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-% of @gmagazine.hk's followers are female and -% are male. Average engagement rate on the posts is around 2.1%. The average number of likes per post is 1,206 and the average number of comments is 11.
@gmagazine.hk loves posting aboutFashion and Accessories, News.
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. GMAG NOV Feature - @hui_alfred 《拼》 「沒有靠山,沒有後台,對於我來說,現在最大的後台就是自己。」 《拼》有好多組合,可以係拼貼、拼圖、拼命,而ALFRED 許廷鏗嘅演藝生涯正正係唔同嘅拼圖組成,最近出嘅新歌《亻言》亦係由「信」字拆解再拼湊而成,同 GMAG 11月嘅封面主題《拼》相當吻合。 訪問中 ALFRED 更加透露自己原來鍾意被調教?12月嘅音樂會竟然有意想不到嘅嘉賓?新歌靈感嚟自網民?想知多啲? 快啲去 GMAG 官網 睇高清相集同完整訪問啦! https://www.gmag.hk/ 🎁🎁🎁 今次 GMAG 將會送出 10 組 ALFRED 許廷鏗親筆簽名海報比 10 位觀眾收藏!!! 步驟1) 🔥回答以下問題就有機會得到🔥 第一題:許廷鏗12月跨年倒數音樂會主題? 第二題:你最拼命做嘅一件事係? 步驟2) 分享、讚好、FOLLOW🔥 *** 得獎者將收到 DM 通知 *** - GMAGAZINE - 2022 / 11 《拼》@hui_alfred Director : @galaxyman Photographer : @c.tszon @kizerot Video : @hermanhim @00.fuchai Sound : @fungmadeit Interview : @keung.jai Stylist:@iimmhn Make up:@khaki_yan Hair Stylist:@dereklihair Assistant : @kwt810 @dameno_c_ Design : @romance.isover Wardrobe : @rajwoo.official @iimmhn #GMAG封面人物 #許廷鏗 #拼 ——————————— ⚠️ GMAG HK ⚠️ 《呢度賣廣告,你睇到其他人都會睇到 》 廣告或宣傳合作詳情 請聯絡:[email protected]
. GMAG OCT Feature - 禁藥王 & 栗子《正港》 由於今次封面人物係嚟自台灣嘅饒舌團隊ASIABOY & LIZI,編輯 GM 就決定採用香港同台灣關連性較為有趣嘅詞語 "正港" 為題,"正港" 台語解釋為絕對真品如假包換,而香港人就鍾意照字直解,"正港" 可以係「正宗香港」「正啊,香港」「正在香港」,所以今輯相 GMAG 團隊簡單粗暴地注入香港代表性元素,例如:工廈、公屋、廣東牌麻雀、獅子山、茶餐廳飲品杯及香港設計師品牌 Kowloon City Boy 等。 香港嘅觀眾可能有聽過 ASIABOY & LIZI 嘅歌,但對佢地未必有深入認識,今次就等 GMAG 同大家一齊深入研究!! 想知多啲???? 快啲去 GMAG 官網睇高清相集同完整訪問啦! https://www.gmag.hk/ @asiaboy_lizi_official @asiaboybitch @lizii_wu 🎁🎁🎁 今次 GMAG 將會送出 5 組ASIABOY & LIZI 親筆簽名即影即有及海報比 5 位觀眾收藏!!! 步驟1) 🔥回答以下問題就有機會得到🔥 第一題:ASIABOY & LIZI 嚟自邊度? 第二題:你覺得香港最 "正港" 係咩? 步驟2) 分享、讚好、FOLLOW🔥 *** 得獎者將收到 DM 通知 *** - GMAGAZINE - 2022 / 10 《正港》@asiaboy_lizi_official Director : @galaxyman Photographer : @c.tszon @kizerot Video : @hermanhim @00.fuchai Interview : @keung.jai Stylist & Make up : @iimmhn Assistant : Stephanie & Mathild & 彤哥 & Tinnie & Wingyi Design : @romance.isover Wardrobe : @kowlooncityboy Sneakers: @off____white @nike Hat : @kowlooncityboy @growthringsupply Special Thanks @whyymusxxhk #GMAG封面人物 #asiaboyandlizi #asiaboy #lizi ——————————— ⚠️ GMAG HK ⚠️ 《呢度賣廣告,你睇到其他人都會睇到 》 廣告或宣傳合作詳情 請聯絡:[email protected]
* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These information including images, texts, videos, posts and profiles are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.
FAQ: Instagram Statistics and Insights for @gmagazine.hk
How can I access Instagram statistics and analytics for @gmagazine.hk?
StarNgage offers comprehensive analytical reports that provide key metrics and insights to give you a complete understanding of @gmagazine.hk. You can explore various aspects, including Instagram follower statistics, such as follower and post growth trends, Engagement Rate, and its growth trends. Additionally, you can access information on the average number of likes and comments per post, insights into your followers or audience demographics, brand affinity data, mentions of relevant hashtags, similar accounts, and the most recent posts.
What is the current follower count for @gmagazine.hk on Instagram?
As of the latest update, @gmagazine.hk has accumulated a dedicated following of 53,732 followers on Instagram.
What insights and analytics are included in the full report for @gmagazine.hk on Instagram?
Our full Instagram analytical report provides a comprehensive overview of @gmagazine.hk on Instagram. This report includes detailed information on follower growth over time, engagement metrics, and post frequency, both on a weekly and monthly basis. To access this in-depth report, kindly register and create a new StarNgage account or log in to your existing account.
Can I track how @gmagazine.hk Engagement Rate has evolved on Instagram?
Yes, StarNgage's analytics tools allow you to monitor the evolution of @gmagazine.hk Engagement Rate over time on Instagram. This data helps you assess the effectiveness of @gmagazine.hk engagement strategies.
How can understanding @gmagazine.hk audience's demographics on Instagram?
Gaining insights into @gmagazine.hk audience's demographics on Instagram can be immensely valuable. It enables you to tailor your influencer content and marketing strategies to better resonate with @gmagazine.hk followers, as you'll have information about their age, gender, location, and interests.
How can I leverage brand affinity data to improve my marketing strategy on Instagram with @gmagazine.hk?
Brand affinity data is a powerful tool to understand which brands or products your audience is most interested in. This information can guide your content collaborations and partnerships on Instagram, enhancing your engagement with your target audience.