🤘 Celebrating women artists by @katy.hessel 📚 THE STORY OF ART WITHOUT MEN 📚 🗞 Columnist @Guardian 💌 Substack: katyhessel.substack.com
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Spent my morning at Elizabeth Peyton's show "Angel" at @davidzwirner ✨🕊️ I love her work. It somehow transports me to being a teenager: you instantly fall in love with each of her paintings, and her sitters. It's the way she captures this intense intimacy – like falling in love for the very first time. But going to this show, I realised so much more than I had before. Maybe I haven't seen many of her paintings in person, or maybe they're always framed or behind a glass case. Because what you witness here are these jewel-like objects, with each stroke so considered. You get to be so close to them. You see the sides: it's so interesting how thick the base is, like she coats the board with this thick white gesso. This way, the painting becomes an object, creating a dichotomy with the image itself, which is so delicate. And sometimes you only notice the elfin-like figures seeping through such delicately applied strokes after looking at the work for a while. Some, on first glance, look like a still life. She paints her community - the people she knows and loves: Ang, the Tibetan guide or film director, Luca Guadagnino - but also, my favourite, pop and rockstars. From Jarvis to Elvis, they appear on the threshold between stoic classical heads with high-cheekbones men on the cusp of adolescence. They're angelic, and some are glistening (see the video in image 6!!) 🏹❤️ Also: I love seeing her work out the colours on the canvas, board or sheet of paper - small marks in paint or pencil. It's electric. There's so much good portraiture on in London right now. Go see Frank Auerbach down the road at @hazlitthollandhibbert for a nice antidote to this show. #ElizabethPeyton #WomenArtists
TODAY in the @guardian: I write my column on why I love the revamped @NationalPortraitGallery. Last week, I went to visit the gallery for the first time since it closed three years ago. As a kid, it was one of my favourite places. If I had a spare 30 minutes in town, I’d go in. I loved seeing the people who shaped this country. After three years of much societal and political change, how did I feel about going back to the gallery that reflects our complicated, crumbling nation? Unexpectedly emotional. Seeing pictures of the people who smashed through ceilings, and lived their lives so I can live mine, made me feel hopeful. For the first time in a long time, I felt proud to be British. A PREVIEW::::::::: Artists in conversation with boxers; playwrights next to composers; royalty juxtaposed with protestors; pop stars talking to Tudors; abolitionists facing suffragettes; pop jostling with expressionism; collage communicating with painting. Portraits, and the galleries that house them, make us ask questions. Who are the people who have really shaped this nation? Who deserves to be immortalised, to have their stories told, to hang on museum walls for ever? Historically, portraits were painted because the sitter belonged to a certain class, or looked a certain way. But not here. This National Portrait Gallery signifies a new era. This museum is an ode to a country that has birthed writers, dancers, philosophers, scientists and global megastars. It shows that every profession, every story, every background counts. It makes you feel part of something – of culture, history, literature, philosophy, art, music. So go see it. Go see yourself reflected in it, see the Britain we all live in, and the people we can aspire to be like. It’s all possible here. The pictures are evidence. LINKINBIO 🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️ Congratulations @nicholascullinan @flavia_fffff ❤️✨ #WomenArtists
✨🎙 THIS WEEK on the GWA PODCAST, I interview one of the most important and impactful writers today, RUTH OZEKI on 'looking', objects and observation 🔎👁️🔍 In this fascinating discussion, we deep dive into the power of objects, perception, time, the written form and imagination!! It's one of my favourite episodes 🌞 In addition to her role as a Zen Buddhist priest, Ozeki is one of my all-time favourite writers and thinkers. She is the author of four novels – and recipient of the @womensprize – and work breaks boundaries, reinvents storytelling, and melds ancient ideas with contemporary ones, looking at how they relate to our technology, religion, politics or pop culture. We discuss this, as well as how meditation can impact the way we see, create and respond to art. We also discuss ber 2016 book “Timecode of a Face” – a part-memoir, part-experiment – influenced by a Harvard art historian that saw her sit in front of a mirror for three hours and examine her face as she traces each line, mark, crease and feature back to story from her past. We also touch on some pioneering writers, such as Murasaki Shikibu (1) Sei Shonagon (2) from the Heian period (8th–12th centuries); followed by some of the early modern women rebel writers from the Bluestocking era, like Hiratsuka Raicho (6), Yosano Akiko (7), and Kanno Sugako ❤️ ENJOY‼️‼️ Listen via iTunes, Spotify, or your favourite podcast platform (linkinbio) 🎧✨🎧 This episode is brought to you by @ocula.art ⭐️ www.ocula.com ⭐️ Sound edited by Mikaela Carmichael #WomenArtists #RuthOzeki
TODAY in the @guardian: I write my column on the blatant sexism when it comes to honouring the lives of women. This is in response to my post last week on how the artist Françoise Gilot – whose career spanned eight decades – was merely remembered by the New York Times as "in the shadow" of her former lover, who she split from over 70 years ago. A PREVIEW::::::::: My question is: does his name really have to be mentioned? Aren’t her career, her achievements, her name, enough to stand on their own? When will the media stop referring to women in relation to a partner they split from over seven decades ago, and perpetuating this blatant sexism? The New York Times’s subheading originally read: “An accomplished painter (and memoirist) in her own right, she did what no other mistress of his had ever done: She walked out.” The subheading has since been corrected from “mistress” to “lover”, considering their relationship lasted almost a decade, and the words “in her own right” have been removed. But I want to touch on those four words. This unnecessary parenthesis appears far too commonly, especially with women. It is used to highlight something that is “other” to what the establishment considers the default: the patriarchy. How do you think Gilot would have felt at her life being reduced to a headline that referred to a relationship she had in her 20s? In that 2016 interview, Brockes wrote: “She has always pointed out that it does her a great disservice as an artist to identify her as ‘Picasso’s lover’ or ‘a friend of Matisse’” – because she was so much more than that. Similarly, in 1997, the New York Times’s story about the death of Dora Maar – a pioneering artist working in photography, painting, and photomontage – merely addressed her as “Dora Maar, a Muse of Picasso, Is Dead at 89”, while perpetuating the problematic concept of the muse. LINKINBIO 🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️🗞️ #WomenArtists #FrancoiseGilot
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