📷 Ms. B 👩🏻🌏
🇭🇰🇧🇪 B小姐遊世界 🎧 B’s Music IG: @pilot.music ⭐️ DM me for job contact
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- The cold weather today reminded me the amazing night of watching northern light in Tromso! It has been three weeks that I haven't updated the sharing in this account because I was quite busy and lazy after the January trip😭 Sorry about that but from now on I will share more frequently, I promise haha🙇‍♀️ That night was around -2 degree celsius when we got on the tour bus to chase for the light at 630pm. At around 8:00pm we went to an area far from the city centre and we saw the northern light for the first time😍 It was just sooo amazing to watch the sky with growing green lights and the pattern kept changing from time to time.🌌 It was a bit out of my expectation that I left a part of my tripod at my studio in Belgium, so I could not take the photos of northern light steadily😭. Also, the weather dropped to -10 degree celsius and our foot were covered by the thick layers of snow. It felt like freezing with strong wind 💨 and we stayed for around 45 minutes in such a cold condition 😝! But it was worthwhile to stay there. A very funny thing was that during the stay in the first area, my fingers were frozen, and I lost my whole pair of gloves and also a cover for the camera lens. Since it was so dark there, we failed to find them back (we didn't even know where they were lost). So we felt that we would not be able to get back these stuff. Very surprisingly, without asking for any help, some people who also joined the tour picked up my gloves and asked us in the snowfield if they were ours. They were just so nice! 😭Also, during we got back to the tour bus, the tour guide announced in the bus that they found a cover for the camera lens, and after testing, it was mine😍😭! It was just so incredible that I could get back these stuff in such a dark and cold area. Magic did happened. It made me believe that that it is true that the ones who have watched northern light will be happy and lucky 🍀 -📸 Photo taken in Tromso, Norway 🇳🇴 #B_Tromso #B_Norway
- About Tromso Trip (3) Finally B got on the train at 5:30am and arrived the airport. At first B was quite worried about the safety of the airport because terrorist attacks happened there last year. But surprisingly, except for the additional airport charge, everything looked good in the airport😂👍🏻 It got very clean toilets and high-tech security check. At around 8am the first flight to Copenhagen departed (for the transmit). Then at around 10am B departed from Copenhagen to Oslo for the second transmit. I could still remember that I fell asleep at every single flight including the waiting time for boarding😂🤦🏻‍♀️ It was just too exhausting. And when I woke suddenly during the flight, my ears were soooo painful, probably because of the air pressure 😭😭 Also, during the transmit, I needed to take back our luggage in Oslo (very strange), and it turned out that it was so rush for me to check in again for the departure to Tromso. I just kept running in the airport and felt worried that we couldn't catch the flight😭🙈. Luckily I could arrive Tromso after the 3 exhausting flights within a single morning! All in all there were really a lot to talk about before our trip started 😂 - 關於Tromso之旅(三) 那次的經歷實在令我因此對Brussels Zuid留下一個很差的印象🤦🏻‍♀️真沒想過第一次到Brussels Airport搭飛機會有如此多波折。不過到達機場後,事情就比較順利,,話說我本對這機場也有幾分忌諱🙈,事關上年有大型恐襲發生過。 但到達那裡後,除了那個機場通通費,所有事都出乎意料地好,感覺很光鮮安全,廁所乾淨(對比其他機場好很多),checkin很高智能😂😂。 然後在三程機中B都很快就睡著了,以前搭飛機B從來睡不著,因為很嘈吵,但這次竟然連等待上機的時間也能昏睡,你就可想而知我有多疲累😂🤦🏻‍♀️不過呢,有程機我突然醒來了一下,然後耳朵就開始痛得像要爆炸一樣,降落後才還原。。。大概是因為在未起飛時就睡著,於是一時之間適應不到氣流吧。。。那時真的很痛苦😭😭。 還有在中轉至Oslo時,不知何解要在一小時的轉機時間內等待領取運輸帶的行李,再把它check in🤦🏻‍♀️那時有一件行李竟然沒有在帶上出現,害得我又要跑上counter問,擾攘了一大輪,總之就是膽顫心驚的不停在機場跑,有夠嚇人的。 總之呢,這趟旅程未開始就發生很多意外,真的是一種磨練😂 -📸 Photo taken during the flight to Tromso, Norway 🇩🇰 ✈️🌏 #B_Flights #B_Tromso #B_Norway
- About Tromso Trip (2) At the midnight, we took the last train to Brussel Airport. But at the time that the train was supposed to arrive the airport, I was told by the staff that the train WONT go to the airport. They just change the route without any notification 🤦🏻‍♀️. And then we had to go to the Brussel Zuid train station. I can still remember how strong the wind was at that station😫 And when we arrived the top floor of the station, it was quite hopeless. We had to wait the train at 5:15am but it was around 12:30am at that time. We tried to sit down. But soon two strangers that seemed to have mental disorders kept walking around to try to disturb the passengers on the seat😐 So we kept walking around with the tiring bodies. What made the things worse was that the train station was CLOSED at 2am. And then we had to go outside the station with our luggages in the cold weather 😐(I guess around 0 degree Celsius). The staff asked us to go to a bar to stay for few hours, wait, but who will go to the bar with two large luggages? 😂 Some taxi drivers also approached us. Well, but as the budget travellers, the taxi fee was just so expensive so we had to wait outside. That night was really so unforgettable😂🙈But luckily there were no safety issues during the waiting.😪 - 關於Tromso之旅(二) 踏上尾班車,怎料在快到站之時問職員,再被告知原來那班車突然改線,不會到機場🤦🏻‍♀️結果我們在十二時半在Brussel zuid下車,要等到五時十五分的頭班車才可到達機場😪就連機場也不能睡了。。。我還很記得下車的月台上,當時的風真的吹得很強😪 到達大堂以後,找了個位子坐,怎料有一男一女疑似精神失常的流浪者不停走到正坐著的途人面前,說著一大堆聽不懂的話,害得B也不敢坐著,只好帶著極疲倦的身軀在大堂徘徊。 更甚的是,等到兩點時,職員突然說車站要關閉,要四點才開,wtf?😿然後他們就無情地把我們趕到車站外。有職員叫我們找間酒吧坐坐,但重點是誰會拿著兩個大行李箱到酒吧😑?然後也有的士司機不停遊說我們乘的士到機場,但開價太貴了,加上怕不知又會不會當黑中伏,就呆坐在行李箱上,待在0度的brussel幾小時了🤦🏻‍♀️ 那一晚真的至今亦歷歷在目,幸好也沒有什麼危險🙈下回再講之後發生的事吧🤓🤓 -📸 Photo taken during the flight to Oslo, Norway for the transfer 🇳🇴 ✈️🌏 #B_Norway #B_Tromso #B_Flights
- About Tromso Trip (1) Heading to Tromso for watching Northern light was a very rush decision.😜 We just booked the air tickets and airbnb two to three days before our departure, mainly because we suddenly found out that the following week was a special school holiday that we didn't need to have most of the lessons.✨ Due to the late booking and the peak season of watching northern light, we had no choice but to take the early flight (which the earliest trains from Antwerp couldn't access to Brussel Airport within the departure time)🤦🏻‍♀️ As a result, we took the very last train at the night before the flight and attempted to have a short sleep at the airport. However, things were not on the track😫😫....... Stay tuned for the next post tomorrow for the things happening next😜(just because I dont want to make this post super long 😂) - 關於Tromso之旅(一) 到Tromso看北極光是一個倉卒的決定,記得那時三月份在前一個星期才發現接下來有學校假期,大部分課都不用上。😍 然後那時正是北極光旺盛的最後一個月。雖然之前也有籌備過四月去看,不過傳聞四月看到的機會較少又太多未知之數,那突如其來的假期就成就了我們即興到tromso的決定😂 當時是在出發的兩三天前才訂機票,然後還要在出發前的一天才去買糧食和還在準備那八天的北歐行程😂🙈 然後因為要乘早機,但從住所到機場的最早交通時間也比航班時間遲,所以在晚上十二點我們就出發到Brussel機場打算睡機場,結果卻事與願違🤦🏻‍♀️。。。感覺這次寫得很長所以下張相再作下回分解吧😂😜 -📸 Photo taken during the flight to Copenhagen, Denmark for the transfer 🇩🇰 ✈️🌏 #B_Flight #B_Tromso #B_Norway
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