We remove CO₂ from the air, permanently. Join the fight against global warming.
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Extremely proud to share an important milestone for Climeworks: We have received Notification of Selection from @energy for our Project Cypress DAC Hub proposal together with our partners @battelle_insider and Heirloom! The Notification of Selection from DOE means the project can proceed with negotiations that are designed to lead to an award under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Regional Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hubs program. Our Chief Project Development Officer Daniel Nathan comments: “The Notification of Selection is a recognition that Project Cypress has what it takes to contribute to the build-up of the American DAC ecosystem. It is a testament to Climeworks' proven ability to deliver high-quality, high-integrity carbon removal via direct air capture and storage (DAC+S) and we are excited to work alongside all project partners to bring DAC technology to the Gulf Coast. Combining our decade-long experience of developing, deploying, and operating commercial DAC facilities with Battelle’s experience in leading large project execution will lay the foundation for the hub that will bring carbon removal to life in Louisiana—for maximum climate impact and to the benefit of local communities.”   The Project Cypress DAC Hub is expected to be sited in southwestern Louisiana and is designed to advance the commercialization of DAC+S to verifiably remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere based on renewable energy. Local carbon storage company, Gulf Coast Sequestration, intends to partner with Project Cypress to safely store the CO₂ underground. In close collaboration with local communities, Project Cypress has the potential of generating advanced manufacturing jobs in the U.S. to further the country’s climate goals, and we are excited to be a part of it! Read the full press release through the link in our bio. #projectcypress #dachubs
Thrilled to share a construction update on Mammoth, our largest direct air capture and storage plant yet: Preparations for in-situ CO₂ storage are underway, thanks to our partner Carbfix. With a nominal CO₂ capture capacity of up to 36’000 tons per year when fully operational, Mammoth is a key milestone on our ambitious scale-up plan of reaching multi-megaton capacity in the 2030s and gigaton capacity by 2050. Mammoth’s groundbreaking took place in June 2022. The construction continues to follow an ambitious timeline and is making steady progress. Today we’re pleased to share that a further key piece of the facility is about to be completed: two in-situ storage installations, owned and operated by Carbfix. This involves the creation of boreholes (narrow shafts vertically inserted into the basalt ground) that will carry the CO₂ that Mammoth captures underground for mineralization in basalt. Housing these boreholes will be igloo-like structures, foreseen for later this year. The combination of borehole plus housing, is referred to as an “injection well”. How does Carbfix' underground mineralization of CO₂ work? Carbfix permanently stores CO₂ by dissolving it in water and storing it deep underground in basalt rock formations that accelerate the natural mineralization process. As a result, the CO₂ turns into stone in less than two years. Climeworks focuses on the permanent removal of CO₂, and Carbfix’ mineralization, which is a form of geological storage, enables just that. As we scale and expand internationally, we are exploring further suitable locations for direct air capture combined with highly durable geological storage, including the U.S, the Middle East and elsewhere in Europe. Trusted storage partners will be instrumental to our journey to gigaton direct air capture and storage capacity by 2050. As such, Mammoth is an important step we are taking on this journey, but many more will be required to reach climate impact at scale. But fuelled by 14 years of R&D and 6 years of deployment experience, we are confident we'll continue spearheading the direct air capture industry. Join us on our journey. #innovation #technology #ClimateAction
This was the Climeworks Direct Air Capture Summit 2023! Climeworks' Direct Air Capture Summit is a one-of-a-kind platform featuring business, technology, scientists, and policy experts. Key players collaborating and discussing high-quality carbon removal solutions help drive the scale-up the industry needs This year we explored some of the most pressing opportunities and challenges facing this rapidly growing industry, including: 💡 The urgency for the industry to focus on deployment-led innovation to accelerate project development and achieve gigaton scale 💡 The way forward on monitoring, reporting, and verification and establishing trust in the CDR market via the highest possible integrity 💡 The importance of bold corporate CDR commitments and immediate action to support deployment, de-risk project development and catalyze the market for other corporate buyers 💡 The imperative to place communities and local engagement at the center of DAC deployment moving forward Rich Lesser, Global Chair of Boston Consulting Group (@bcg), shared his insights on BCG’s latest article on “Shifting the Direct Air Capture Paradigm” arguing that CDR technologies are essential to delivering the “net” in net zero and outlining what needs to be true for the rapid cost decrease of DAC in particular, as an essential element of its scale-up journey and positive feedback loop. He said: “DAC is and should be a critical part of the journey to bring the removals to the scale that we need at the unprecedented speed we need to create this entirely new industry.” Another highlight? In an exclusive pre-recorded video address, @thisisbillgates, Founder of, shared his optimistic vision on the industry’s progress and remaining challenges ahead. We're looking forward to next year! #DACSummit23 #event #gettogether #industry #innovation #technology #climateaction #climatechange #carbonremoval #summit #networking #speeches #billgates #directaircpature #cdr #dac
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StarNgage oferuje kompleksowe raporty analityczne, które dostarczają kluczowych metryk i wskazówek, umożliwiających pełne zrozumienie @climeworks. Możesz zobaczyć różne aspekty, takie jak statystyki obserwujących na Instagram, takie jak trendy wzrostu obserwujących i postów, wskaźnik zaangażowania i jego trendy wzrostu. Dodatkowo, możesz uzyskać informacje na temat średniej liczby polubień i komentarzy na post, dane dotyczące demografii obserwujących lub audytorium, dane dotyczące wyszukiwanych hashtagów, podobne konta i najnowsze posty.
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Według najnowszej aktualizacji, @climeworks zgromadził dedykowane grono 14,006 obserwujących na Instagram.
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Poznanie demografii obserwujących @climeworks na Instagram jest niezwykle wartościowe. Dzięki temu możesz dostosować treści influencera i strategie marketingowe, aby lepiej oddziaływały na obserwujących @climeworks, ponieważ będziesz mieć informacje na temat ich wieku, płci, położenia i zainteresowań.
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Dane dotyczące afiliacji marki są potężnym narzędziem, które pozwala zrozumieć, które marki lub produkty interesują najbardziej Twoją widownię. Informacje te mogą pomóc w prowadzeniu współpracy w zakresie treści i partnerstw na Instagram, co zwiększy zaangażowanie z Twoją docelową grupą odbiorców.