The Danish Way™️
Iben Sandahl Empowering families with Danish parenting principles to cultivate a healthy and fulfilling life for their children. Bestselling author.
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The most important thing to take away from this post is activating the vestibular system through balance activities leads to stability, stability leads to safety, and a felt sense of safety leads to emotional regulation. This is why so much trauma-informed care focuses on movement & vestibular activation. Vestibular input is incredibly grounding and regulating! Think about it, if you do not feel in control of your body, how will you be in control of your mind? That’s why it’s so essential to start with body based and sensory based strategies when addressing dysregulation. Vestibular input requires you to focus on your body while clearing your mind at the same time. Imagine you are balancing on a high balance beam, hiking on a steep cliff, walking along a diving board, or doing a more challenging yoga pose, does your mind begin to wonder? No, your mind is focused solely on your body! If you have a child who is frequently overstimulated, dysregulated, overwhelmed, anxious or just seems stuck, try implementing some balance activities throughout their day when they are regulated. That is key!! You do not want to try this when they are mid-meltdown. By providing them with balance activities when they are regulated they are getting that feeling of stability & control so over time when they are dysregulated they are more likely to be able to accept co-regulation strategies from you and eventually develop the awareness to implement themselves. If your child is cautious or challenged with balance activities begin where they are most comfortable! This is powerful knowledge to have, share this with others to help someone out! Photo and text above credit @coastalconnectionsot #childrenslife #selfregulation #balancing #fun #freeplay #happiness #thedanishway #thedanishwayofparenting #writer #mom
#4 conversation with @juliesandahl 💞 Today, Julie will share her perspective on chores at home, body image and weight. ↓ I am incredibly proud and honored that Julie has agreed to join me on camera to answer the multitude of questions you’ve sent in. We received nearly 200 questions and thoughtfully categorized them, selecting one question per category that captures the essence of your inquiries. You will have the opportunity to get a glimpse into Julie’s world. English is not our native language, and at just 20 years old, Julie is still quite young. I kindly ask you to be gentle and understanding as she opens up about her life. I believe she possesses incredible bravery and a zest for life, qualities that should be embraced and cherished. So, let’s surround her with positive energy and kindness. Throughout our unscripted conversations, I have personally learned so much from her. Every word she spoke was genuine and spontaneous, with no scripted or pre-recorded tests. Nothing in our conversation should be perceived as disrespectful or with the intention to offend or advise. In the coming weeks, I will continue sharing more of our conversations with you, exploring new and exciting topics. Through Julie, you will gain insight into how the Danish parenting principles have been adopted into the life of my one child. Thank you for your time and interest in my life, Julie’s life, and the Danish way of parenting. With warm wishes, Iben #authenticity #unscriptedtalks #familsstories #youthfulwisdom #danishculture #sharinglife #thedanishway #thedanishwayofparenting #ibensandahl #writer #mom
* Direitos Autorais: Criadores de conteúdo são proprietários padrão dos direitos autorais. Essas informações, incluindo imagens, textos, vídeos, postagens e perfis, são publicadas em domínios públicos e respectivas redes sociais para visualização pública.
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Dados de afinidade de marca são uma ferramenta poderosa para entender quais marcas ou produtos seu público tem mais interesse. Essas informações podem orientar suas colaborações de conteúdo e parcerias no Instagram, melhorando seu engajamento com seu público-alvo.