The Buttered Biscuit
🍴Honest breakfast with high quality ingredients. 📍Happily nestled in Bentonville & Springdale, Arkansas. Coming soon to Fayetteville.
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Hey Fayetteville!   When Anna and I decide where to put down roots for our restaurants, we want to make sure that it is a place that our family would enjoy living, visiting, playing, shopping, worshipping, biking, park hopping with our children, and building great friendships.   While we have been adding a fourth location of The Buttered Biscuit in your town, our excitement has been hard to contain.   There is a reason that US News & World Report named you the 4th Best Place to Live in the Country this year and the sixth year in a row that you have been in the Top 5.   Between beautiful scenic views, world class biking, a lively entertainment district, and being the home of the University of Arkansas, you have created an energy and vibe that we want to be a part of and contribute to every day.   We already know many of you as you make the drive to our Bentonville and Springdale locations (our social media stats show that you are our second highest location for followers).   Thank you for the warm welcome we have already received through building friendships with contractors, vendors, meeting our neighbors and your messages that you have sent to us. We can’t wait to be a part of this thriving community. We can’t wait to meet YOU. Our Best, Sam and Anna Russell Important Details: We are located on North College, south of Township and North of Sycamore street (1754 N College) and we will be open mid-November with our drive through service first.  Once our supplies, dining furniture, and accessories arrive we will open for dine in also.  Hours for drive through:  6-2PM M-F; 7-2PM S & S #redwhiteandwoo #gorazorbacks #fayetteville #arkansas #newlocation #openingsoon #thebutteredbiscuitnumber4 #thankyoufayetteville
Meet Hunter Kissinger, Area Manager of The Buttered Biscuit The dreams of Hunter Kissinger never once included managing a group of restaurants. But if asked now, he doesn’t know why it didn’t. His current position as Area Manager of three locations of The Buttered Biscuit (and soon to be 4), gives him the opportunity to do the things he LOVES the most: Love people: Hunter is a lover of humans. If he’s in the front of the house, he takes note of those that walk in because he believes they we are all created divinely. If he is in the back of the house, he stands next to line cooks, prep cooks, and dishwashers that happen to be some of the most creative people he has met. Show honor and respect: He believes that everyone has a role to play in this world and wants to treat them as such. Celebrate YOUR success: Hunter has a keen eye in spying who is here to celebrate something fun and wonderful. Even more, he feels honored that The Buttered Biscuit gets to be a part of the magic of baby showers, engagement celebrations, Bible studies, championship games won, championship games lost but well played, and birthday celebrations. Serving you a plate of sweet dough fried into golden puffy pillows and dusted with powdered sugar is his way of saying, “Get it, son!”. And most importantly, it gives him evenings and two days off a week to spend time with his family. He revels in the joy of marriage to Maggie and the adventure of fatherhood with his daughter, Zyah. And lastly, he loves seeing your smile when you walk in for brunch and Zyah’s smile when he comes home, opens the door, and she jumps into his arms as she burst into a fit of giggles. #areamanager #thebutteredbiscuit #leadership #love #family #faith #guests #breakfast #hungry #daughters #fatherdaughter #sprinklers #park #bentonvillearkansas #bentonvillerestaurants #springdalerestaurants #comingsoontofayetteville #girls #children #loveoneanother❤️
When we chose the coffee to serve our guests at The Buttered Biscuit, we found that the best coffee really begins with the farmer; someone that is passionate about the beans they grow. When we met the folks at @onyxcoffeelab , we met kindred spirits. Their approach to serving coffee begins way before there’s a guest to serve it to. Their team learns the fundamentals of coffee and espresso, from farming to cupping, hands on skillset development, and repetition in their training lab. They start their process with traveling to find the absolute best coffees - across different countries, continents, and terrains. When the coffees land at their HQ’s, they roast, cup, and have a sip - and adjust the roast profiles until they make the coffees shine in their cup.  They roast and ship coffees every weekday utilizing solar energy from the roof of their facility. A sample is taken from each roast and cupped for quality. This ensures that every coffee that goes out not only meets their standards but is truly remarkable. Their staff is made up of some of the best coffee professionals in the states, and every drink and interaction is intentionally made, watched over, and executed to be just right.  So, whether you’re a coffee professional or getting started with an occasional cup, you can trust that excellence created the Onyx Coffee that we bring to your table each time you come to visit. And you can thank Onyx Coffee Lab. See you in the morning. The coffee will be ready. #onyxcoffeelab #coffee #excellence #sipsip #goodmorning #breakfast #thebutteredbiscuit #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeegram #coffeecup #bentonville #springdale #comingsoontofayetteville #bacon #eggs #brunch #brunchtime #brunchgoals 📸: @onyxcoffeelab
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FAQ: Statystyki i wskazówki dotyczące Instagram dla @thebutteredbiscuit
Jak mogę uzyskać statystyki i analizy na temat Instagram dla @thebutteredbiscuit?
StarNgage oferuje kompleksowe raporty analityczne, które dostarczają kluczowych metryk i wskazówek, umożliwiających pełne zrozumienie @thebutteredbiscuit. Możesz zobaczyć różne aspekty, takie jak statystyki obserwujących na Instagram, takie jak trendy wzrostu obserwujących i postów, wskaźnik zaangażowania i jego trendy wzrostu. Dodatkowo, możesz uzyskać informacje na temat średniej liczby polubień i komentarzy na post, dane dotyczące demografii obserwujących lub audytorium, dane dotyczące wyszukiwanych hashtagów, podobne konta i najnowsze posty.
Jaki jest aktualny licznik obserwujących dla @thebutteredbiscuit na Instagram?
Według najnowszej aktualizacji, @thebutteredbiscuit zgromadził dedykowane grono 8,258 obserwujących na Instagram.
Jakie wskazówki i analizy zawiera pełny raport dla @thebutteredbiscuit na Instagram?
Nasz pełny raport analityczny Instagram zapewnia wszechstronne przeglądy @thebutteredbiscuit na Instagram. Raport ten zawiera szczegółowe informacje na temat wzrostu obserwujących w czasie, mierników zaangażowania i częstości publikowania postów, zarówno tygodniowo, jak i miesięcznie. Aby uzyskać dostęp do tego szczegółowego raportu, prosimy o rejestrację i utworzenie nowego konta (StarNgage) lub zalogowanie się na istniejące konto.
Czy mogę śledzić rozwój wskaźnika zaangażowania @thebutteredbiscuit na Instagram?
Tak, narzędzia analityczne StarNgage pozwalają śledzić rozwój wskaźnika zaangażowania @thebutteredbiscuit w czasie na Instagram. Dane te pomagają ocenić skuteczność strategii zaangażowania @thebutteredbiscuit.
Jak zrozumienie demografii odbiorców Instagram @thebutteredbiscuit może być bardzo wartościowe?
Poznanie demografii obserwujących @thebutteredbiscuit na Instagram jest niezwykle wartościowe. Dzięki temu możesz dostosować treści influencera i strategie marketingowe, aby lepiej oddziaływały na obserwujących @thebutteredbiscuit, ponieważ będziesz mieć informacje na temat ich wieku, płci, położenia i zainteresowań.
Jak mogę wykorzystać dane dotyczące afiliacji marki do poprawy mojej strategii marketingowej na Instagram z @thebutteredbiscuit?
Dane dotyczące afiliacji marki są potężnym narzędziem, które pozwala zrozumieć, które marki lub produkty interesują najbardziej Twoją widownię. Informacje te mogą pomóc w prowadzeniu współpracy w zakresie treści i partnerstw na Instagram, co zwiększy zaangażowanie z Twoją docelową grupą odbiorców.