Mauritian Entrepreneur : Fashion Design - Creative Strategy - Branding - Digital Marketing - Crypto 📍 Bangkok
-% od @deena.appadoo sledilcev so ženske in -% so moški. Povprečna stopnja angažiranosti na objavah je približno 2.76%. Povprečno število všečkov na objavo je 270, povprečno število komentarjev pa je 14.
@deena.appadoo obožuje objavljanje oModa in dodatki.
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I’ve had my fair share of career changes. From a degree in Human Resource Management to studies and a career in fashion design then digital marketing which led me to what I do today: development and branding of crypto projects in South East Asia with my partner. I don’t consider myself as unstable because I had ‘the nerve’ to switch careers so many times nor do I regret any of them. I use the term ‘the nerve’ because I feel it creates outrage among society sometimes that I’m very comfortable with my decisions. How many times did I hear regarding my career mainly : when will you figure out what you really want? When will you settle down? When will you stop moving from one thing to another? Real talk, I think the real underlying questions of the people being so bothered and if they are self-aware are: Why aren’t you like me when I feel I’ve done everything I got told and the system told me that’s how I’m considered as successful? How can you be considered as successful when you’ve done quite the opposite and it triggers me when I hear that? How can I feel unfulfilled when I’ve done everything that I was told would make me feel fulfilled? I truly believe people have to stay in jobs they don’t really like sometimes because they have responsibilities which don’t allow them to do otherwise and I’m not that oblivious that I would say « you can be whatever you want, just follow my 5 steps formula and discover all my secrets! » That’s bullsh*t. I also believe people can be happy in a 9-5 job while pursuing one path and I would never tell them: don’t you think your life is boring? Because simply, it’s their life. There’s an obsession with discrediting people who had a different path than us to reassure ourselves that we’re doing the right thing. I feel sorry for anyone who has so many insecurities that they have to convince someone who is perfectly happy in their path(and not hurting anyone in the process) that they shouldn’t be happy. Live and let live. Or if I had to use my own words: be comfortable with people doing whatever the f*ck they want.
We may wish each other Happy International Women’s Day today but more times than not: - I’ve been told that men don’t like when a woman knows more about business than them. Don’t humiliate them. - I’ve been told that I dress like a slut by an ex-partner who spent his time looking and engaging with ‘provocatively dressed’ women on social media. - I’ve been told my actions are being controlled for my own good by men. They are trying to ‘protect’ me. - I’ve been told that I shouldn’t say no because I’m being vindictive by putting my boundaries and saying “I don’t want it” - I’ve been told I’m arrogant when I said no to men who approached me at supermarkets for refusing to give them my number. - I’ve been told that if I don’t settle down with a partner soon and have kids, I’ll end up regretting it because that’s what nature created women for. - I’ve been told that I’m too into my looks because I take care of myself by eating healthy and working out. - I’ve been told my worth depends on how much men think I’m worth. - I’ve been told that I’m a b*tch by men because I did my job right when I was leading. - I’ve been told that I should shut up and ignore when a man misbehaves in case he does something worse. Nothing about it is normal but that we’ve been conditioned to think that this is acceptable behaviour because men are the ones who define our worth, often men close to us and who ‘care’ about us. On this special day and those coming, let’s reclaim this and stop being ashamed because of definitions being placed on us. Happy Women’s Day 💛
Something happened to me today at the beach. I usually bring my dog to Mont Choisy beach where there’s a long stretch of beach. I’m careful to make her swim away from people because I understand and respect that not all people are comfortable with dogs. I also avoid bringing her on weekends where there are lots of people. So we’re just in the water playing, at least 500m away from people. This local guy walks all the way from where he was sitting, at least 300m away and comes up to me and starts threatening me about how I will get fined because I’m playing with my dog in the water. Very calmly, I explain to him that I am away from the swimming area, my dog is not bothering anyone, she’s not even barking and no one is around in the water. He then starts mentioning that I might get into trouble with the police if they see me and I calmly replied that the police has seen me a lot of times before and as long as I have my dog under control and I am away from people, they have absolutely no problem and they have never even talked to me about it being illegal. So, who is considered inappropriate here? Is it the girl playing with her dog away from people at the beach or the random guy who feels comfortable walking up to a girl alone with her dog to threaten her? Who is being more of a nuisance here? What if my dog at that moment saw him as a threat and jumped on him to defend me? Then who would have been blamed? Seriously not a rant but truly things which I wonder. #mauritius #ilemaurice
* Avtorske pravice: Ustvarjalci vsebine so privzeti lastniki avtorskih pravic. Te informacije, vključno z slikami, besedili, videoposnetki, objavami in profilom, so objavljene na javnih domenah in pridruženih družbenih medijih za javni ogled.
Pogosta vprašanja: Statistika Instagram in vpogledi za @deena.appadoo
Kako lahko dostopam do statistike in analitike Instagram za @deena.appadoo?
StarNgage ponuja celovite analitične poročila, ki zagotavljajo ključne metrike in vpoglede za popolno razumevanje @deena.appadoo. Lahko raziščete različne vidike, kot so statistika sledilcev Instagram, kot sta rast sledilcev in objav, stopnja angažiranosti in njena rastna trenda. Poleg tega lahko dostopate do informacij o povprečnem številu všečkov in komentarjev na objavo, vpogledov v demografijo sledilcev ali občinstva, podatkov o povezanosti znamke, omenjanj relevantnih oznak, podobnih računov in najnovejših objav.
Koliko sledilcev ima trenutno Instagram račun @deena.appadoo?
Po zadnji posodobitvi je @deena.appadoo na Instagram pridobil predano skupnost z 10,346 sledilci.
Katere informacije in analitika so vključene v celovito poročilo za Instagram račun @deena.appadoo?
Naše celovito analitično poročilo za Instagram ponuja podroben pregled @deena.appadoo na Instagram. To poročilo vključuje podrobne informacije o rasti sledilcev, metrikah angažiranosti in pogostosti objav, tako na tedenski kot mesečni ravni. Za dostop do tega podrobnežega poročila vas vljudno prosimo, da se registrirate in ustvarite nov račun StarNgage ali se prijavite v svoj obstoječi račun.
Ali lahko spremljam, kako se je razvijala stopnja angažiranosti @deena.appadoo na Instagram?
Da, orodja StarNgage omogočajo spremljanje rasti stopnje angažiranosti @deena.appadoo na Instagram. Ti podatki vam pomagajo oceniti učinkovitost strategij angažiranosti @deena.appadoo.
Kako lahko razumevanje demografije občinstva @deena.appadoo na Instagram izboljša delovanje mojega računa?
Razumevanje demografije občinstva @deena.appadoo na Instagram je izjemno koristno. Omogoča vam prilagajanje vsebine in trženjskih strategij, da se bolje prilagajajo sledilcem @deena.appadoo, saj boste imeli informacije o njihovi starosti, spolu, lokaciji in interesih.
Kako lahko izkoristim podatke o povezanosti znamk in izboljšam marketinško strategijo na Instagram z @deena.appadoo?
Podatki o povezanosti znamk so močno orodje za razumevanje, katerim znamkam ali izdelkom je vaše občinstvo najbolj zainteresirano. Te informacije lahko usmerjajo vaše sodelovanje pri vsebini in partnerstva na Instagram, s tem pa izboljšajo angažiranost z vašo ciljno skupino.