KP Culture & Tourism Authority
Government Organization
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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, in collaboration with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Tourism and Culture Authority (KPCTA), organized a cleanliness drive to clean a section of the River Indus bank near Kund Park. The initiative was held to celebrate World Food Day (WFD) under this year's global theme, "Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave no one Behind," and aimed to underscore the critical importance of clean water for agriculture, food production and the overall well-being of the targeted communities. The Minister of Information, Tourism, and Culture of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Barrister Feroze Jamal Shah Kakakhel, participated as the chief guest and inaugurated the cleanliness drive. Staff from different UN agencies, non-governmental organizations and government officials from the relevant line departments, along with more than 300 male and female students and teachers from various universities participated in the event. The participants diligently collected debris items, including wasted bottles, plastic shoppers, compost, and litter from the riverbank and safely disposed off them. Interestingly this year's global WFD theme aligns amicably with the "Living Indus Initiative" a collaborative venture between the Government of Pakistan and UN agencies dedicated to enhancing and restoring the ecological health of the Indus River Basin, especially in the face of pressing climate challenges. FAO Pakistan has recently launched the "Clean River Indus" campaign in Pakistan to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the Indus River with a focus on reducing water wastage and improving water quality, as these are pivotal factors for optimizing food production. Speaking on the occasion, the Minister of Information and Tourism Barrister Syed Feroze Jamal Shah Kakahel highlighted the importance of water, stating that the Indus River is the lifeline for our country's economy and the foundation for our food systems. As we celebrate World Food Day, let us always remember that 'Water is life and water is food. Leave no one behind. #dostacykp #infogovkp
KPCTA Holds Awareness – Raising Walk and Plantation Drive to Mark World Tourism Day, 2023. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Culture and Tourism Authority (KPCTA) organized a walk and Plantation Drive to commemorate World Tourism Day and raise awareness about the importance of tourism. The theme of the day was “Tourism and Green Investment.” The walk was attended by a large number of students , official including the Director General of KPCTA, Barkat Ullah Marwat, GM Tourism Sajjad Hameed and Manager Culture & information Hamayoon Khan. While speaking to the media, the Director General CTA Barkat Ullah Marwat stated that the provincial government is tirelessly working to promote tourism and establish the province as a famous tourist hub. He said that the aim of World Tourism Day is to create awareness among the local and international community as well as youth about the importance of tourism and its social and economic impact. He added that World Tourism Day recognizes the significance of tourists and the tourism industry across the globe. DG CTA Mr Barkat ULLAH Marwat mentioned that a great Vision has been put in place to cater all necessary measures provided adequate resources for strengthening the tourism department, so that tourists visiting KP province could be provided with the best services and facilities. Manager Culture and Marketing, Mr Hamayoon Khan highlighted that KP province has such an abundance of tourist places and spots as well as a Rich Culture and Heritage that can be projected to promote a positive image of the province and create opportunities for locals. We will create state of the Arts Facilities for Culture and Tourism. #dostacykp @infogovkp @ptdc_official
Provincial Minister for Tourism, Culture, Archaeology and Information, Barrister Feroze Jamal Shah Kakakhel, inaugurated the renovation and conservation of Sethi House on Monday. A grand event was held on the occasion to celebrate Pakhtun Culture Day, attended by Director General KPCTA, Barkatullah Marwat, DG Information Muhammad Imran, General Manager of Culture Sajjad Hameed Manager of Culture Hamyoon Khan, Director of Archaeology Samad Khan, President of Peshawar Press Club Arshad Aziz Malak, well-known Poet Dr Abaseen Yousafzai who hosted the event, Zeek Afridi, a large number of artists and people. Speaking to the media after the inauguration ceremony, the Provincial Minister said that the renovation of the historic Sethi House is part of the provincial government's efforts to preserve and promote the rich Cultural Heritage and traditions of KP. He mentioned that Sethi House was built by Seth Karim Baksh, and the provincial government took the initiative to preserve and renovate this historic building, which is a reflection of our famous heritage. He added that they are working to preserve their heritage for the next generations to come. Barrister Feroze stated that they are endeavoring to make KP a brand that would boost the tourism industry in the province and invite foreign tourists to enjoy the culture and traditions of their province. He informed that there are more than 2000 historic places in KP, including archaeological sites related to Buddhism. Additionally, he mentioned that various packages for tourists have been planned to provide all the needed facilities to visitors from their arrival till departure. Furthermore, he expressed that different cultural events would be held in Sethi House and other tourist attraction destinations situated in KP province. During the occasion, various entertaining performances, including Attanr dance, rabab and Sarinda music performances were held and appreciated by the people. The performances of Ejaz Sarhadi on Sarinda, Sattar Khan on Tabla, and Zafar Khan on Rabab received a warm welcome and appreciation from those present at the event. #dostacykp #archaeology #saithihouse #ferozejamalshah #infogovkp
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StarNgage ponúka komplexné analytické správy, ktoré poskytujú kľúčové metriky a poznatky, aby ste získali úplné porozumenie užívateľovi @kptourism. Môžete preskúmať rôzne aspekty, vrátane štatistík sledovateľov na platforme Instagram, ako sú trendy rastu sledovateľov a príspevkov, Miera zapojenia a jej trendy rastu. Okrem toho máte prístup k informáciám o priemernom počte záberov a komentárov na príspevok, poznatky o demografii sledovateľov alebo publika, údaje o afinitách značky, zmienkach o relevantných hashtagoch, podobných účtoch a najnovších príspevkoch.
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Podľa najnovšej aktualizácie užívateľ @kptourism na platforme Instagram získal zázemie 6,118 sledovateľov.
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Naša kompletná analytická správa platformy Instagram poskytuje podrobný prehľad užívateľa @kptourism na platforme Instagram. Táto správa zahŕňa podrobné informácie o raste sledovateľov v čase, metrikách zapojenia a frekvencii príspevkov, ako na týždennom, tak aj na mesačnom základe. Ak chcete získať prístup k tejto podrobnosti správe, prosím zaregistrujte sa a vytvorte si nový účet StarNgage alebo sa prihláste do svojho existujúceho účtu.
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Áno, analytické nástroje StarNgage vám umožňujú sledovať vývoj miery zapojenia používateľa @kptourism v čase na platforme Instagram. Tieto údaje vám pomáhajú posúdiť účinnosť stratégií zapojenia používateľa @kptourism.
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Získanie poznatkov o demografii publiku užívateľa @kptourism na platforme Instagram môže byť veľmi cenné. Toto vám umožňuje prispôsobiť vaše obsahové a marketingové stratégie influencera tak, aby sa lepšie zhodovali so sledovateľmi užívateľa @kptourism, pretože budete mať informácie o ich veku, pohlaví, polohe a záujmoch.
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Údaje o afinitách značky sú mocným nástrojom na pochopenie, ktoré značky alebo produkty vášho publika zaujímajú najviac. Tieto informácie vám môžu pomôcť pri spolupráciach a partnerstvách na platforme Instagram, zlepšiť angažovanosť s vašou cieľovou skupinou.