Amisfield was established in 1988 and is a 92ha organic vineyard in Central Otago, New Zealand producing Pinot Noir and aromatic white wines.
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: ”It’s early morning and extreme jet lag gets overpowered by the view. I stand at the foot of the cinematically imposing Pisa Mountain range in one of New Zealand’s most breathtaking wine regions, as I enter Amisfield Winery – a 35-year-old single estate that specializes in silky and complex, pioneering Pinot Noirs. It feels like I’m in Gondor – in the land of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and am meeting close to the entire team of the winery to dive into their world and discover the lands, the grapes, the methods and the true philosophy of these New World wines, and as they explain, it all starts with the seasons.” So begins the first piece from my hand in more than two years, with the last being “Paco Morales: Chef of History”, mapping out the ancient and yet very modern culinary DNA of the complex Andalusian star chef. This time, however, I find myself with an awe-inspiring view and a couple of squeezed grapes in my hand, sucking nature in at the very bottom of Earth where you find the organic single-estate winery, Amisfield. Once a sheep station, today 92 hectares of devotion and love for wine making. Amisfield is a personal expression of a territory, a grape, a philosophy and a series of common values that shine through from the first tender bud to the final harvest to each glass of mostly Pinot Noirs, produced by passionate people with a lot of perseverance. We are so used to connecting chefs to their dishes but when it comes to wines, we forget that that liquid is the result of a very personal journey for often a large group of people. In the case of Amisfield, it truly is the reflection of their passion and hard work combined with the reflection of their homeland. From the first tender bud to the final harvest, each glass has a little bit of New Zealand, of Central Otago, of Sam, André, Ben and everyone involved in the process. “Amisfield: The Pioneering Pinot Noir of Central Otago” published by US-media Honest Cooking. Please find a link to the article in my bio. If you like wine and adventure as much as I do, then this might also be your flavor. NB. I am originally a sommelier by profession. Visuals in photo slide. @amisfieldvineyard
: Impressions from harvest @ Amisfield Winery in Central Otago, New Zealand. One hour away from the Amisfield’s restaurant, guarded by the dramatic and imposing Pisa mountain range, you find the Amisfield vineyards and its winery, a 35-year old project that specialises in superb Pinot Noirs. Not nearly as old as the legacy and traditional wineries from Europe, but determined to make amazing juices that reflect their terroir and that translate Central Otago, a spectacular wine region of New Zealand, into the glass. The land is hard here and the people are clearly pioneers. They were hardy and determined to make it work. Imagine when their ancestors came and found this land. They found nothing and built a nation out of nothing and that hardiness continues through their personalities today, into their determination for working the land and definitely through their wines. Here, the values and philosophy of connecting to nature are as important as in Amisfield’s restaurant. A winery that elaborates amazing new world wines and embraces hyper seasonality to produce around 35,000 cases every year. Quality over quantity – always. Their magnificent Pinot Noirs account for over 60% of the production – the rest comes from Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Riesling & Chenin Blanc, all done with as minimal intervention as possible and with organic certification. Sam Davies, the chief winemaker at Amisfield conveys that being a young winemaking country has been a good thing for them. They have less regulations, traditions and restrictions that limit their creativity and ability to use different methods or techniques. Whilst tradition is fantastic in wine making, it’s not good if it becomes stifling or limits what they can achieve and this is exactly where the winery and Vaughan Mabee’s kitchen at Amisfield's restaurant cross paths. Mabee also feels this same freedom from coming from a place that still has a long path ahead in terms of culinary culture. ”It opens the box for us in the kitchen and for them in the winery, to be open minded and to actually create an elaborated Kiwi-food culture and wine scene”, he ends. View a short film in my stories. @amisfieldvineyard
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