Graphic designer for film. Born in Wales, living in Dublin, spent a little time in Zubrowka along the way.
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On one of my first film jobs the departing graphic designer explained that she was leaving to work in a design agency because she wanted to do something more creative for a while. I was a bit confused by this: surely making props—gluing and sticking and stitching things together—was the most creative job in the world?! But over the years I began to realise what she had meant. Film graphic design is definitely crafty, but it’s also mostly just forgery: the knack is in studying real artifacts and copying them convincingly, rather than using our imaginations. Still, counterfeiting official US documentation can call for a degree of creativity too. The delightfully criminal-looking woman in the CIA mugshot here is my mother: her old passport pic from the 70s with an ID board superimposed in Photoshop. It can be difficult to get legal clearance to show images of people in a film, especially if they’re seen in compromising situations (last year a judge in Spain ordered Warner Bros to pay €25,000 in damages to a Moroccan businessman after his photo was used as a Mafia mugshot in the background of a Ben Affleck movie). To get around this, when arranging a shoot with models isn’t possible, we usually put a call out to the film crew for family photos: crime thrillers are often littered with pics in the background of the art department’s mums and dads and aunts and uncles. How do we get pieces like US passports past the clearance officer? It can be tricky. On a Tom Hanks film that I worked on, the legal team asked us to stamp “MOVIE PROP” on each page of Hanks’ character’s forged passport in bright red ink. If I remember right, the propmaster’s exact words were: “over my dead body”. #fakeloveletters
@annieatkins (Annie Atkins) is a graphic designer for films. 🌀Wait. That’s a job!? “Every time you see an actor read a newspaper in a movie, somebody has to make that newspaper,” says Annie, who has designed countless pretend newspapers — and maps and signs and tickets – in a range of historical settings. She didn’t study history in school, but historical research is a key part of her job. “I know so much of the design of the 15th century," she says. But she’s more comfortable with Victorian London — “quite a forgiving period,” Annie says. “They had letterpress printers and loads of fonts — and it’s very heavily archived.” Her biggest challenge is depicting the future: “It hasn't happened yet, so what's your source material?” Annie grew up in a rural Welsh town and has spent the past 15 years in Dublin, where she also teaches workshops. She studied graphic design and worked in advertising before leaving to study filmmaking. Something clicked when she saw a pile of papers on a lawyer’s desk in a TV show: “OK I get it,” she recalls thinking. “All of this has to be made.” Most of her designs — for projects including “The Grand Budapest Hotel” and “The Tudors” — portray worlds that didn’t include graphic designers. So Annie believes it’s important to step away from screens to recreate pre-digital eras. Her other advice? “Don't wait for a job to start building a portfolio. Don't wait for somebody's permission.”
Booking is now open for my next film graphics workshop here in Dublin, but please note that my workshops have changed! What was a crash-course in graphic design for filmmaking is now a two-day film portfolio workshop. This means I can spend more time helping you to start thinking about your own graphic props and less time explaining the administrative side of the role. Why the change? I’m noticing that more and more people who come to my workshops are either from a film background already (contemporary film designers who want to make the move to period or fantasy filmmaking for example), or, people are coming from other areas of design (advertising or tech) but are already quite savvy about the film design process – i.e., they’ve listened to all the podcasts, they’ve read the book, they read all the articles about the process. So I feel it’s a better use of our two days together to jump straight into the actual design of things and get you thinking about translating your own existing skills to film, than it is talking about script breakdowns and continuity, etcetera. Don't worry if you feel clueless about that side of the role, though, I’m still going to share all that info, but it will be via a handout rather than a talk. If you have any questions at all over the course of the two days then I will answer whatever you want to know. There’ll be plenty of time to chat about the day-to-day part of the role while we practise our period handwriting! The next workshop is at the start of our festive season here in Dublin, at the end of November, so we're going to meet at the incredible Trinity Library and take a look at the Book of Kells (photographed here by my one-time workshopper @florafricker – I'm going to post a little interview with her on my stories soon as she’s gone on to do some really fun films and shows). Spaces are limited to 8 people from now on, to make room for plenty of interaction, so if you can't get a spot now then sign up for the mailing list on my website and I'll let you know when I add more dates. You can read all about the workshop and what we'll cover on my site. Link in bio 👍
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