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〰️ My life & my work 〰️ Healing, embodiment & expansion 〰️ Much heart & much fire 〰️ 1:1 online sessions & courses

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Average engagement rate on the posts is around 1.30%. The average number of likes per post is 26 and the average number of comments is 6.

10.67% of the followers that engaged with stillwithyoucph regularly are from Germany, followed by United Kingdom at 9.33% and Norway at 9.33%. In summary, the top 5 countries of stillwithyoucph's posts engager are coming from Germany, United Kingdom, Norway, United States, France.

Stillwithyoucph loves posting about Family, Home and Garden, Parenting, Design.

Check stillwithyoucph's audience demography. This analytics report shows stillwithyoucph's audience demographic percentage for key statistic like number of followers, average engagement rate, topic of interests, top-5 countries, core gender and so forth.

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  • Germany 10.67 %
  • United Kingdom 9.33 %
  • Norway 9.33 %
  • United States 6.67 %
  • France 5.33 %


67 22

Little did I know how beautifully refreshing and right it would feel to me to not share my life or thoughts with the world. I guess it had become my default after ten years of ‘public living’. It turns out, it’s not for me anymore. This past month, I’ve been soaking up on family time, celebrated my son’s 5th trip around the sun, gardening, harvesting, making, eating, playing, resting, soaking up so much nature and enjoyed lived life. Currently, I’m now rounding up on 1:1 calls before vacation and training for the half marathon in Copenhagen in September. (How could I not with the running plan the kids helped me make 🥹) Soon this little family are off on a three week summer vacation. For now, I’ll leave it at this. I hope you are good and take such good care 🩵

44 0

Celebrating with a cappuccino at 8 pm because I have updated the boundaries mini-course. You know you’re a crazy adult when you jeopardize your sleep but this is more important because I just completed the updates, it’s up on the website now and I think you’ll like it. The most notable changes? Better name and better price too. 💧Besides all the good stuff with boundaries, this course I’ve made for you if you’re someone who sometimes heal and feel mostly in your mind and find it challenging to be in the body being with feelings, this course could be a gentle but potent introduction into embodiment. 💧 Or, if you’re curious just to check the current state of your boundaries, I have a free Energy Map Workbook so you simply DM me a 💙and I’ll send you the workbook. Have a lovely weekend and take such good care 💙

11 2

Instead of saving self care IG posts, bookmark all the places inside that feels undeserving. Yesterday’s beach haul and my deep love for the depth of self care. 🌞

21 3

It’s been so lovely to work in and enjoy the garden again. Last night I made a nettle and herb hair tonic and rhubarb jam 🩷 The kitchen smelled and felt like magic with Venus and the apple tree in full bloom outside the kitchen window. Nothing more lush than this 💚

23 2

Take such good care 🩵

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18 0

If self care is honoring your needs and showing yourself that you matter. What are you showing yourself when you ignore your needs?! Needs can be primal, like food and sleep. But also what brings you joy. To me, I love beauty and I love to feel nourished. That is self care to me so I love eating my meals to feel a little lush. But when life gets busy, instead of suppressing my needs, can I meet them a little?!  Instead of an all or nothing mentality, what if we bridged our needs and our busy lives a little more gently? One can see this as extra. Because it is. It’s more than the minimum. And if someone is uncomfortable with your extra it’s because feeling extra is really hard for them and they have not identified, addressed and healed that within themselves yet. It has nothing to do with you. That’s just the projections and shadow parts we all have. Also, thank fucking god it is more than the minimum because really and deeply and honestly, don’t we feel worthy of more than the minimum?! I love my extra because it shows me that I matter to me. I know my needs, I listen intently and communicate with my body many times a day.  Four years ago I could not notice any feeling besides anger. When I started somatic experiencing with my therapist, I had not one sensation in the body. Nothing came up. It was silent as the grave. I had lived 33 years with a chronically dysregulated nervous system and I was completely emotionally illiterate. My connection to my body was crickets. This to say, if my numbed out, emotionally illiterate 🍑 can go from -that- tapped out to tapped in, anyone can 💕  First, we must increase our capability and capacity to take up space with yourselves. This is hard AND you can do it. Then, we are ready to flex what we now embody (it lives vividly integrated in our body) into our life and the world. Moving from that place, that just hit different. The group of women I will be taking on the deep and life changing journey into healing but most importantly embodying self care, starts in early September and I am already calling forth the women to get in touch. Take such good care 🪷

26 2

In case you wonder why self care and boundaries can feel so hard for some of us. Self care, boundaries, anything to do with authentic expression and taking up space can be immensely triggering to our nervous system. The fear and risk of loosing love and connection as children is huge and valid. So if silencing and suppressing your own needs was needed to feel safe then, exploring and expressing your needs now will feel so very unsafe because it trigger such a deep wound. As our internal and beautifully intelligent alarm system, it will go all bells and whistles when it sense we are unsafe. Our felt sense of safety is a relative and uniquely personal experience that lives in our nervous system. The blue print for our nervous system and it’s perceived sense of safety is formed when we are so young. Through the genes of the generations before us, in the womb, as babies and small children as sponges, witnessing the world and ourselves through the eyes and hands of our caregivers. A common wound from this, is the wound of expression that is very vivid for many, for many different reasons. Collectively, as women and within our own personal stories. In healing this, we have to consider what we have with us from way way back and begin to untangle the reigns it still has on us that are no longer keeping us safe. It has so beautifully served it’s purpose back then. But now? Now it’s keeping us feeling stuck and living smaller than we want. If you want to know what stands between you and your dreams? It’s this. We don’t have to re-live any experience but we must consider our origin when we begin to recalibrate your nervous system and it’s felt sense of safety to you now not then. Healing the nervous system is the most slow, intentional and personal experience. This is deep, deep healing work and life transforming. I want to leave you with this: Everything about you makes perfect sense. There are no errors, no flaws. You make perfect sense. Nothing is bad, broken, shameful. Nothing. I had planned a one sentence caption for this post but I have a million things to say on this topic because it is life changing. Go easy on yourself and take such good care 🧡

19 0

I know of a lot of us want better boundaries AND that boundaries feels super challenging. I’m here to tell you we got this. It’s not easy but we got this 💙 If you feel ready to explore and embody your boundaries (FYI: you absolutely never will feel ready for it🥰) I have made a self-paced, succinct and powerful self-study course to support you in exploring and embodying your boundaries. You know that nagging guilt you feel about setting boundaries or that low-key anger and anxiety from lack of boundaries?! Yeah, that. You are supported with three practices created to make your nervous system feel safer when those uncomfortable feelings arise. Yin yoga, breathwork and guided meditation are all simple but powerful tools for your nervous system ☁️ You get the course and the practices to keep forever to have tools on hand, now or in two years, and feel supported when your boundaries evolve as you evolve. For the investment of two lattes to go (which I fully support you getting!) you are investing in your own well-being. This mini-course won’t make a big splash on the outside, not at first at least, but it will set things in motion in your internal landscape for sure and I’m right there with tools & practices to support you in that. If you want a toe-dip before fully jumping in, grab the free Energy Map workbook where links are found on here. Or, if you feel ready and not ready all at the same time, you can go purchase the course on my website, have it delivered in your inbox immediately and sit with a cup of tea, wearing the most comfortable clothes you got, and begin to explore embodied boundaries for yourself this evening 🧡 Here are some of the ways this course has landed for other women 💕 Here for your self care, boundaries and self love, always - Renathe

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Feelings are the map to our healing. Here is my invitation, if you resonate, as you meet your sadness with curiosity and compassion and begin to inquire what sadness is here to teach you and what it needs from you.

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Sharing a moment of healing and expansion in my life. How it is and feels as a lived experience. See it all the way through to the last bit. A love letter to Renathe 8 years old flaking out of her first and last dance competition because she was scared. There is a young part of me that has not felt supported or cared for in pursuing dreams or goals. Today, and leading up to today, of taking that first big step towards where I want to go, to have conversations with women, brought me way past my comfort zone. I felt like I would just skip it and cancel everything a few days ago after getting caught up in an old shame spiral that always comes up for me when worthiness is triggered. I knew my biggest hurdle now would be to lovingly support myself pursuing my dreams while giving my younger self what she missed in order to heal that wound. Because a wound is there until it’s healed. That it was ripe for healing for me on my journey now. So I have made my morning and space so self honoring and beautiful as a way of support myself through it. Showing myself that I, my dreams and goals, really matter and that I am worthy of going after it. Personal growth, as in not an IG post, podcast or book, but in actual lived life embodied experience, is ridiculously hard in the moment. The uncomfortableness of that is so painful that most people opt out. No shame or shade here. It just is that hard. You are the person here to give you what you did not get then. You are -it-.This is how we heal. We meet and show up for ourselves, tend to all versions of us that needs it because wounds transcends time but luckily healing transcends time too. And the healer is, and always will be, you.

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That 5k face 🏃‍♀️ Oh how I’ve loved this journey that started a couple of months ago when I never would have thought this was possible and today I did it. I -get- to run. Imagine that ♥️

* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These Images are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.


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