Justin Lee | PT School Coach
I help students to get accepted into PT school 🎥YouTube: PT School Admission Tips Looking for 1-1 PT School INTERVIEW Coaching? Apply here ⤵️
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My Gajok is no joke! Look at these two independent females, strong leaders of their generation. I am BLESSED to do life alongside these fierce ladies. My full-time physical therapist job has what is called “rest week,” where at the end of every quarter, the company allocates a full week of deep rest. AKA #mentalhealthmatters This is a beyond-amazing concept, which needs a post of it own, but the point is that during this rest week, I got to spend every second of it with my Gajok, my family 🇰🇷 Reducing the noise and spending these precious moments together, got my thinking all deep and shiiiiez. This rest week, I learned that quality time really matters. But like… the here-in-the-moment, no mind wandering about my side hustle, fully present quality time. You know… the one we all craved from our parents when we were little kiddos. I also learned that love has a new facet, known as the “father’s love,” one that I never understood. Im still new to it, but I’m finding out that the more I open up my heart and pour into my own, the deeper this love grows. To me, this sheds a whole new light on the Father’s Love. 🙏 Most importantly, I learned about my favor, to be partnered with @jsmalls_xo 💕 A woman who prioritizes faith over fear, maturity over complacency, and family above all. I thought she was attractive as a single lady, but deeeeng as a mother, Ooooooof. 😏 All is to say.. relationships matter and should be the priority. It is WORTH saying “no” to making more money and “no” to that to-do list. Those are all fleeting things in this life. What really holds value are the bonds between people and the investment in the next generation 🥰 S/O to the wifey. These XxSupercutegurlxX pics were her idea. I am so happy we did them. I hope Leilana will look back at these photos when she is a raging teen and know her parents love her very much. #daddylovesyou
Why is it a big deal when PTCAS opens? 2 main reasons:✌️ 1.The essay prompt is released. Up till this point you were able to prepare every part of your application (GPA, GRE, observation hours, LOR, extracurriculares), but the only part that you were not able to anticipate was the personal statement prompt. 😣 This is a significant deal 🌟 because your essay is a major part of how you will make your application stand out. As soon as the prompt is released, I would highly recommend that you start brainstorming how you are going to tackle your essay. 💡 In addition, the PT school specific supplemental essay questions are also released on this day. By starting on both the PTCAS essay and school specific prompts as soon as PTCAS opens, it will give you a significant advantage on increasing your chances of getting accepted into PT school. 📈 Let me tell you why starting early increases your chances ⤵️ 2.Most (not all) PT programs are rolling admissions. 🏀 This means that as soon as PT programs receive completed applications, they will already start inviting them for interviews. This is a big deal because if you apply too late (even if your application is superb AF), you can still get denied because all the seats in the incoming class have been filled up. Don’t let that happen to you!! 🫵 So it is important to get started on your essays ASAP so that you can submit your application as early as possible - which will give you the highest chances for acceptance!⏱ If you are freaking out.. If you are overwhelmed.. I understand you - just like the countless of students that I coached who felt exactly how you feel right now. 🫶 Want ONE ON ONE COACHING? If you need help with your essay.. If you need help making your PT application stand out.. If you’re trying to get accepted into PT school.. 🙌IM YOUR PT SCHOOL COACH!🙌 I am a PT school admission expert and I specialize in helping students get accepted into PT school 🥳 Fill out the application with the link in bio
Calling all DADS 👨‍🍼🗣 Being a dad isn’t an easy job.😣 Being a mom isn’t an easy job either.😖 So just because you’re “working” doesn’t give you a free ticket to not be present for your child and to not be supportive of your wife.😮‍💨 (PROPS TO ALL THE SINGLE MOMS) Your baby 👧👦 needs you! They so desperately need their dad to be actively present and engaged with ALL activities. Yes, that means you’re giving your 100% attention, intentional focus, and undying energy when you’re with them. They deserve it. 🫂🔥 Yes, it’s a lot of work. But they deserve the best part of you - not the leftover burnt out half-energy you. Not even your pet dog wants any part of that. 🤮 Emerging into this new role as a dad, I’ve learned that there is nothing more valuable and worth return on investment than spending time with family - even beyond a great opportunity to make money. ☺️ You wont be remembered for how hard you worked for your money. But what will be cherished forever will be how intentional you were making your child feel seen, heard, and loved.💗 “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou CAN I GET A WITNESS UP IN HEREEE 🙌 Something that really helped me bond with my little Leilana was to spend daddy daughter days with just her for hours (usually 12 hour days), multiple days in the week 🥰 My days off are Monday and Wednesday so on those days I GET TO build a relationship with my baby. These are the days I look most forward to. ❤️ I love being a dad. 😎 <- that’s me being a cool dad. I am cherishing these moments.🫶 I would love to look back 3 years from now when Lei and I are riding bikes and being so proud of myself for choosing bonding over business. 👨‍🍼>💰
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FAQ: Statystyki i wskazówki dotyczące Instagram dla @liftforchange
Jak mogę uzyskać statystyki i analizy na temat Instagram dla @liftforchange?
StarNgage oferuje kompleksowe raporty analityczne, które dostarczają kluczowych metryk i wskazówek, umożliwiających pełne zrozumienie @liftforchange. Możesz zobaczyć różne aspekty, takie jak statystyki obserwujących na Instagram, takie jak trendy wzrostu obserwujących i postów, wskaźnik zaangażowania i jego trendy wzrostu. Dodatkowo, możesz uzyskać informacje na temat średniej liczby polubień i komentarzy na post, dane dotyczące demografii obserwujących lub audytorium, dane dotyczące wyszukiwanych hashtagów, podobne konta i najnowsze posty.
Jaki jest aktualny licznik obserwujących dla @liftforchange na Instagram?
Według najnowszej aktualizacji, @liftforchange zgromadził dedykowane grono 3,692 obserwujących na Instagram.
Jakie wskazówki i analizy zawiera pełny raport dla @liftforchange na Instagram?
Nasz pełny raport analityczny Instagram zapewnia wszechstronne przeglądy @liftforchange na Instagram. Raport ten zawiera szczegółowe informacje na temat wzrostu obserwujących w czasie, mierników zaangażowania i częstości publikowania postów, zarówno tygodniowo, jak i miesięcznie. Aby uzyskać dostęp do tego szczegółowego raportu, prosimy o rejestrację i utworzenie nowego konta (StarNgage) lub zalogowanie się na istniejące konto.
Czy mogę śledzić rozwój wskaźnika zaangażowania @liftforchange na Instagram?
Tak, narzędzia analityczne StarNgage pozwalają śledzić rozwój wskaźnika zaangażowania @liftforchange w czasie na Instagram. Dane te pomagają ocenić skuteczność strategii zaangażowania @liftforchange.
Jak zrozumienie demografii odbiorców Instagram @liftforchange może być bardzo wartościowe?
Poznanie demografii obserwujących @liftforchange na Instagram jest niezwykle wartościowe. Dzięki temu możesz dostosować treści influencera i strategie marketingowe, aby lepiej oddziaływały na obserwujących @liftforchange, ponieważ będziesz mieć informacje na temat ich wieku, płci, położenia i zainteresowań.
Jak mogę wykorzystać dane dotyczące afiliacji marki do poprawy mojej strategii marketingowej na Instagram z @liftforchange?
Dane dotyczące afiliacji marki są potężnym narzędziem, które pozwala zrozumieć, które marki lub produkty interesują najbardziej Twoją widownię. Informacje te mogą pomóc w prowadzeniu współpracy w zakresie treści i partnerstw na Instagram, co zwiększy zaangażowanie z Twoją docelową grupą odbiorców.