬散著步,另一旁提著新鮮花籃的女人一手插在口袋以鬆弛的步伐走向前。Virginie Viard勾勒的巴黎女性背後還有一位繆思,她是永遠的COCO girl,Vannesa Paradis。 大秀開場,與香奈兒關係密切的模特兒兼品牌大使Caroline de Maigret透著自然而自信的面容迎面而來。我們又想起了她與三位巴黎女性共同書寫的著作,關於愛與品味,關於如何成為一位「巴黎女人」。 - @chanelofficial - #PPAPER #PPAPERFASHION #CHANEL #CHANELHauteCouture

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就像大地用祂的雙手自由地創作,任時間、壓力與溫度恣意調配淬煉出每一顆結晶,每一個創作都是巧合所以獨一無二。藝術家透過雙手將這份巧合幻化成美麗的必然。這是珠寶藝術令人著迷的因果關係。 台灣創新珠寶品牌Phoenix-I,憑藉著慧眼獨具的創辦人Phoenix挑選物料的敏銳直覺以及美感,揉合東方與西方的美學視野,將頂級翡翠與寶石幻化成美麗的創作。 - PPAPER FASHION #93 LITTLE BUT BEAUTY 小而美的愉悅 - PHOENIX-I 為治癒而重生 - PHOTOGRAPHY BY PUZZLEMAN LEUNG @puzzleung STYLING BY JESPER @daijuin MAKE-UP BY NASH CHEN @nash_chen @kc_mgmt HAIRSTYLE BY SUNDIA WEN @sundia.xwx @kc_mgmt PRESENT BY PPAPER FASHION @ppaper_magazine - #PPAPERFASHION #LITTLEBUTBEAUTY #小而美的愉悅

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Ive的客廳|EP152|不敗の戀人 - 金星要在獅子座待上一陣子,獅子生來就是要來談戀愛的,而金星就是我們和別人談戀愛的方式… - 主持群 發行人| @ive_hu 創意總監| @wahnson PPAPER 主編| @cosmopolitics PPAPER FASHION 主編| @daijuin PPAPER 編輯| @fengyiyoung - 收聽《Ive的客廳 & PPAPER編輯室》請點擊資訊欄連結 ///// EP152|The Ultimate Lover - Venus is going to stay in Leo for a while. Leos are born to be in love, and Venus represents the way we love and connect with others... - To listen to ”Ive’s Living Room & PPAPER Editor‘s Room,“ please click the link in the bio.

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Ive的客廳|EP152|不敗の戀人 - 金星要在獅子座待上一陣子,獅子生來就是要來談戀愛的,而金星就是我們和別人談戀愛的方式… - 主持群 發行人| @ive_hu 創意總監| @wahnson PPAPER 主編| @cosmopolitics PPAPER FASHION 主編| @daijuin PPAPER 編輯| @fengyiyoung - 收聽《Ive的客廳 & PPAPER編輯室》請點擊資訊欄連結 ///// EP152|The Ultimate Lover - Venus is going to stay in Leo for a while. Leos are born to be in love, and Venus represents the way we love and connect with others... - To listen to "Ive's Living Room & PPAPER Editor's Room," please click the link in the bio.

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不同於一般的珠寶設計師,沒有顯赫的珠寶世家背景的Phoenix同時也沒有傳統上珠寶品牌「應該」成為什麼模樣的框架。 憑藉著對礦石珠寶的大把熱情,有了十多年收藏經歷的Phoenix在今年剛成立了自己的品牌Phoenix-I。我們好奇身為創辦人的她對品牌的願景是否有任何借鏡的對象?Phoenix沒有給出明確的答案,她只堅信地告訴我們,在礦石採購上從未踩雷的她百分之百相信自己的直覺,她要做自己覺得對的,而且從未有人做過的事。 - PPAPER FASHION #93 LITTLE BUT BEAUTY 小而美的愉悅 - PHOENIX-I 為治癒而重生 - PHOTOGRAPHY BY PUZZLEMAN LEUNG @puzzleung STYLING BY JESPER @daijuin MAKE-UP BY NASH CHEN @nash_chen @kc_mgmt HAIRSTYLE BY SUNDIA WEN @sundia.xwx @kc_mgmt PRESENT BY PPAPER FASHION @ppaper_magazine - #PPAPERFASHION #LITTLEBUTBEAUTY #小而美的愉悅

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時間是一種永恆的力量,卻透過小時與年月日的數字化刻度,主宰了我們的日常。如果我們不以數字化的方式考慮時間的流逝,生活會變得如何?那些我們用來回溯並且建構人生軌跡的腦海中的記憶,是否還會如此鮮明? 日前於巴黎時裝周發表2024春夏系列「TIMEZONE」,NAMESAKE從個人與哲學角度開啓一段關於時間的探索旅程。帶著是否有可能跳脫數字化方式去理解時間的想法,NAMESAKE透過剪裁技術和設計語言,以服裝解構時間的概念,展示出除了數字之外,可能的衡量和表現方式。 沙漏形狀剪裁棒球外套與長褲、呼應時間流動性的織料、以刺繡和印花形式表現的蓮花......在正式場合中佩戴的領帶,則以假領帶的方式隱藏於襯衫設計中,這是關於成長與時間的隱喻性標誌。「在我們成長的過程中,爸爸總是戴領帶,這是作為一個成年人的象徵。」NAMESAKE聯合創始人Michael Hsieh如此表示。 ///// Time is an eternal force that governs our daily lives through the digital scales of hours, years, and dates. But what if we don't consider the passage of time in a digital manner? How would life be different? Would the memories in our minds that we use to look back and construct the trajectory of our lives still remain as vivid? Recently, NAMESAKE presented the 2024 Spring/Summer collection titled “TIMEZONE" during Paris Fashion Week, embarking on an exploratory journey about time from personal and philosophical perspectives. With the idea of whether it's possible to transcend the digitalized understanding of time, NAMESAKE utilized cutting techniques and design language to deconstruct the concept of time through garments, showcasing alternative ways of measurement and expression beyond numbers. Silhouettes of hourglass-shaped baseball jackets and trousers, fabrics echoing the fluidity of time, lotus flowers depicted through embroidery and printing... The necktie, typically worn in formal occasions, was cleverly concealed within the shirt design as a mock tie, serving as a metaphorical symbol of growth and time. "During our process of growing up, fathers always wear neckties, which symbolize adulthood," said Michael Hsieh, co-founder of NAMESAKE. #PPAPER @namesak3

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#頂流推薦的頂級風味 - 台灣立頓特別邀請今年以電影《關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事》入圍台北電影節最佳男主角獎項的國民男神林柏宏擔任全新「醇奶茶歐蕾」代言人。平時喝奶茶最注重厚實滑順口感的柏宏,非常滿意醇奶茶歐蕾茶香奶香兼具的雙倍濃郁風味,完美收服他那挑剔的味蕾。 另外,台北電影節頒獎典禮即將於本周六登場,柏宏說他很榮幸能與多位優秀的表演者共同入圍,也十分感謝評審們的肯定,「不論今年是否有獲獎,未來仍舊會持續努力帶給觀眾更好的表演!」柏宏笑著說道,而我們也衷心祝福柏宏 🏆 - @lipton.tw @austinlin27 @taipeiff - #PPAPER #立頓醇奶茶歐蕾 #紐西蘭乳源 #手摘烏瓦紅茶 #雙倍濃郁都是我的

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許多人相信,蘊藏在大地中數千年的礦石有著源於自然的力量,這股肉眼無法看見的能量能夠帶給人們正面的影響。這幾年,因為無數的意外讓人類開始更專注內心的平靜。靈性的修煉成為我們生活的一部分。藉著礦石這樣美麗的自然造物,在經過時間、壓力與巧合淬鍊的微型幻境裡,我們似乎真的可以感受到心靈上的撫慰。 與傳統的珠寶設計師不同,Phoenix並沒有顯赫的珠寶世家背景。然而憑藉著自幼對礦石渾然天成的喜愛,曾經陷入人生低潮的她開始從事水晶礦石與珠寶的收藏,並從中獲得治癒。如今已有十多年收藏經歷的Phoenix希望能將這份能量傳遞給眾人,於是在今年成立了個人品牌Phoenix-I。 - PPAPER FASHION #93 LITTLE BUT BEAUTY 小而美的愉悅 - PHOENIX-I 為治癒而重生 - PHOTOGRAPHY BY PUZZLEMAN LEUNG @puzzleung STYLING BY JESPER @daijuin MAKE-UP BY NASH CHEN @nash_chen @kc_mgmt HAIRSTYLE BY SUNDIA WEN @sundia.xwx @kc_mgmt PRESENT BY PPAPER FASHION @ppaper_magazine - #PPAPERFASHION #LITTLEBUTBEAUTY #小而美的愉悅

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2022年,發現自己的部分收藏已經無法為自己帶來快樂,菲董Pharrell Williams清理了十多個儲藏室,但他並沒有把這些稀有的收藏拿到主流拍賣會去,而是自己創了一個:JOOPITER。 菲董希望拍賣平台JOOPITER不僅僅是關於販售,而是關於物件所講述的故事,他邀請身邊友人與藝術家們打造自己的作品與拍賣會,讓這些“Phriends”透過JOOPITER連結,關於合作、關於創作,關於友誼,更出於好玩。 今年6月,菲董與多年好友、也是已關閉的巴黎傳奇選物店colette創始人Sarah Andelman合作,共同打造拍賣會《Just Phriends》,展示超過60件拍品,包含KAWS、村上隆、Daniel Arsham、JR、Invader等藝術家作品,以及來自LOUIS VUITTON、CHANEL、RICHARD MILLE、Tiffany & Co.等品牌的珍稀與訂製物件。 開放全球競標的《Just Phriends》拍賣會已於6月底結標,拍賣總價達到385萬美金,包含MSCHF諷刺時尚產業的“LV”微米手提包、George Condo畫作《Portrait of an English Lady》、菲董個人收藏RICHARD MILLE RM 65-01 自動上鍊雙秒追針計時碼錶、KAWS《MTV Moonman》,以及Invader特別替菲董打造的《Camo for Pharrell》均拍出高價。 拍賣會部分收益用來資助非營利組織Black Ambition以作為增進非裔與拉丁裔創作者環境使用,在菲董發表擔任LV男裝創意總監後第一場時裝秀的現今,“Phriends”接下來所發揮的影響力值得關注。 ///// In 2022, Pharrell Williams created his own auction platform called JOOPITER. Pharrell aimed for JOOPITER to be more than just a marketplace; it was about the stories that objects tell. He invited his friends and artists to create their own works and auctions, connecting through JOOPITER. In June, Pharrell collaborated with his longtime friend and founder of the now-closed legendary select shop colette, Sarah Andelman, to create the auction event "Just Phriends." The event showcased over 60 lots, including works by artists such as KAWS, Takashi Murakami, Daniel Arsham, JR, Invader, and rare and custom items from brands like LO UIS VUITTON, CHANEL, RICHARD MILLE. The global bidding for the "Just Phriends" auction concluded at the end of June, with a total auction price reaching $3.85 million. Some notable items that fetched high prices include George Condo's painting "Portrait of an English Lady," RICHARD MILLE RM 65-01 Automatic Chronograph Watch, KAWS' "MTV Moonman," and Invader's "Camo for Pharrell.” A portion of the proceeds from the auction will support the non-profit organization Black Ambition, which aims to empower Black and Latinx creators in various industries. #PPAPER #ART #AUCTION

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#童心的溫度是熾熱 - 曾經旅居台灣的日本藝術家中田郁美,對於台灣廟會文化很感興趣,她經常造訪廟宇並研究傳統民間信仰。藝術家說,哪吒在日本比較像是傳說中的人物而不是信仰的對象,這和哪吒在台灣被供奉在許多寺廟,廣受民眾喜愛的形象有所不同。 中田郁美的創作主題長期圍繞在孩童的真摯純情,而哪吒的少年形象深深吸引著她。藝術家擅長以纖細的線條捕捉輪廓,疊刷低彩度油彩,輕盈了畫面中人物的神情,流露對於童年心靈的憶想... - 完整藝術家訪談上 PPAPER.NET ///// The warmth of childlike innocence - Japanese artist Ikumi Nakata, who once lived in Taiwan, is deeply interested in Taiwanese culture. She frequently visits temples and researches traditional folk beliefs. The artist notes that in Japan, Nezha is seen more as a legendary figure, which differs from the popular image of Nezha being worshipped in many temples and beloved by the people in Taiwan. Ikumi Nakata's artistic themes have long revolved around the innocence of children, and she is deeply drawn to the youthful image of Nezha. The artist excels at capturing delicate contours with fine lines, using layered, low-saturation oil paints to create a lightness in the characters' expressions, evoking a sense of nostalgia for the inner world of childhood… - Read more on PPAPER.NET https://www.ppaper.net/page/2036 - @ikuminakada - #PPAPER #art #illustration #painting #japan #taiwan #culture

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位於以色列西岸的Tel Aviv特拉維夫在希伯來語中為“春天的山丘”之意,是地中海的世外桃源。 居住於特拉維夫的插畫家Yuval Robichek以當地自在的街景與海岸為靈感,帶來一系列超現實現代愛情故事:男女之間的情事、床事與生活大小事。單身男女試圖從孤寂中找出口。一點點自嘲。一點點嬉鬧。一點點玻璃心。一點點怦然心跳。一點點淡淡的憂愁。 像夏季的海風般清爽,幽默得輕鬆無負擔,酸酸甜甜摻點鹽味,或許這就是現代人的愛情。 ///// Dubbed "Hill of Spring" and located on the West Bank of Israel, Tel Aviv is a paradise on the Mediterranean coast. Residing in Tel Aviv, illustrator Yuval Robichek draws inspiration from the relaxed street scenes and coastline, creating a series of surreal modern love stories: affairs between men and women, intimate encounters, and the ups and downs of everyday life. Single men and women try to find an escape from loneliness. A touch of self-deprecation. A bit of playfulness. A hint of vulnerability. A flutter of excitement. A tinge of gentle melancholy. Like the refreshing sea breeze in summer, humorously light without burdens, sweetly tangy with a dash of salt, perhaps this is the love of modern times. Image courtesy of @yuvalrob #PPAPER #ILLUSTRATION

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什麼是男人,什麼是女人;什麼是服裝,什麼是布料,人們對於「觀點」的定義是怎麽形成的?這是LOEWE在2024春夏男裝系列的提問。 本季秀場邀請美國雕塑藝術家Lynda Benglis創作場中央噴泉雕塑,琳達擅長以流體(如乳膠、金屬、石膏)的不可預期性,創作有機的流動感雕塑,水的意象對琳達而言就像回歸母體,她讓自然的流動完成創作。 現年81歲的 Lynda Benglis,創作資歷長達60年。除了知名的流動雕塑,活躍於60 年代的她亦是積極的女權主義者,在一張初刊於1974年 11月 《Artforum 》雜誌的影像創作,藝術家裸體並拿著假陽具完成拍攝,充滿對性別意識的挑釁。這張影像在當時引起極大爭議,然而它在2019 年被《紐約時報》評價為“定義當代的 25 件藝術作品”之一。 性別是流動的,觀念也是流動的,我們也可以說,這非常羅威。 - @loewe @jonathan.anderson - #PPAPER #PPAPERFASHION #LOEWE #JONATHANANDERSON

* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These Images are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.


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