Jova • Empowerment
⁣🫀Empowerment Coach 🏗Founder of @theartidote⁣⁣ Guiding personal transformation through self love & acceptance 🐂🪶
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Grief is like a near-death experience. Your loss takes a part of yourself with it. A part of you dies as well.⁣ ⁣ I, along with a large chunk of the collective, am navigating through the loss and consequent grief from all that began unfolding in 2020. ⁣ ⁣ Loss of extended family members. Loss of a job. Loss of identity. Loss of stability in my life. Loss of parts of myself that, for better or worse, I had gotten used to. Parts of myself that, for better or worse, were MINE. ⁣ ⁣ Healing is grieving. And I’m still healing.⁣ ⁣ That’s the good news.⁣ ⁣ We grieve because we love. We love because it’s our natural state of being. ⁣ ⁣ So when we lose someone or something we love, it leaves us with SO MUCH more love still left to give. So much more left to express. To say. To feel. ⁣ ⁣ At the center of grief is the powerful desire to continue to love. ⁣ ⁣ Grief is love with nowhere else to go. So healing will require us to tend to that need & give our love a direction. A purpose. ⁣ ⁣ These days, as I heal, I’m more conscious and intentional about where I pour all of that love that is currently flowing within me. ⁣ ⁣ I know that loss is not the end of love. And I know I cannot try to be the person that I was before the loss; that there’s a new me being born from all of this. And, in this sacred state, I’m accountable for tending to that birth.⁣ ⁣ I’m actually so looking forward to meeting him. Daily. ⁣ Grief is like a near death experience. And a new birth too. ⁣ ⁣ ❤️‍🩹 I’m holding a workshop on October 2nd/3rd on how we can transmute pain into purpose and grief into healing. You can check out the details in the link in my bio to sign up. ⁣ ⁣ I’m fortunate to have a strong support system of friends and professionals that have been holding space for me through this transformation. But I know that there’s many out there who could use a little support. ⁣ ⁣ Keep going. We can honor our pain AND still move forward. ⁣ ⁣ Snuggles, ⁣ Jova
—Open letter No. 74 to my inner child— Sooner or later you will notice that, however much you try, you cannot bypass your authentic self; You cannot bypass your heart, the core of your emotional body. You’ll grow up seeing others try to think their way out of uncomfortable (painful) situations. And, not knowing any better, you will begin to model their behavior. You will tell yourself useless things like, “Fake it til you make it!"— thinking that you’ll speed up the process. 🌻 In fact, you actually delay the healing by trying to speed up the process. And worse, you’ll be subconsciously programming yourself to believe that your feelings, intuition & inner world are not important — to yourself 💔 Don’t bother, baby love. 🌻 You don’t think your way out — you feel your way out. I get it, sometimes you’ll want to do anything to just "move on" and be productive/useful OUT THERE in the world. But moving on will sometimes look like GOING IN and validating your authentic self. And being useful & productive will sometimes look like being accepting of WHO you are and WHERE you are at various moments in your life. 🌻 Don’t be in such a rush to bypass painful moments that you may keep miracles from happening. It's an act of self-compassion to allow yourself to be. Just as much as it is for me to write these words so that they may reach you across space and time. We’re in this together for the rest of our lives, baby love. Know that I'm here for whenever you need someone to hold the space for you to breathe. Forever yours, Jova P.S. That mesmerizing flower on the ground that you randomly saw at a wedding and made you run in awe just to get a closer look? Keep doing that.
So… I’ve given full creative direction of my Instagram account to my inner child 🤝 And this is what came out 🤣 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ El Chapo del Amor (The Chapo of Love) will be a mini-series of reels documenting the rise of the Self Love Cartel. SLC is an organization that smuggles kindness, compassion and acceptance (among other extremely valuable substances) between the borders of fear and love. Getting high on your own supply is the only way to expand this movement. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I grew up in Mexico inundated with Telenovelas (soap operas) every evening—their cheesy drama plots and cringey titles were too good for my parents to miss an episode 😂. So when someone recently mentioned on my story that I looked like a cartel lord that smuggled kindness and then another person commented “Chapo del Amor” on my most recent reel, something deeply clicked within me 😂 Let’s see where this goes. I’m genuinely letting my inner child have fun with this one. I call upon my inner child whenever I want to consciously practice self love: Sometimes we get caught up in outdated patterns and paradigms of who we think we are or who we “should” be—I’ve recently fallen into that trap. It’s a place where creativity wilts and our ego begins to experience anxiety in the little box we’ve inadvertently put ourselves in. Whenever this happens for me, I connect with my inner child - that part of myself that is a boundless force of love and creativity. That part that innately knows how to extract joy out of a moment. And let me tell you, it’s a force to reckon with. Connecting with our inner child is a powerful self-loving practice. It’s a way of healing too, especially if we’ve forgotten what if feels like to see the world through the pure eyes of childhood. ⭐️ I’ll be leading a Self Love Online Workshop later this month and you bet I’ll be talking about the inner child and how to connect with it. More details on that to follow. For now, stay tuned for the first episode of “El Chapo del Amor” (such a cheesy title and my inner child absolutely loves it!)
* Copyright: Koncovým vlastníkem autorských práv k obsahu jsou tvůrci. Tyto informace, včetně obrázků, textů, videí, příspěvků a profilů, jsou zveřejněny na veřejné doméně a příslušných sociálních médiích pro veřejné prohlížení.
FAQ: Statistiky a náhledy na Instagram pro @jovaferreyra
Jak mohu získat statistiky a analytické údaje o Instagram pro @jovaferreyra?
StarNgage nabízí komplexní analytické zprávy, které poskytují klíčové metriky a náhledy, abyste plně pochopili @jovaferreyra. Můžete prozkoumat různé aspekty, včetně statistiky sledujících na platformě Instagram, jako jsou trendy růstu sledujících a příspěvků, míra angažovanosti a trendy růstu. Kromě toho získáte informace o průměrném počtu liků a komentářů na příspěvek, uvědomění si demografických údajů o vašich sledujících nebo publiku, údaje o značkové příslušnosti, zmínky o relevantních hashtagech, podobných účtech a nejnovějších příspěvcích.
Kolik je právě následovníků u @jovaferreyra na Instagram?
K nejnovější aktualizaci @jovaferreyra na Instagram nasledovalo 22,139 followerů.
Jaké informace a analytické údaje jsou zahrnuty ve zprávě o plném rozsahu pro @jovaferreyra na Instagram?
Naše plná analytická zpráva o Instagram poskytuje komplexní přehled o @jovaferreyra na Instagram. Tato zpráva zahrnuje podrobné informace o růstu sledujících v průběhu času, metrikách zapojení a frekvenci příspěvků, jak týdenní tak měsíční. Pro přístup k této podrobné zprávě se prosím zaregistrujte a vytvořte nový účet StarNgage nebo se přihlaste do svého stávajícího účtu.
Mohu sledovat, jak se míra angažovanosti u @jovaferreyra na Instagram vyvíjí?
Ano, nástroje pro analýzy StarNgage vám umožňují sledovat, jak se míra angažovanosti @jovaferreyra vyvíjí v čase na Instagram. Tyto údaje vám pomáhají posoudit účinnost stratégií angažovanosti u @jovaferreyra.
Jak může porozumění demografii sledujících u @jovaferreyra na platformě Instagram pomoci?
Rozumění demografii sledujících @jovaferreyra na platformě Instagram může být nesmírně cenné. Umožňuje vám přizpůsobit obsah influencerů a marketingové strategie, aby lépe rezonovaly s publikem u @jovaferreyra, protože budete mít informace o jejich věku, pohlaví, umístění a zájmech.
Jak mohu využít data o značkové příslušnosti ke zlepšení své marketingové strategie na Instagram s @jovaferreyra?
Data o značkové příslušnosti jsou silným nástrojem pro pochopení, které značky nebo produkty zajímají vaše publikum nejvíce. Tyto informace mohou vést vaše spolupráce na obsahu a partnerství na platformě Instagram, zlepšující angažovanost s cílovým publikem.