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In a Copenhagen suburb, a fifth-grade classroom is having its weekly cake-eating session, a common tradition in Danish public schools. While the children are eating chocolate cake, the teacher pulls up an infographic on a whiteboard: a bar chart generated by a digital platform that collects data on how they’ve been feeling. Organized to display the classroom’s weekly “mood landscape,” the data shows that the class averaged a mood of 4.4 out of 5, and the children rated their family life highly. "That’s great!” the teacher exclaims, raising two thumbs up in the air. The students in this class are frequently surveyed on a variety of well-being indicators by an app called Woof. Woof then analyzes the students' responses and suggests particular issues for the class to focus on. That week, the app noted that students were struggling with their sleep hygiene. Their teacher helped them think of ways to improve their sleeping habits. These sorts of data-driven well-­being audits are becoming more and more common in Denmark’s classrooms. Danish schoolchildren are in the midst of a mental-health crisis that one of the country’s biggest political parties has called a challenge “equal to inflation, the environmental crisis, and national security.” In just a few decades, the number of children and youth in Denmark with depression has more than sextupled. Companies say these tools can help improve well-being, but some experts worry it could actually make children feel worse. This story comes from the latest issue of MIT Technology Review, the Education issue. Explore the rest of the story and the full issue at the link in bio. Art by @nicolerifkin
The computer scientists designing the future can’t agree on what privacy means. When computer science students and faculty at Carnegie Mellon University’s Institute for Software Research returned to campus in the summer of 2020, there was a lot to adjust to.  Beyond the inevitable strangeness of being around colleagues again after months of social distancing, the department was also moving into a brand-new, state-of-the-art building. The building's futuristic features included carbon dioxide sensors that automatically pipe in fresh air, a rain garden, a yard for robots and drones, and experimental super-sensing devices called Mites. Mounted in more than 300 locations throughout the building, these devices can measure 12 types of data—including motion and sound. Mites were embedded on the walls and ceilings of hallways, in conference rooms, and in private offices, all as part of a research project on smart buildings led by some members of the computer science department. Not everyone was pleased to find the building crawling with Mites. Even though one of the leaders of the project said the goal was to build safer and more secure IoT infrastructure, some in the department thought that the project violated their privacy rather than protected it. They felt that the devices would subject them to experimental surveillance without their consent.  An intradepartmental meltdown over privacy and consent ensued. If researchers within one of the best computer science programs in the world can’t agree on some of the most basic tenets of privacy, where does that leave the rest of us? Click the link in bio to learn more about the academic discussion around privacy and consent that deteriorated into a bitter dispute, complete with accusations of bullying, vandalism, misinformation, and workplace retaliation. Art by @madeby_ari
Michael Edenfield’s doctor calls him the Incredible Shrinking Man.  Between Thanksgiving 2021 and Christmas 2022, the 49-year-old aviation worker shed 129 pounds. Also gone: his sleep apnea machine, his high-blood-pressure medication, and a diuretic pill he had used to alleviate fluid retention in his legs. This is thanks to the only medication Edenfield takes today: Wegovy, a weight-loss drug he injects into his stomach once a week. Edenfield’s success story is the most popular post on a Reddit forum dedicated to weight-loss injections. What you can’t read about—anywhere on the internet—are the experiences of his sister, a 54-year-old restaurant owner named Melissa Hall. In October 2022, Hall began taking Mounjaro, an injectable diabetes medicine that was prescribed to her off-label as a weight-loss drug. She lost 27 pounds in a month and a half, but after her sixth weekly injection, she awoke feeling as though “I had ripped something in my abdomen, right down the middle.” She was diagnosed with pancreatitis and continued to experience “stabbing pain” for a week. Though she is now recovered, her doctor refuses to prescribe her Mounjaro again. (Pancreatitis is a known possible side effect of these drugs.) The Incredible Shrinking Man and his sister are one family with two very different experiences with the current weight-loss injection boom.  Weight-loss injection drugs like Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Ozempic have become viral TikTok sensations. But do the hype and the hashtags tell the full story? What are the physical, social, and psychological side effects of these so-called “miracle” drugs? And can all the publicity lead people to do things they definitely shouldn’t do? Click the link in bio to find out what the increasing popularity of weight-loss drugs means for people IRL. Art by @andreadaquino_art
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Domande frequenti: Statistiche e approfondimenti di Instagram per @technologyreview
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StarNgage offre rapporti analitici completi che forniscono metriche chiave e approfondimenti per una comprensione completa di @technologyreview. Puoi esplorare vari aspetti, inclusa la statistica dei follower di Instagram, come il crescita dei follower e dei post, Tasso di coinvolgimento e le sue tendenze di crescita. Inoltre, puoi accedere a informazioni sul numero medio di mi piace e commenti per post, approfondimenti sulle demografiche dei tuoi follower o pubblico, dati di affinità di marca, menzioni degli hashtag rilevanti, account simili e i post più recenti.
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All'ultimo aggiornamento, @technologyreview ha accumulato un seguito fedele di 1,115,501 follower su Instagram.
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Il nostro rapporto analitico completo di Instagram fornisce una panoramica completa di @technologyreview su Instagram. Questo rapporto include informazioni dettagliate sulla crescita dei follower nel tempo, sulle metriche di coinvolgimento e sulla frequenza dei post, sia su base settimanale che mensile. Per accedere a questo rapporto dettagliato, ti invitiamo a registrarti e creare un nuovo account StarNgage o accedere al tuo account esistente.
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I dati di affinità di marca sono uno strumento potente per capire quali marche o prodotti interessano di più al tuo pubblico. Queste informazioni possono guidare le tue collaborazioni e partnership di contenuti su Instagram, migliorando il tuo coinvolgimento con il tuo pubblico target.