High performance merino apparel born from the mountains of New Zealand.
37.2% dari pengikut @monsroyale adalah perempuan dan 62.8% adalah laki-laki. Tingkat keterlibatan rata-rata pada postingannya adalah sekitar 0.77%. Rata-rata jumlah like per postingan adalah 370 dan rata-rata jumlah komentar adalah 11.
@monsroyale suka memposting tentangAktivitas Luar Ruangan, Fashion dan Aksesori, Sepeda, Petualangan, Gunung.
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Pietra Ligure -> Leogang With almost two weeks between racing and only 800km to Leogang I made the obvious decision to take a detour into Switzerland to spectate the DH and XCO World Cups in Leogang My body and mind was wrecked after the Pietra EDR round and I couldn’t bare the thought of having to do more than one ride to Lenzerheide. After some strategic thinking I knew I’d find it easiest to just get the 450km ride done in one hit. I set off into the mountains, following the World Cup XC Marathon route that had been raced the day before. I dropped into the plains of Italy, my legs were relieved I was out of the hills but that didn’t last long. The next 200km brought harsh heat and a headwind that didn’t let up all day. I was struggling to stay hydrated, moving forward exponentially got harder as the wind fatigued my body and mind. The night brought another dose of troubles as I tried my best to avoid highways and tunnels. Bushbashing was on the menu and at one point I had to cross 20cm wide concrete wall to avoid walking through a marshland. A 30min sleep was needed to reset the mind from frustration. I was glad I couldn’t see how slowly I was moving. After a 24 hour stint it was a relief to arrive into Lenzerheide. It was great to have some time to chill out and rip up the XC course with @annabel.bligh. I managed the last 350km to Leogang relatively well, I even occasionally caught myself taking in the scenery which I often struggle to do. Once again the heat was relentless and was draining me. I managed to escape the heat as the night set and I’d just picked up a box of goodies from @monsroyale on the way through Innsbruck so the stoke was high. I struggled staying awake for the whole night and opted to take a 2 hour bush nap on the side of the bike path. It took my body awhile to wake back up again but as the sun started to rise I gained some energy and gave it one last push to get to Leogang. EDR Practice was the next day and I was pretty stoked to change the tyres and get into some proper riding! @monsroyale 📸 @nickwaygoodcreative
+++All eyes on the prize!+++ 🤝Together with merino pioneers @monsroyale and the best bar in the city @cafe_moustache we set up an amazing shirt, which represents the thriving mountainbike community of Innsbruck. 🤩This shirt missing from your wardrobe? Then listen carefully! Together with @monsroyale we raffle two exclusive @mtbinnsbruck x @monsroyale x @cafe_moustache merino shirts and a 200€ voucher for the @monsroyale online shop! One lucky person wins a shirt and the voucher and another one wins the second shirt! ‼️What do you have to do? _Follow @monsroyale and @mtbinnsbruck _Spread the word: share this post in your story _Never not alone: tag your favorite bike buddy in the comments 💃Winners will be announced on July 17th! Don’t waste time and join in! 📩Winners will be contacted via DM by @monsroyale. Don’t fall for scam accounts. ⚠️Terms & Conditions: This Giveaway is not associated with Instagram. Winners will be randomly selected. Prices are non-transferable and non-refundable with no cash alternatives. 💁What is it all about? @monsroyale: Besides going all in merino everywhere this brand supports local communities like @mtbinnsbruck with this shirt dedicated to the monthly rideout called “Hausrunde”. @cafe_moustache: The best place for having a chat, coffee, date, beer, afterride get together, an “Absacker”, family dinner, … an endless list. Long story short: lovely people, good vibes and tasty drinks ‘n food! @mtbinnsbruck: a bunch of people, who have the vision of a strong, local bike community, pushing projects to bring people together on their bikes, look for possibilities for new trails and sharing the stoke of riding bikes! 🫶Good luck! Cheers! #wearemtbinnsbruck #mtbinnsbruck #zammgehtmehr #timetowin PARTNER: @monsroyale @cafe_moustache @mtbinnsbruck ARTIST: @miko_slav @die.siebdruckerei PHOTO CREDITS: @kookie_kollective RIDER: @stoehrkatrin @maxvanderlee & Flying Schorsch
* Hak Cipta: Pencipta konten secara default adalah pemilik hak cipta. Informasi termasuk gambar, teks, video, postingan, dan profil ini diterbitkan di domain publik dan media sosial yang terkait untuk ditampilkan secara publik.
FAQ: Statistik dan Wawasan tentang Instagram untuk @monsroyale
Bagaimana cara mengakses statistik dan analisis Instagram untuk @monsroyale?
StarNgage menawarkan laporan analisis komprehensif yang memberikan metrik dan wawasan kunci untuk memberi Anda pemahaman lengkap tentang @monsroyale. Anda dapat menjelajahi berbagai aspek, termasuk statistik pengikut Instagram, seperti tren pertumbuhan pengikut dan postingan, Tingkat Keterlibatan, dan tren pertumbuhannya. Selain itu, Anda dapat mengakses informasi tentang rata-rata jumlah like dan komentar per postingan, wawasan tentang demografi pengikut atau audiens Anda, data afinitas merek, sebutan hashtag yang relevan, akun serupa, dan postingan terbaru.
Berapa jumlah pengikut saat ini untuk @monsroyale di Instagram?
Per tanggal pembaruan terbaru, @monsroyale telah mengumpulkan pengikut setia sebanyak 55,657 pengikut di Instagram.
Apa saja wawasan dan analisis yang termasuk dalam laporan lengkap untuk @monsroyale di Instagram?
Laporan analisis lengkap kami tentang @monsroyale di Instagram memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang @monsroyale di Instagram. Laporan ini mencakup informasi terperinci tentang pertumbuhan pengikut dari waktu ke waktu, metrik keterlibatan, dan frekuensi posting, baik secara mingguan maupun bulanan. Untuk mengakses laporan mendalam ini, silakan mendaftar dan membuat akun StarNgage baru atau masuk ke akun yang sudah ada.
Dapatkah saya melacak bagaimana Tingkat Keterlibatan @monsroyale telah berkembang di Instagram?
Ya, alat analisis StarNgage memungkinkan Anda untuk memonitor perkembangan Tingkat Keterlibatan @monsroyale dari waktu ke waktu di Instagram. Data ini membantu Anda menilai efektivitas strategi keterlibatan @monsroyale.
Bagaimana memahami demografi audiens @monsroyale di Instagram?
Memahami demografi audiens @monsroyale di Instagram dapat sangat berharga. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan konten influencer dan strategi pemasaran Anda agar lebih resonan dengan pengikut @monsroyale, karena Anda akan memiliki informasi tentang usia, jenis kelamin, lokasi, dan minat mereka.
Bagaimana memanfaatkan data afinitas merek untuk meningkatkan strategi pemasaran saya di Instagram dengan @monsroyale?
Data afinitas merek adalah alat yang kuat untuk memahami merek atau produk mana yang paling diminati oleh audiens Anda. Informasi ini dapat memandu kolaborasi konten dan kemitraan Anda di Instagram, meningkatkan keterlibatan Anda dengan audiens target.