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🇱🇧Marie-Elena Bitar, MPH, RD 🌈A safe space for ALL bodies 🍋Here to help you never diet again
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Average engagement rate on the posts is around 2.10%. The average number of likes per post is 127 and the average number of comments is 7.

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183 9

You’ve probably got some extra candy around the house this week - This gentle reminder is for you ❤️ #edrecovery #edwarrior #edawareness #anorexiarecovery #bingeeatingrecovery #intuitiveeating #fuckdietculture #haes #fatpositive #antidiet #antidietdietitian

114 9

Who wants to be a dietitian this Halloween? It’s real spooky sometimes 👻 Taking a break from content creation was nice, but we are well-rested and ready to go again✨ *I had to come back with a meme, obviously* #nondietapproach #intuitiveeating #bodypositivity #fatpositive #foodfreedom #allbodiesaregoodbodies #antidietculture #bodypositivity #nondietdietitians

480 12

A gentle reminder that you are indeed, swimsuit ready. You don’t need to go through another cycle of hell where you starve your body, derive yourself of enjoying food, only to end up binge eating and feeling terrible about “failing a diet” Hit the beach in the body you’re in 🏖 You can do it!❤️ #nondietapproach #intuitiveeating #bodypositivity #fatpositive #foodfreedom #beachbodies #allbodiesaregoodbodies #antidietculture #bodypositivity #nondietdietitians #ditchthediet

175 8

Switching into your spring wardrobe? Read this ⤵️ Some things aren’t going to fit anymore AND that’s not your fault! Some clothes aren’t going to fit because you simply outgrew them. That doesn’t make you lazy, out of control, unable to stick to a diet or less worthy. Instead of trying to FIX your body for the summer - FIX the original problem aka shop around for some proper fitting clothes that make you feel comfy ✔️ Looking for support? Head to the link in my bio or visit [email protected] ❤️ #edrecovery #edwarrior #edawareness #anorexiarecovery #bingeeatingrecovery #intuitiveeating #fuckdietculture #haes #fatpositive #antidiet #antidietdietitian

203 11

Is that you? If it is, this is your sign to go grab a bite! 🍴 🌈 For information on services and free resources - head to the link in my bio or #mindfuleating #intuitiveeating #edrecovery #eatingdisorderrecovery #healthyeating #emotionaleating #bodyacceptance #bodykindness

155 2

Hands up if this was you!! Come on I see you 😂 If this isn’t your first time hearing about it AND you’d like to receive non-diet nutrition coaching 🏃🏻‍♀️ to the link in my bio for more info 🏃🏻‍♀️ or head to #nondietapproach #intuitiveeating #bodypositivity #fatpositive #foodfreedom #beachbodies #allbodiesaregoodbodies #antidietculture #bodypositivity #nondietdietitians #ditchthediet #bingeeatingrecovery

81 3

You made this post❗️ Last week on my stories I asked you why you were so afraid to let go of dieting and this is what you answered A lot of these were recurrent and repeated answers which means: YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN FEELING THIS WAY So many of you are recognizing that dieting doesn’t serve you, but are afraid to take that step forward. Fear is stopping you - and I get that 🫂 This journey is scary and hard but MAN is it worth it. I’ve seen how people’s lives are transformed once they take that leap of faith 🌈 If you’re thinking about hopping off the diet train, I’m here to guide you every step of the way so you don’t let fear hold you back 🤜🏻 ☀️For info on services please visit the link in my bio or head to☀️ #intuitiveeating #intuitiveeatingdietitian #haesdietitian #mindfuleating #bingeeating #ditchthediet #edrecovery

57 0

A conversation I was having this morning with a client: “I’ve been down this road before, I know how it ends. I know that I’m going to get on a diet and then stop eventually. I want to stop dieting but I’m scared I’ll just eat and eat and eat and gain weight” It’s okay to be scared to go against what most people in society are doing! Your fears are valid ❤️ Make sure you can work with a professional who can help you process through your concerns and help you do the hard work of unlearning and ditching diet culture for good!! ☀️FREE GUIDE: Getting started with IE at link in my bio ☀️For information on nutrition services click the link in my bio #nondietapproach #intuitiveeating #bodypositivity #fatpositive #foodfreedom #antidietculture #bodypositivity #ditchthediet

62 10

Happy National RD Day 🎊💃🏻 Make sure to give some extra love to your favorite registered dietitian today ❤️ When I first became an RD I decided right away that my focus was going to be on weigh-inclusive, ethical, non-diet care. I am lucky enough to say that I have helped people improve their relationship with food and their bodies. I am even luckier to say that I have helped folks heal from a life-threatening eating disorder. I feel so fortunate that my work makes a difference and improves lives. It’s a cliche but - some RDs really do make this world a better place 🌎 I am very thankful that I get to do this work with all of you. Thank you to everyone for following along ❤️ and to my patients and clients, thank you for trusting me with the most intimate and fragile parts of yourselves 🤗 Xo #nationalrdday #registereddietitian #nondietdietitian #intuitiveeatingdietitian #haes #weightinclusive #haesdietitian

138 1

6 years old🚦 Imagine being 6 years old and instead of thinking about playing, friends, happiness - you think about your weight, shape and size 😩 Diet culture knows no age. Hug your littles tight and tell them how amazing, smart, kind and talented they are ❤️ For nutrition coaching services, please head to the link in my bio or #neda #nedaweek #neda2022 #intuitiveeating #eatingdisorderrecovery #eatingdisordersawarenessweek #edrecovery

94 4

Food for thought 🍭 Teaching your kids how to have a healthy relationship with ALL foods can absolutely go hand in hand with teaching them about health, satisfaction and balance Instead of making them fear certain foods because “they’re bad for you”, teach them the different roles that various foods have Some foods give you energy quickly, some foods help you fee full longer, some foods help your muscles grow, etc. Teach kids how to approach foods with curiosity rather than judgment and fear 🍫 💬 For more support, please head to the link in my bio to learn more about 1:1 services or our online IE program ❤️ #mindfuleating #intuitiveeating #edrecovery #eatingdisorderrecovery #foodfreedom #antidiet #selfcare #haes #allfoodsfit #healthyeating #ditchthediet

63 1

Save this for journaling 📓 There are many ways to improve our relationship with our bodies and ourselves. The first one is, practice self-appreciation ✨ These four prompts can help you practice ❤️ 🫀I am worthy of happiness because..? 🫀What makes me unique? 🫀What am I proud of myself for? 🫀When do you feel the most confident in yourself? I do A LOT of journaling and self-reflecting with my clients as part of body image work 🤗 If you need some extra help appreciation yourself and your body - I’m here to help!!! 💃🏻 Schedule a free consult with me at the link in my bio so I can support you on your journey towards body appreciation #bodyappreciation #bodykindness #bodyimage #bodyimagecoaching #intuitiveeating #intuitiveeatingdietitian #haesdietitian

* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These Images are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.


1.27 %
United States Finance, Auto and Vehicles
1.80 %
United States Auto and Vehicles, News, Cars
169 / post
3.60 %
United States Beauty and Self Care, Celebrities
1K / post
0.39 %
United States Outdoor Activity, Pets, Design, Lifestyle, Nature & Outdoors
64 / post
7.08 %
United States Photography, Celebrity, Film, Music & Books
1.94 %
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1.28 %
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0.47 %
United States Food, Food and Drink, Design, Interior Design
1.11 %
United States Health and Medical Services, Gym, Coaching
0.54 %
United States Finance, Marketing and Advertising
93 / post
2.32 %
United States Parenting, Nature & Outdoors, Architecture
175 / post
0.55 %
United States Entertainment and Music, Home and Garden
1.40 %
United States Auto and Vehicles, Product Education, Home and Garden, Cars, Audi, Car, Auto Dealers
0.54 %
United States Home and Garden, News, Decoration, Design, Interior Design
1.16 %
United States Nature, Outdoor Activity, Travel, Politics, Adventure