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SENSORY SEEKING VS SENSORY SENSITIVE 🌍 ° ° Often people strive to understand what exactly the difference is between sensory seeking and sensory sensitive. There are two ways in which people with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) respond. When people under react to sensory input, they may seek out more input. However when people overreact, they become easily overwhelmed and may seek out methods in which avoid the input. Our brains constantly take in information, and for a majority of the population that information isn’t a problem. However for some children and adults, a stream of input can become quite a struggle for those with sensory processing disorder. There is a broad selection of sensory tools (also known as sensory toys) available that can help to support both sensory seekers and sensory avoiders. These can include fidget toys, oral support products, weighted items, visual and audio sensory products and much more. Useful resource - TED Talks video: Your reality might not be mine: Sensory perception and empathy Poppy Crum is a neuroscientist who uses a delicate and provoking play of shifts in perception. This is to show how human misconnection can be transformed from frustration, misunderstanding, and disagreement, to connection with empathy and tolerance. #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthquotes #endthestigma #selflove #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalwellness #breakthestigma #mentalstrength #mindset #mentalhealthblogger #mhblogger
TIPS FOR GETTING AND STAYING MOTIVATED 🌍 ° ° Motivation is what drives us to make the things happen but staying motivated isn’t always easy. Motivation is what drives you towards a goal, gets you up in the morning and keeps you working through a task, determined to succeed when things get tough. But motivation can be both positive and negative... Positive motivations focus on the positive things that will happen when you take action. For example: ‘Finishing this assignment means I’m only a step away from being qualified.' Negative motivations focus on the negative backlash that will occur if you don’t take action. For example: ‘If I don’t finish this assignment in the next few hours, I’ll fail my course.' Negative and positive motivations can both be effective in different circumstances. However, it’s much easier to do something because you actually want to, rather than because you want to avoid a particular outcome if you don’t do it. If you don’t have a positive plan of action, using negative motivation can make you feel helpless and may even reduce your motivation. Useful resource - TED Talks video: How to motivate yourself to change your behaviour #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthquotes #endthestigma #selflove #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalwellness #breakthestigma #mentalstrength #mindset #mentalhealthblogger #mhblogger
HOW TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR MENTAL ILLNESS 🌍 ° ° Being diagnosed as having a mental illness can be both scary and a relief. While it’s great that you’re on the path to getting well again, telling people about your illness can cause anxiety and stress. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness and it’s possible that you’ll have to deal with it at some point. 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week in England So most people will either experience this personally or know someone who has. The good news is that there’s been a lot of progress in mental health awareness and the stigma is fading. Most people will be supportive and understanding, but others may be confused, ignorant or negative. Sometimes, it’s possible that the other person simply doesn’t have any experience or awareness. Choosing someone to have a conversation with who cares about you, and that you can trust, can help you to open up about what’s going on for you. When faced with these situations, remember that your illness doesn’t define who you are, and it’s up to you how much information you want to share. Useful resource - TED Talks video: Breaking the stigma and shame of mental illness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthquotes #endthestigma #selflove #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalwellness #breakthestigma #mentalstrength #mindset #mentalhealthblogger #mhblogger
TEACHING PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS TO KIDS 🌍 ° ° We encounter problems on a daily basis at work or at home, but it is second nature to us to resolve these issues and move forward. However, for a child this is an important life skill they will need to develop so they are able to make healthy decisions for themselves. If a child is able to solve problems on their own, they will be happier, more confident and more independent. They will not feel frustrated or disheartened in their inefficiency. This is why it is important we begin teaching children problem solving skills from an early age. Rather than being looked on negatively, problems help build character, resilience and perseverance. They afford us opportunities to see things differently and do things in a different way and evoke lateral thinking. A child who lacks problem solving skills may avoid trying new things, may ignore certain situations altogether or act rashly when presented with a problem. Like adults, children face problems every single day, however rather than running to the rescue, give your child the chance to attempt to resolve the problem on their own. Credit: Big Life Journal Useful resource - TED Talks video: How to teach kids better problem-solving #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthquotes #endthestigma #selflove #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalwellness #breakthestigma #mentalstrength #mindset #mentalhealthblogger #mhblogger
NIGHTMARES VS NIGHT TERRORS 🌍 ° ° Nightmares are very different from night terrors. Nightmares occur during REM sleep, when the child cannot move or thrash about. Nightmares tend to occur in the later stages of the sleep cycle, often shortly before the child wakes up. Importantly, the child is fully awake immediately and can remember, often vividly, the details of the dream. By contrast, the child has no memory of night terrors whatsoever. Night terrors also tend not to be triggered by scary or traumatic events. Later in childhood and adolescence, the relationship of a child’s emotional state to the frequency and severity of night terrors becomes more important. But for small children, there appears to be no relationship at all between night terrors and “real life” stressors. Here’s a list of possible triggers of night terrors: - Stress (physical or emotional) - Medications - Sleep apnea - Sleeping in a new place - Taking stimulants before bedtime - Genetics If a child’s night terrors are so intense that she is at risk of harming herself or others, then medical attention is warranted. In very rare instances, a short course of an anti-depressant or an anti-anxiety drug may be prescribed. Useful resouce: Mind - How does sleep relate to mental health? Useful resource - TED Talks video: 6 tips for better sleep #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthquotes #endthestigma #selflove #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalwellness #breakthestigma #mentalstrength #mindset #mentalhealthblogger #mhblogger
SIGNS THAT YOU ARE HEALING 🌍 ° ° When we talk about healing, we’re not just talking about the physical kind where you cut yourself and put a plaster over it. Although that analogy can still be quite applicable in this case, instead we’re talking about emotional healing. Emotional healing is the ability to acknowledge events and circumstances in our lives that may hinder us to move forward. It’s a process that allows us to take control of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Emotional healing can stem from many circumstances, whether it’s: - The loss of a job - Coming out of a long term relationship - Getting over a sickness or losing a loved one During and even after these events in our lives, we usually start to experience feelings of stress, anxiety, depression or even self sabotaging behaviours, which can eventually overwhelm us. Regardless of what event or circumstance you have come across, it’s crucial for your healing to acknowledge your situation. Let yourself be present, feel all of the emotions and let nature run its course. Useful resource - TED Talks video: Human Healing Unlocked: Transforming suffering into wellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthquotes #endthestigma #selflove #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalwellness #breakthestigma #mentalstrength #mindset #mentalhealthblogger #mhblogger
* Авторско право: Съдържателите на съдържание са собственици по подразбиране. Тези информации, включително изображения, текстове, видеоклипове, публикации и профили, са публикувани на публични домейни и съответните социални мрежи за публично разглеждане.
ЧЗВ: Статистика и анализи на Instagram за @camhspro
Как мога да достъпя статистика и анализи на Instagram за @camhspro?
StarNgage предлага комплексни аналитични отчети, които предоставят ключови метрики и инсайти, за да ви дадат пълен обзор на @camhspro. Можете да изследвате различни аспекти, включително статистика за последователите на Instagram, като тенденции за нарастване на последователи и публикации, Percentage of Engagement Rate и неговите тенденции за нарастване. Освен това можете да получите информация за средния брой харесвания и коментари на публикация, инсайти за демографията на вашите последователи или аудитория, данни за подкрепа на марката, споменаване на съответни хаштагове, подобни профили и най-скорошни публикации.
Колко последователя има в момента @camhspro на Instagram?
На последната актуализация @camhspro е натрупал 3,765 последователи на Instagram.
Какви са включени във всекидневния отчет за @camhspro в Instagram?
Пълният ни аналитичен отчет за Instagram предлага подробен преглед на @camhspro на Instagram. Този отчет включва подробна информация за растежа на последователите / феновете ти във времето, метрики за ангажимент и честота на публикуване, както седмични, така и месечни. За да получите достъп до този дълбок отчет, моля, регистрирайте се и създайте нов акаунт StarNgage или влезте във вашия съществуващ акаунт.
Мога ли да проследя как еволюира Engagement Rate на @camhspro във Instagram?
Да, аналитичните инструменти на StarNgage ви позволяват да проследите как еволюира Engagement Rate на @camhspro във времето във Instagram. Тези данни ви помагат да оцените ефективността на стратегиите за ангажимент на @camhspro.
Как мога да разбера демографията на аудиторията на @camhspro на Instagram?
Получаването на информация за демографията на аудиторията на @camhspro на Instagram може да бъде изключително ценно. Това ви позволява да персонализирате съдържанието си за влияниците и маркетинговите стратегии, за да се съобразяват по-добре с последователите на @camhspro, тъй като ще разполагате с информация за техните възраст, пол, местоположение и интереси.
Как мога да използвам данните за подкрепа на марки, за да подобря маркетинговата си стратегия на Instagram с @camhspro?
Данните за подкрепа на марките са мощен инструмент, с който разбирате в кои марки или продукти се интересува вашата аудитория най-много. Тази информация може да ориентира съдържателните ви сътрудничества и партньорства на Instagram, като подобрява взаимодействието ви с целевата аудитория.