a space where to feel, bond & heal through art | curated by @jovaferreyra | currently manifesting a mindful retreat into nature:
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I saw complete darkness for the first time in my life. I’m talking about a literal all-consuming darkness at the rock-bottom of a cave, 20 meters underground, deep in the jungles of Yucatan, Mexico. I lack the words to describe it other than: it was a spiritual experience. Spirituality, for me anyway, is something that brings you closer to the truth of who you are—“the spot where truth echoes,” as @saulwilliams once brilliantly put it. No, I wasn’t on psychedelics. If anything, I was on a sugar high from the gummy bears that were devoured before the descent 😂 pro tip: when out on a hike, simple carbs are your friends since your nutrient reserves deplete faster due to the exertion & you will require quick energy boosts; nuts, fruit, trail-mix, granola bars, m&ms and gummy bears are all great choices! (#notsponsored) What’s unfortunate is that I can tell you all about 🌀The millenia-year-old hall of quartz (a whole portion of the cave became a belly of ancient, crystallized minerals) 💧The waterfalls of minerals frozen in time, dripping like curtains on the walls. 👶🏻 The “birth canal,” a fissure in a rock, where the only way to continue is to crawl on your belly through it. A symbolic rebirth. 🦷 The human remains, both organic and cultural, from the ancient Mayans of the region and the experiential awareness that we’re a thread in the infinite tapestry of the Universe. ⚫️ The immense peace found in absolute darkness & silence where, even with eyes and ears wide open, there’s nothing to see nor hear—for once—only your beating heart. And yet I wouldn’t be able to fully express the experience. A “you had to be there” feeling. This adventure was healing, replenishing, empowering & inspiring - thanks to mother nature. I wonder if healing in nature is something that others love as much as I do. And if—here’s a wild idea—we can get together on a retreat to do so. I dream of bringing together a small group, anywhere in the world, to go on a mindful, transformative and regenerative retreat into nature together. I left a quick survey in my bio if this resonates with you 🫶🏽 May all of our dreams come true 🫂 Love, Jova 📸: @thatcurlybabe
have you ever channeled your inner elder—your future you? what are they like? do they still do that quirky thing you do? In 2007, psychologist Hal Hershfield & his team discovered that: when our brain thinks about the future version of ourselves, it cannot distinguish us from a complete stranger. in other words: in our brain, we perceive our future self as someone separate from who we are right now 🤯 and since your brain cannot distinguish future you from a stranger, it has no strong bonds with that person… which would explain why, for many of us, it becomes much more difficult to make the right health, financial or relationship decisions—why we know what to do, but we don’t do it. in short: much more difficult to be kind to our future selves. 🗣️because we’re basically detached from the person who will face tomorrow the consequences of our actions today—ourselves. but this is good news! because it means there’s very real benefits for developing an emotional connection with our future self: 🚀 Enhanced Decision-Making - as we align to long-term goals & values. 🚀 Increased motivation - as we invest in our future outcomes. 🚀 Improved Self-Discipline - as we let go of instant gratification in favor of actions that contribute to our long-term wellbeing. 🚀 Enhanced Long-Term Happiness - as we transcend immediate pleasure and invest in overall life satisfaction. 🚀 Cultivated Resilience - as we learn to see setbacks and challenges as temporary obstacles on the path to our desired future. You see, embracing this bond with our future self empowers us to bridge the gap between our present actions and our desired future outcomes, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Want to know more? Join us this weekend for “intuition unleashed,” my online workshop, where I’ll be guiding a us to connect with our inner elder. This workshop is designed to get us back in alignment with our true selves and make confident decisions from that empowered state. 🔗 Save your spot at the link in the bio or shoot me a DM for more details 🙌🏽 👴🏽✌🏽 @jovaferreyra Empowerment Coach Chief of @theartidote
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FAQ: Statistiky a náhledy na Instagram pro @theartidote
Jak mohu získat statistiky a analytické údaje o Instagram pro @theartidote?
StarNgage nabízí komplexní analytické zprávy, které poskytují klíčové metriky a náhledy, abyste plně pochopili @theartidote. Můžete prozkoumat různé aspekty, včetně statistiky sledujících na platformě Instagram, jako jsou trendy růstu sledujících a příspěvků, míra angažovanosti a trendy růstu. Kromě toho získáte informace o průměrném počtu liků a komentářů na příspěvek, uvědomění si demografických údajů o vašich sledujících nebo publiku, údaje o značkové příslušnosti, zmínky o relevantních hashtagech, podobných účtech a nejnovějších příspěvcích.
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K nejnovější aktualizaci @theartidote na Instagram nasledovalo 1,191,682 followerů.
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Naše plná analytická zpráva o Instagram poskytuje komplexní přehled o @theartidote na Instagram. Tato zpráva zahrnuje podrobné informace o růstu sledujících v průběhu času, metrikách zapojení a frekvenci příspěvků, jak týdenní tak měsíční. Pro přístup k této podrobné zprávě se prosím zaregistrujte a vytvořte nový účet StarNgage nebo se přihlaste do svého stávajícího účtu.
Mohu sledovat, jak se míra angažovanosti u @theartidote na Instagram vyvíjí?
Ano, nástroje pro analýzy StarNgage vám umožňují sledovat, jak se míra angažovanosti @theartidote vyvíjí v čase na Instagram. Tyto údaje vám pomáhají posoudit účinnost stratégií angažovanosti u @theartidote.
Jak může porozumění demografii sledujících u @theartidote na platformě Instagram pomoci?
Rozumění demografii sledujících @theartidote na platformě Instagram může být nesmírně cenné. Umožňuje vám přizpůsobit obsah influencerů a marketingové strategie, aby lépe rezonovaly s publikem u @theartidote, protože budete mít informace o jejich věku, pohlaví, umístění a zájmech.
Jak mohu využít data o značkové příslušnosti ke zlepšení své marketingové strategie na Instagram s @theartidote?
Data o značkové příslušnosti jsou silným nástrojem pro pochopení, které značky nebo produkty zajímají vaše publikum nejvíce. Tyto informace mohou vést vaše spolupráce na obsahu a partnerství na platformě Instagram, zlepšující angažovanost s cílovým publikem.