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✺ @atmantattoos ✺ Stockholm ✺

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47.7% of emblo's followers are female and 52.3% are male. Average engagement rate on the posts is around 1.73%. The average number of likes per post is 1381 and the average number of comments is 23.

Emblo loves posting about Arts and Crafts, Soul, Yoga.

Check emblo's audience demography. This analytics report shows emblo's audience demographic percentage for key statistic like number of followers, average engagement rate, topic of interests, top-5 countries, core gender and so forth.

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47.7 %
52.3 %


  • Music 60.32 %
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  • Restaurants, Food & Grocery 41.01 %
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  • Art & Design 40.61 %
  • Photography 37.70 %
  • Clothes, Shoes, Handbags & Accessories 35.66 %
  • Books and Literature 35.62 %
  • Business & Careers 33.49 %


687 17

Freedom means no limits, no boundaries. I WANT LIBERATION LETS RAISE HELL We are all sick in our fucking heads!! But we are so afraid of our sins. So afraid of doing wrong, being wrong. SO AFRAID OF MAKING MISTAKES WE BECOME SO FAR FROM BEING OURSELVES!! We are obsessed with healing. So much healing we become inhuman. WHO ARE YOU AFTER ALL THAT HEALING AND CORRECTNESS My sins belong to me. Our mistakes are so beautiful!!! And these rules and regulations that we put up for ourselves diminish our whole essence of being YOU!! To FEEL and LIVE and TRY and be FREE We are so careful we let desires be desires We are so afraid we let dreams be imagination We are so frightened we can’t even tell someone to FUCK OFF without making it sound polite. So scared we can’t even tell someone we LOVE THEM So obsessed with the thoughts of others. The Generation of Gossip. Then FUCK my generation Even if the sky splits, we will still ask for PERMISSION?? The world is already burning and we just out here watching it burn down. YES I am ANGRY I AM FUCKING FURIOUS WHATS SO UPSETTING WITH ANGER??? There’s no use faking it Always a freak never a hippie.

898 21

We don’t speak to the ones who has lost, about their lost ones. Death sorrow and grief. My whole spirit needed to be on land where people respects and values the dead. Where graveyards are filled with life and deep gratitude. Where children are not protected from death but taught to understand it. Where you die in family homes, surrounded with loved ones. Instead of passing away all alone. It’s such a subtle feeling, one that I can’t even explain with words. If you have been in Indonesia or India, you might know the feeling and atmosphere that I am talking about. It’s not a belief. It’s purely integrated in the community and society to pray and give. To have a different view of death. One that is not filled with fear, rejection and denial. To celebrate a path that continues after. I am so fed up with the stiff atmosphere that arise when I talk about death in my society. People not being able to even have the conversation, without feeling pity or awkward. That death and grief is supposed to be something that happens in the quiet. Not something we should talk about. Grief and cry and miss when no one is watching. Where one should die in nursing homes and with relatives being to busy to be with theirs loved ones I miss my mother so much! And I can’t hide it. It embodies everything I do, all I create. And I refuse to hide it. And I refuse to live in a sugar coated fantasy land. With no sharp edges and a lot of fake smiles 🫠

933 12

Thank you Imaan for trusting me to honor your Swedish and Pakistani roots!! 🖤 My job is truly a blessing!!!!! Also some recent JOYFUL moments in the slides. I’m trying my best to LIVE ART. Incorporate ART in EVERYTHING I do. CREATIVITY and EXPRESSION in ALL moments. My boundaries between art and life must be erased. Everything old must DIE. I’ve never in my life been this frightened about being the same as everyone else. To be put in a box. I don’t want to do the same things that everybody else does. I don’t want to look like anybody else. I don’t want to do anything that somebody else is already doing. Totally uncompromising. Modern society is a fucking spectacle with a sparkling curtain and everything behind it is just ROTTEN. And everyone just PASSIVELY GOES ALONG! ITS BORING. ITS ALL THE SAME. We are existing through having instead of BEING! Glorifying “healing” and the hysterical self improvement trends. But people who actually are masters of their own lives is nowhere to be found. Just people who consume more and live life less. You can spend the rest of your life trying to heal, or you could accept yourself as you are. And I refuse to approach life or myself like it’s something that needs fixing. Sorry not sorry for the rant. My point is, maybe we don’t live our daily lives exactly as we should. Thanks for me! See you next time

1,722 19

If the world goes through inflammation, cyclical changes and depression, where will you stand? What do you have left to give? Do you stand for what sells, fast reward systems and a lifestyle built out of envy? Or do you have something real to offer? A skill to teach or knowledge others can share? Fuck the government, always What’s on your mind except Self? What’s more than self love, self healing, self exploration, self harm, self expression? Self Self Self. Me Me Me. Next move. Next chapter. Next level. Ain’t it a privilege to only be concerned about Self. When are we going to stop living on autopilot? Life is saturated by love, fire, earth, teachings, prayers, purpose, connections. Not work, not social media, not fast living, not fake media, not money. Condemned to live like others based on what we think is “goals”. Thoughts of mine this week. Pictures that reminds me to live simple. Trying to figure out more ways to break free. To build something bigger, for us all. Trying to re-learn 🤷‍♀️

2,013 21

Chest, breasts and solar plexus tattoo!A style outside my comfort zone, so much fun! Bookings for May is open 🖤 DM or book on my website! Thank you for the trust!!! 🖤

1,132 43

Recent months has been dark. Death dark. I’m talking about that kind of dark where you can almost touch the hazy mist that surrounds your being. Floating around making your muscle to ache with pain and your body to stink of rotten flesh. Making you question everything and everyone. Doubting every thought that comes to you, interrogating every action you’ve ever done. Not getting out of bed type of dark. That kind of dark where you can no longer call the one you miss. Where you can no longer lay in the safety of your own mothers kiss. Death Dark. I’ve met death, but I will still gently hug my child to sleep. I will still softly hold my integrity and only let them I trust to enter my sphere. I will still dream, and do, and live, and love, and Praise, even more than before. Death will not define me. I am that darkness, I am that deep aching pain. I have met death and I will never be the same. Did you think you knew me? I’ve been so sick of living in this age of time. Where people talk more about how real they are Instead of just living in truth. Where claiming what you are is more important than living what you preach. Maintaining your front and displaying it to the world. “Get yours quietly”, -but first make sure everyone knows you do. But then I humble, I soften, I remember; Bitterness is an indicator that we need more boundaries. And I say to myself; I am alive. I breath. I live. “As long as you have breath, you have option” - @thehoodhealer I’ve met Death, and I found even more life after. Aldrig ska jag bli den som dom vill se

1,381 23

Family photo

347 2

Spine Protection 🤍 These are so precious for me to do. I do the spine protections tattoos to make the energy throughout the spine to move, with the intention of self protection, safe space relaxation and empowerment. No one can have your back but yourself. Thank you Cecilia, who came all the way from America!! 🙏🔥 Facts including the spine, and why we should appreciate it; •The embryo in the womb first creates the central spinal axis and then the body grows around this axis. •The physical spine is one of the primary supporting structures for our body and mind. •The nerve cells within the spine carry all the nerve signals that are required to sustain our movements, walking and sleeping/dreaming states of being. :))):)

3,660 72

The western culture narrative tends to be that if you don’t have children you will miss out on the full life experience. Motherhood has been culturally constructed to be the ‘natural path’ toward happiness and fulfillment, and central to womanhood. No child, no ’real’ womanhood. We are let to believe that motherhood is the ‘next level’ in the life of a woman. The narrative that if you are a mother, you are more ’life lived’ or spiritually higher degreed. Don’t get me wrong, motherhood and mothers is the most beautiful thing. No mothers, No humanity. And we should praise mothers TO THE SKIES! Im talking about the patriarchal structure that we have in this "modern" society, where motherhood is seen as the only purpose in a woman's life. And it’s largely influenced by patriarchal and religious ideology adhering to rigid gender roles. Ads, media and entertainment all following in order to cash in on the narrative, and keep us in outdated oppressive positions.   Some days, I feel like I would not have decided become a parent if it wasn’t for the external influence. And a part of me don’t want to be a parent. And that’s not because the hardship of it, the struggles. But because I rather want to have an existence without a child, and only be dependent on myself and my own freedom. To chose myself. And don’t get me twisted, I LOVE MY CHILD. And I don’t regret for a second that my child is in my life. That’s not the message. I don’t regret my child. I am questioning why I decided to become a parent. Read that again. The narrative that we all should get children devalues women’s capacity, their self-knowledge, their diverse interests and talents, and their ability for happiness and freedom. Having a child is not the next upgrade in the steps of life. Children don’t make you more worthy or more capable or more grown. And choosing not to have children can be a choice made with joy. This for me means, that I will not compromise with the dreams, desires and goals that I have. To never say no to anything just because I am a mother. I will be a mother in my own way. If you are triggered by this text, then move to the next. Then it’s not about you today.

5,044 44

When my favorite little human was super little and everything was super fresh and fragile. After soon a year I still haven’t been able to even try to put my feelings and this new world into tiny words. Maybe never going to be able. Have been in real space and time, for sometime now And coming back to screens and cyber stocking really just makes me feel that, damn everything feels so mutilated, heavy plastic layered and replicated. Trying to be, be, be. Well then just be. I know now, I don’t need to do a goddamn thing except praise my Sun. You can worry about the impressions, the neglects, the shit and storms. But I’m Big, I’m 9 month pregnant belly Big. I am all that. So all I need to worry about is my Sun And if I want my shit to burn, I burn my own candles, thank you.

359 6

🍒BIG PUS*Y ENERGY🍒 More power to the pus*y. More pus*y to the power. Imagine a world closer to matriarchy Where harassments, oppressors & dominations against the wombman is NOT a daily headline in the newspaper. Lets talk about it for what it is, men are killing us. All around the world. Every day. And to you who is reading this, thinking you’ve never laid your hand on a woman- OK, but what are you actively doing to prevent the killing, harassments and submission of us? Can you name at least ONE daily action? Because as a woman myself, these questions float in my consciousness and being EVERY SECOND EVERY DAY. Am I safe? Is my sister safe? What can I do so we can exist in peace? How can I protect more? How can I do more? It runs through my art, my speaking, my bare existence. “How can I make us feel more safe?” So imagine a world a little more feminine. Where the dick don’t control the wealth of the pus*y. In a new world, who will you be? This one inspired by an old tantric Hindu sculpture. A way to illuminate these questions of mine. Limited edition prints, only 50 pieces! Support your local baddie, link in bio

1,020 20

This one was a fun challenge!! Thank you @tribedelicfront for the courage and the trust. I hope this one reminds you to always speak your mind and communicate highhhher 💖

* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These Images are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.


5.70 %
1.45 %
Sweden Arts and Crafts, Home and Garden
9.31 %
Sweden Home and Garden
22.57 %
Sweden Sports, Outdoor Activity
2.25 %
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1.17 %
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0.60 %
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1.35 %
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10.30 %
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0.66 %
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76 / post
2.33 %
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0.87 %
Sweden Food, Food and Drink
9.76 %
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3.53 %
Sweden Entertainment and Music, Parenting, Design, Interior Design
12K / post
4.78 %
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