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2,441 11

Relational Astroherbalism 🌿🪐 Planets as teachers of the depths & varied experience of being incarnate, speaking to us in plants through the language of astrology – astroherbalism as a doorway into embodied relationship, a bridge between earth & sky.⁠ ⁠ Relational astroherbalism, as I define it, is a practice of engaging with the inherent connections that exist between the earthly and the celestial, specifically through a relationship-focused study of plants and planets. The basic premise is that planets have a unidirectional relationship with plants – plants are expressions of the nature and virtues of the planets. They help us access the planets in a direct way, as we can see them, touch them, grow them, & imbibe them in the here & now.⁠ ⁠ Relational astroherbalism facilitates an embodied approach to plants and planets while helping us to form relationships with both.⁠ ⁠ How can a drop of rose elixir open us up to the sweetness of Venus? What can nutritive oats teach us about the Lunar work of tending to our vessel? Instead of being limited to an intellectual understanding of the cosmos derived from ancient texts, relating to planets through accessible-to us-plants helps us cultivate embodied knowing.⁠ ⁠ Exploring the relationship between our celestial & terrestrial kinfolk, and our role in their ecosystems, is the core purpose of our program Seasonal Herbcraft 🪐 a year-long immersion into relational astroherbalism through the seasons of the year.⁠ ⁠ This program shares the roots of traditional astrology as a land-based calendrical system emerging from the SWANA region while helping you to understand how this language describes the seasonal experience wherever you are. Astrology is not blank – it has a cultural context. As someone from the lands where this system was born, I feel strongly about sharing that context through historical teachings, myths that informed our understanding of the cosmos, and cultural wisdom passed on through the ages.⁠ ⁠ Explore seasonal cycles of earth and sky and cultivate relationships with our earthly and celestial kinfolk inside of Seasonal Herbcraft 🌿 learn more at the lynx in my bi0me 🪐⁠ ⁠ Art by Hans Steiner ☀️

834 17

Hey y'all 👋 I thought I'd reintroduce myself to folks new here. I’m Sarah – a mixed Central/West Asian clinical herbalist, non-diet nutritionist, traditional astrologer, & founder + lead herbalist here at Rowan + Sage. Through R+S I offer handcrafted astrologically-aligned herbal products, work with clients in my clinical practice (books currently closed for new clients), & guide others on their plant path through accessible educational programs and mentorship – all with the goal of helping plant people, stargazers, & wise witches like you cultivate nourishing + healing relationships with yourself, your community, & the more-than-human world.⁠ I decided to shift more towards education over the last few years because I wanted to create what I wish I had when I started out: accessible herbal teachings that would bring more joy, beauty, & connection into my community's lives. A place where disabled folks like me were not just accommodated but celebrated. A school that honored our global herbal heritage & worked to dismantle oppressive systems while encouraging people to deepen their connection with our celestial + terrestrial kinfolk.⁠ To weave layers of accessibility into our programs, we aim to price reasonably, offer payment plans (even custom ones, just reach out), & offer 50% reduced tuition for Black, Indigenous, Trans*, & Disabled folks in our communities. ⁠ We also offer a mix of written content, captioned videos, & audio files with suggestions for embodied practices via non-mandatory homework to honor various learning styles. ⁠ All of our programs are self-paced and online + include access to our community forums where you can receive support from me & other students via discussion and live events. If you’re ready to take the next step on your journey & gain resources and support that will help you not only learn plant medicine but also put it into action through a liberatory-oriented lens, our programs/community may be a supportive environment for you.⁠ Check out our offerings via the lynk in that usual spot 😉 & let me know if you have any questions about our programs what I do here at R+S in the comments 🌿 📸: @aliyailsa

2,926 23

Herbalism 101 🌿 What is it, where does it come from, who can practice it, and where to start!⁠ ⠀⁠ WHAT IS HERBALISM?⁠ ⠀⁠ Herbalism is the study and practice of the medicinal and therapeutic use of plants. ⁠ ⠀⁠ WHERE DOES IT COME FROM?⁠ ⠀⁠ The first written records of herbal medicine appear on Sumerian clay tablets dated over 5,000 years old with archaeological evidence suggesting that medicinal plants have been used as far back as 60,000 years ago.⁠ ⠀⁠ Humans co-evolved with plants. Wherever there were humans, there was a practice of plant medicine. Every culture around the world has its own herbal traditions that are reflective of their unique beliefs, spiritual practices, bioregions, and healing philosophies. Herbalism is vast! It is also still the primary method of healing for many people around the world (though it has become stigmatized in many parts of the West b/c of the yt soopremacist medical-industrial complex). ⁠ ⠀⁠ WHO CAN BE AN HERBALIST?⁠ ⠀⁠ Anyone (with time, study, & practice)!⁠ ⠀⁠ In the US specifically, herbalism is unregulated. Anyone can learn & practice this healing art. We need herbalists of all levels in our communities! Different countries have different regulations around who gets to practice herbalism professionally. Look into your regional laws if you want to make this your career!⁠ ⠀⁠ But anyone can learn about the weeds in their backyard. Herbalism is for everyone – it is an ancestral wisdom anyone can learn & reclaim.⁠ ⠀⁠ If you’re feeling called by the plants and wish to begin your herbal studies, I invite you to join us here at Rowan + Sage for accessible & ancestrally rooted herbal teachings. We've created a variety of online, self-paced programs for budding herbalists like you! Learn the language of plants & reclaim this healing wisdom by joining us here in our online, accessible, community-focused herb school – details at the lynk in my bye-oh! And share this with the herb curious folks in your life 💜

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Heavenly saffron! Earthen fragrant gold! 💛 Saffron is one of my most prized ancestral spices–and for good reason. It is one of the most luxurious and expensive plant products in the world.  If you want to harvest its precious threads in your garden this fall, now is the last time to plant the corms. I have 150 saffron plants in my garden–I can't wait to see them bloom in October. Saffron has been studied for its healing potential for over 90 ailments, but today I want to talk about its use as an exhilarant–an herb that strongly uplifts the spirit. Throughout the SWANA region, saffron has long been regarded as an herb to support depression and anxiety, as it has an effect on neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, & serotonin. Imbibing the plant brings us closer to joy & warms the body, counteracting some of the physical effects of grief. Long ago in Iran, it was customary to aromatize funerals with rosewater and welcome guests with saffron sweets to support them through their mourning. “It is said that three mithqāl (10.5 g) of saffron makes a man so overjoyed that, as a result, he dies (of shock).” – Ibn Sina What a way to go! It's also common throughout the SWANA region to serve saffron spiced dishes to mothers just after childbirth. Its warmth supports the healing process and its antidepressant effects are a potent aid for postpartum depression/anxiety. Many studies* have found that saffron has a significant impact on the treatment of anxiety and depression, with few side effects, and is nearly as effective as common antidepressant medications. Studies* have explored its traditional use in mild to moderate postpartum depression too. In one trial, researchers found that 96% of the participants receiving saffron were in remission compared to 43% of the placebo group. There is so much more to say about this plant. Last year I wrote a veritable treatise on its folklore, traditional use, and clinical applications for Herbaria – our online membership program for community herbalism ✨ join to read the full profile & receive my fav saffron recipes via the link in my bio! *Citations for these studies can be found inside of Herbaria.

107 3

Beat the heat of the dog days of summer with our Stay Cool Herbal Tea 🌺🌹 This blend of cooling and soothing herbs is perfect for summertime! Crafted with vibrant botanicals like bright red hibiscus calyx (in the first picture), pink & white rose petals, hawthorn leaf & flower, nutrient-rich oatstraw, demulcent mallow, and fragrant pink bee balm, this tea supports hydration from the inside out while also relaxing the nervous system, and fortifying the heart. Enjoy a cup iced with a generous spoonful of honey and stay cool on these hot summer days. BENEFITS: 💧Supports hydration and electrolyte balance with mineral-rich & demulcent herbs 💧Offers cooling support in the heat of summer 💧Supports relaxation and promotes healthy digestion I drink variations of this tea all season long–there's nothing better than hibiscus iced tea when you're out working in the garden under the hot summer sun. We only have a few bags left in the apothecary for the season 🌺 purchase yours via the link in my bio! P.S. – I'll be restocking a few items in the next week. As I type this, our fresh St. John's Wort is straining so you can definitely expect a restock on The Sun herbal oil soon!

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🌹 Whipped Wildflower Body Balm 🌹 I honestly am surprised y'all haven't sold me out of this yet! Every time I list this one it flies off the shelves. It has nothing but 5⭐ reviews! This is truly the creamiest and dreamiest whipped body balm, made with wildcrafted lymphatic supporting red clover blossoms, the most luscious pink roses, organic unrefined shea butter, organic mango butter, organic extra virgin olive oil, and jojoba oil. We've also added a touch of rose floral wax to impart the juicy scent of fresh pink roses. Use this Whipped Wildflower Body Butter to moisturize after bathing, as a soothing hand or body cream, and for deep skin nourishment. I initially formulated this blend for lymphatic breast/chest massage but it can be used all over! I'd just avoid using it on your face as it can be a little bit heavy, but you know your skin best. BENEFITS: 🩷 Moisturizes the skin to make it feel soft and supple 🩷 Promotes healthy lymphatic flow 🩷 Soothes mild skin irritation 🩷 Perfumes the skin with the scent of juicy pink roses "This balm genuinely is exceeding my expectations, which were pretty high. The texture is perfect. Thick enough for dry skin, but absorbs well. It has a light, natural fragrance that is delicious and pretty. It does smell rosy but also has an almost honey note to it? I will definitely be purchasing this balm again and I've recommended it to friends already." – Angelina I have just a few more of these in the apothecary – find them at the link in the you know where! I'm also thinking of upgrading these into glass jars at a larger size. Y'all let me know in the comments if you'd be into that 👀

352 9

Replay will be posted soon! Purchase it at the link in our bio 🌈 Transgender Folk Herbalism & Advocacy with @hamsalefae Gender diversity has historically been at the root of indigenous civilizations, seen specifically in the intersection of animism and identity. From the babaylans of the Philippines to the Māhū of Hawai'i, such storytelling offers a bridge for trancestral wisdom. In this workshop with transfemmme herbalist and ceremonialist, Hamsa Nguyen, we’ll explore plant allyship through the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing as a pathway for herbal transition and how gender inquiry is a practice for decolonization. Date: August 13, 2023 Time: 3:00PM – 4:30PM EST Cost: FREE for Herbaria Members* | $45 for Non-members *A reduced rate ($15/mo) for Herbaria is available for Black, Indigenous, Trans*, and Disabled people. Hamsa Nguyen (she/they) is a trans woman from a long lineage of mystics, healers, and farmers. She is the founder of the Elderflower Mystery School, a QT+POC celebrated collective and apprenticeship for reviving the ecological mind through trauma-informed healing arts and decolonization work. Her work roots in San Diego, California where she also offers plant spirit ceremonies and Yoga is a Butterfly, a karma yoga community garden for queer and trans* individuals. We're so excited to host Hamsa for this live class! If you're unable to make it on Sunday, no worries – a captioned replay will be provided to all registrants and added to our Herbaria library within a few days. That said, if you can attend live, we really encourage you to. This will be an immersive class with lots of space for discussion. Brew yourself a pot of tea, find a cozy spot, and join us live on Sunday! Register at the link in our profile 🏳️‍⚧️🌿

726 8

🌀 Distill chamomile with me! 🌀 Chamomile is one of the most beloved hydrosols among distillers, skincare enthusiasts, and the green beauty obsessed. This vibrant aromatic water smells much more medicinal than the flowers on their own, with green, herbal notes. BENEFITS: 💛 Balancing toner for all skin types, especially dry, irritated, or acne-prone skin 💛 Promotes a balanced, glowing complexion 💛 Soothes burns and wounds with its anti-inflammatory & vulnerary actions Chamomile hydrosol is a potent anti-inflammatory for the skin and can be used for all sorts of irritations, eye strain, promote wound healing, and more. When chamomile is distilled, the liquid turns a beautiful bright blue color due to its chamazulene content. This blue slowly fades to a pale yellow over time – this is totally normal! Find the chamomile hydrosol I made in this video in our shop as a single note mist or in our Summer Harvest Hydrosol Blend ~ a blend of chamomile, lavender, and true witch hazel hydrosol 💛 the perfect mist for sun-kissed skin! Layer either with our Skin Repair Salve for even more healing magic 🌿 Order online at the link in my bio 🌀

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🌈 From our garden to your doorstep with love 🌈 Our shop is open! Summer has been a whirlwind of activity. I've been out in our gardens day and night, filling my harvest baskets with vibrant medicinal herbs. Our copper still has been working its magic a few times a week, transforming these precious botanicals into potent hydrosols. Bundles of herbs hang around my office, waiting to be turned into teas and tinctures, while extracts macerate in the cupboard in anticipation of the season to come. After dedicating half a year to growing, tending, and now crafting these herbs into medicines, I am thrilled to announce that our online shop is now open! We have an exciting array of new items waiting for you. And, by popular demand, we've restocked some of your past favorites too. I'm most excited about this new Wild Bee Balm Hydrosol Blend 🐝 it's made with four different types of monarda that I have been tending to for years: Monarda didyma, Monarda fistulosa, Monarda citriodora, and Monarda media.  There is no other hydrosol like this available on the market as the bulk of it is made up of a hybrid species created by the bees in a local field near me. It smells spicy + sweet, and promotes a relaxed mind, soothes the nervous system, and diffuses anger. You can also find bee balm in our Lung Love Oxymel, Mountain Meadows Hydrosol, Stay Cool Herbal Tea, Uplift Glycerite, and Breathe Easy Tincture 💜 shop new products and beloved favorites via the link in my bio!

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This is a photo from Lúnasa three years ago but it could be from most years of my life...except for this one. There are no late blueberries. The bushes ran out a month ago after producing less because of a warm spring that brought early flowers & then a late frost that killed them. The chanterelles are sparse too–it hasn't properly rained in weeks & when it does we get is a swift downpour that comes down so hard & so fast that it mostly floods streets, erodes soil, & takes down trees rather than replenishing the earth. I haven't seen it this dry since the drought when I was a kid. I've lived here my whole life...we usually have summer rains every 2-3 days. Even with irrigation, the calendula is scorched in the field. The tomatoes are nearly done–I usually harvest until the frost. As the light changes, it feels like fall is coming but it's still in the high 90s outside. The goldenrod is about to bloom? The elderberries are ripening three weeks ahead of previous years? Local beekeepers don't have honey to share? And yet my neighbors keep mowing their lawns into dust. The city cut down a few hundred trees up the street from me and scraped the earth around their construction completely bare. Where will the water flow when a week of storms comes? Down into the creek that flows to the nature preserve. Will the beaver's dam hold or will it be washed away as it was a few years ago leaving the landscape barren and allowing invasive grass to take root where it didn't belong? I'm seeing news about the ocean currents and microplastics and heat domes and other horrors this body was not meant to comprehend much less deal with. I am so ridden with grief. The climate has changed. And we as individuals are largely powerless–it's the corporations and MIC that need to be held accountable. Anyone who is living with the land knows stuff ain't right these days. But I don't see nearly enough people paying attention, though I think everyone knows. We have to expand our capacity for moving through despair. I think naming the grief helps. So do plants. I'm headed out to the field to harvest a different looking Lúnasa basket this year. May it soothe my aching heart.

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Motherwort ♌️ an herb for Leo Season Motherwort is one of the plants that, I can say with full confidence, helped me become an herbalist. Motherwort grows tall in the sunniest parts of the garden, coming back year after year as a perennial in temperate climates. Its leaves grow in a rhythmic pattern along a tall, square stem and each leaf is similar to the shape of a heart, with lobes that remind you of lion’s tail. Through the doctrine of signatures, motherwort shows us that they have a particular affinity for the energetic and physical heart (which corresponds to Leo in medical astrology). Its rhythmic quality brings about balance in the body. Motherwort assists in grounding our vital force, helps us cultivate a sense of compassionate self-sovereignty, and allows our inner light to radiate from our heart as if the center of our chest is the Sun itself. Such powerful medicine! Though ruled by Venus, this lion-hearted herb is one of the primary plants we're studying for Leo (governed by the Sun) Season in Seasonal Herbcraft ☀️ a year-long self-paced online program all about astroherbalism, connecting to the seasons, and caring for yourself & your loved ones with holistic plant medicines. In our summer lessons of Seasonal Herbcraft, you'll learn all about care strategies to balance the energetics of this time, how to keep cool and prevent nervous system burnout, myth and star-lore for the season, connect to plants like Saffron, Motherwort, Calendula, St. John's Wort, and so many more. Learn more about Seasonal Herbcraft at the link in my profile 🌻 sliding scale rates & payment plans are available!

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There are so many ways to be an herbalist 🌿 I was catching up with a friend of 22 years the other night. We talked for hours and hours in the kind of way only old friends can do. The only person in the world that knows me better than this friend is my spouse. But at a certain point in our conversation, my friend asked me for clarity on what it is I do exactly. I thought, well damn if this person who knows me at my core doesn't know what herbalists do maybe other people don't either 😅 There are many ideas of who herbalists are and how we operate, but I love words so let's get to this one's etymological roots. The word herbalist means student of, or dealer, in herbs. By definition, we are students of plants. Simple! What is it that we do? Herbalists are many things... Researchers Historians Apothecarists Teachers Practitioners Activists Folklorists Consultants Writers Scientists Foragers Caretakers Gardeners Farmers Lineage Keepers + so much more I describe myself as an herbalist who works to bring plants and people together for healing, connection, and community care. I do this through education, first and foremost, but also by working with people in my practice, sharing handcrafted products, and inviting folks into my medicine gardens. Most importantly, I describe myself as a forever student of the plants. The path of an herbalist never ends. There is always more to learn, more plants to become friends with, and somehow more love from nature to be poured into our hearts and souls. We get to be devoted students of the plants for our entire lives – and there are so many ways to do/experience this. If you're searching for guidance and support as you navigate your own herbal path, I'd love to welcome you into our online programs 🌿 we've created beautiful, immersive, rigorous yet fun educational resources that will help you connect with the plants where you are, bring them into your every day life, and get to know them as trusted life-long friends. Learn more about what I teach in the 🔗 in my profile 🌼 but also let me know in the comments how YOU describe your herbal path. I'd love to get to know you too!

* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These Images are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.


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