IG Expert || Social Media Marketing
Helping female CEO’s make more money and scale their brands on Instagram💰💰 📧 👇🏽👇🏽
-% dari pengikut @hermoneybag adalah perempuan dan -% adalah laki-laki. Tingkat keterlibatan rata-rata pada postingannya adalah sekitar 0.18%. Rata-rata jumlah like per postingan adalah 56 dan rata-rata jumlah komentar adalah 5.
@hermoneybag suka memposting tentangKeuangan, Bisnis dan Keuangan, Pemasaran dan Periklanan.
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Is it algorithm or your content just dry AF 🥴 I get so many messages from business owners about low reach the first thing most of them assume is they’re being shadow banned or the algorithm is affecting them. Which could be true but there is no way to confirm if your page is being shadow banned unless you actually get a notification from Instagram. So let’s take a step back and look at what actually happens when you make a post….. When you post on Instagram, both the algorithm and the content of your post have an impact on your reach. The algorithm is responsible for determining how your post will be distributed to other users on the platform. It takes into account a variety of factors, such as your engagement history, the relevance of your content to the user, the timeliness of your post, and the likelihood that users will engage with it. The algorithm then uses this information to decide whether to show your post to a small or large percentage of your followers. However, the content posted is equally important too. STOP posting boring content‼️ Your post needs to be high quality, engaging, visually appealing, and relevant to your audience. If your content doesn’t resonate with your audience, they may not engage with it, which can negatively impact your reach. On the other hand, if your content is high-quality and resonates with your audience, it can increase your engagement and help your post get more visibility. It is important to pay attention to both the Instagram algorithm and your content. Is your business struggling with low reach? You have tried so many different approaches but nothing seems to work? Book your CONTENT STRATEGY today! Let me help you put together a content strategy that works for your audience. Additionally, you get a 60-Day Content Calendar strategically filled with content ideas that will lead your audience from discovering your brand to paying for your products. 🔗Link in bio #femalefounder #bossladiesmindset #girlpreneur #workfromanywhere #femaleentrepreneur #smallbusinessowner #branding #socialmediamarketing #contentmarketing #onlinemarketing
Is it algorithm or your content just dry AF 🥴 Who is actually responsible for reach ?. I get so many messages from business owners about low reach the first thing most of them assume is they’re being shadow banned or the algorithm is affecting them. Which could be true but there is no way to confirm if your page is being shadow banned unless you actually get a notification from Instagram. So let’s take a step back and look at what actually happens when you make a post….. When you post on Instagram, both the algorithm and the content of your post have an impact on your reach. The algorithm is responsible for determining how your post will be distributed to other users on the platform. It takes into account a variety of factors, such as your engagement history, the relevance of your content to the user, the timeliness of your post, and the likelihood that users will engage with it. The algorithm then uses this information to decide whether to show your post to a small or large percentage of your followers. However, the content posted is equally important too. Your post needs to be high quality, engaging, visually appealing, and relevant to your audience. If your content doesn’t resonate with your audience, they may not engage with it, which can negatively impact your reach. On the other hand, if your content is high-quality and resonates with your audience, it can increase your engagement and help your post get more visibility. It is important to pay attention to both the Instagram algorithm and your content. You should aim to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience and try to understand how the algorithm works to improve your chances of getting more visibility. Is your business struggling with low reach? You have tried so many different approaches but nothing seems to work? Book you Instagram Audit today! Let me evaluate you business, analysis your insights and see what’s really going on. Additional to that you will receive an updated plan on how you can improve and reach more people. 🔗Link in bio
* Hak Cipta: Pencipta konten secara default adalah pemilik hak cipta. Informasi termasuk gambar, teks, video, postingan, dan profil ini diterbitkan di domain publik dan media sosial yang terkait untuk ditampilkan secara publik.
FAQ: Statistik dan Wawasan tentang Instagram untuk @hermoneybag
Bagaimana cara mengakses statistik dan analisis Instagram untuk @hermoneybag?
StarNgage menawarkan laporan analisis komprehensif yang memberikan metrik dan wawasan kunci untuk memberi Anda pemahaman lengkap tentang @hermoneybag. Anda dapat menjelajahi berbagai aspek, termasuk statistik pengikut Instagram, seperti tren pertumbuhan pengikut dan postingan, Tingkat Keterlibatan, dan tren pertumbuhannya. Selain itu, Anda dapat mengakses informasi tentang rata-rata jumlah like dan komentar per postingan, wawasan tentang demografi pengikut atau audiens Anda, data afinitas merek, sebutan hashtag yang relevan, akun serupa, dan postingan terbaru.
Berapa jumlah pengikut saat ini untuk @hermoneybag di Instagram?
Per tanggal pembaruan terbaru, @hermoneybag telah mengumpulkan pengikut setia sebanyak 34,746 pengikut di Instagram.
Apa saja wawasan dan analisis yang termasuk dalam laporan lengkap untuk @hermoneybag di Instagram?
Laporan analisis lengkap kami tentang @hermoneybag di Instagram memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang @hermoneybag di Instagram. Laporan ini mencakup informasi terperinci tentang pertumbuhan pengikut dari waktu ke waktu, metrik keterlibatan, dan frekuensi posting, baik secara mingguan maupun bulanan. Untuk mengakses laporan mendalam ini, silakan mendaftar dan membuat akun StarNgage baru atau masuk ke akun yang sudah ada.
Dapatkah saya melacak bagaimana Tingkat Keterlibatan @hermoneybag telah berkembang di Instagram?
Ya, alat analisis StarNgage memungkinkan Anda untuk memonitor perkembangan Tingkat Keterlibatan @hermoneybag dari waktu ke waktu di Instagram. Data ini membantu Anda menilai efektivitas strategi keterlibatan @hermoneybag.
Bagaimana memahami demografi audiens @hermoneybag di Instagram?
Memahami demografi audiens @hermoneybag di Instagram dapat sangat berharga. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan konten influencer dan strategi pemasaran Anda agar lebih resonan dengan pengikut @hermoneybag, karena Anda akan memiliki informasi tentang usia, jenis kelamin, lokasi, dan minat mereka.
Bagaimana memanfaatkan data afinitas merek untuk meningkatkan strategi pemasaran saya di Instagram dengan @hermoneybag?
Data afinitas merek adalah alat yang kuat untuk memahami merek atau produk mana yang paling diminati oleh audiens Anda. Informasi ini dapat memandu kolaborasi konten dan kemitraan Anda di Instagram, meningkatkan keterlibatan Anda dengan audiens target.