Dovetail_antiques's Instagram Audience Analytics and Demographics


United States

Owner of Dovetail Antiques, Cashiers, North Carolina. Texas to California to North Carolina transplant. Animal lover and French antique importer.
United States

Business Category

Home Goods Stores

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Average engagement rate on the posts is around 4.60%. The average number of likes per post is 148 and the average number of comments is 31.

Check dovetail_antiques's audience demography. This analytics report shows dovetail_antiques's audience demographic percentage for key statistic like number of followers, average engagement rate, topic of interests, top-5 countries, core gender and so forth.

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168 60

My sweet dove Ma died today leaving behind her mate for life, Pa. They hatched three #ringneckdoves Gimpy, Brother and Sister. She and Pa fostered some wild bird eggs whose mother was lost to tragedy. She lived a long and peaceful life and was a tender part of mine. Pa is cooing and now it’s the loneliest sound in the world.

100 5

Don’t put your wooly socks away just yet but…

191 30

I post this periodically as a reminder. This is an antique bronze fallen bird. It’s meant to remind us of the fragility of life. Things can change in an instant yet we become preoccupied with the mundane or chasing after things that don’t really matter. I gave one of these to Hillary Clinton when she helped me out in a traumatic situation. I hope that she still has hers on her desk. Mine is packed away, waiting to be moved closer to my family. I’m highly motivated by this thought. #lifeisfragile...

131 18

There’s some beauty in packing up to move. It gives me a moment to focus on the things I love while moving closer to the people I love. I’m very aware that I have the choice to be among the people I love surrounded by the beautiful things I’ve collected and love. So many are escaping evil with nothing but the clothes on their backs and leaving those they love to fight for their freedom. #frenchantiques #love

173 65

Steve and I made the decision some months ago to move full time to Connecticut. My little Peepeye Cottage has been a sweet nest and a stepping stone. We found a house and the deal is sealed. Cashiers has been our home for 18 years and I’ve been visiting for at least 25 years but being close to family is more important than anything. We will be in Cashiers for a couple of months getting the logistics in place. It’s going to be the close of a beautiful chapter and the beginning of a new one!

84 11

I had the most wonderful time in #woodbury #connecticut today. This French bakery @ovensoffrancect was a real find! First of all, it smelled DIVINE! I got a croissant and whatever they did to make it taste just like France was magic! I met two very kind gals out front. They are lifelong friends and they warmly allowed me to join them after I pretty much forced them to! It was finally a sunny and warmer day. I love Connecticut and Woodbury is now a favorite place.

187 43

Yes, I’m the kind of proud grandma who puts her grandchild’s artwork in the windows. They call me #peepeye

211 57

Facebook memories reminded me of a post I made about our boy Jack. He’s getting older but is still going strong despite severely compromised kidneys. Scroll to the next photo to get a glimpse of what kind of shape he was in when I got him. This picture doesn’t even explain it. No fur in places, only blood and scabs. I could see the bones of his pelvis, ribs and spine. He was from a group of dogs that I facilitated to rescue at my vet’s office. They told me he was going to be put down because he ...

132 28

Creative playtime with fairies and mermaids. It’s so much fun for me to just let them create their own fantasy world and interact with each other. I try and give them the things to create this world world and then I just sit back and listen to them build their stories around them. #thesearethedaysofourlives #thebestoftimes

175 36

My little Connecticut cottage. I’m here and a bit stranded at the moment.

92 12

#gnome obsession going on around here. I think I’m about eight years old.

122 9

Happy birthday to my sweet son-in-law Mike @tengoodeyes He’s always had to share his birthday with someone kinda famous so I think he deserves an Instagram post all his own. ❤️ PS Wish this was in focus but my phone won’t cooperate today. They’re in focus in person.

* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These Images are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.


511 / post
0.13 %
United States Product Showcase, Romance and Wedding, Jewelry, Design, Celebrities
197 / post
5.94 %
United States Home and Garden, Design, Architecture
0.42 %
United States Fashion and Accessories, Modeling
1.93 %
United States Fashion, Lifestyle, Modeling
0.20 %
United States Fashion and Accessories, Styling
7.75 %
United States Arts and Crafts, Photography, Actors, Music, Band, Rock
0.08 %
United States Education, Life and Society, Business and Finance, Actors
1.23 %
United States Education
0.08 %
United States Food, Food and Drink, News, Recipes
8.68 %
United States Entertainment and Music, Music
239 / post
1.31 %
United States Home and Garden, Parenting, Health & Fitness
3.30 %
United States Shopping, Business and Finance
0.02 %
United States Photography, Design
1.16 %
United States Nature, Outdoor Activity, Travel, Politics, Adventure
1.40 %
United States Photography, Home and Garden, Actors, Modeling, Portraits