Wendy M. Loyola
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 & 𝐄𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫📍NYC-MIA ✨Brows-Lashes-Makeup✨ CEO: @wm_beautylab @wm_businessacademy @bridal_wmbeautylab @buenavistacottage1 ⬇️
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Today marks 2 years since I purchased my first Investment Property…. I wanted to share this emotional moment because it was also 2 years ago at that very moment that my life took a turn that I didn’t expect. I was so happy to accomplish something I had worked so hard for, at 27 years old working 3 jobs, struggling with depression, anxiety and little to no support. I was finally able to purchase my first home all on my own… 🥹 At the same moment I became a parents to my little sister & the only support my brother who was only 21 years old had at that time. Words cannot describe the pain we were in. Our world seemed to be shattered in front of us. My heart was so broken I couldn’t see a way out! Now 2 years later I wanted to share this with you all because in social media we only see the “good stuff” but I wanted to actually show you the real raw truth. In hopes that it motivates at least 1 person who might be struggling… to please keep persevering! To find your WHY! To inspire you to focused on what’s important to you. Remember you are not alone!! Everyone is going through so many struggles! Not everyone shares them, but trust me is not all success & all great! You can be struggling with health, family, mental health, money ect.. but it doesn’t mean you give up, but keep fighting!!!! Two years later.. I am 29 now 3 Investment properties later, an Airbnb business & a business that helps empower women and start their own business and I could of not even imagine any of this 2 years ago on this very day. I can finally say I am so proud of the women that I am becoming!😭 because I work so damn hard to get myself where I am today! When people meet me they always tell me, “you are so positive” little did they know I felt broken inside…… 😔 BUT none would of known…imagine if I would of just giving up and let my depression and my family drama get to me. I wouldn’t be where I am today! Whatever your goals or mission is.. please please, prioritize it! Please know that you can achieve anything you work for. Just determine what that is for you and go for it! Do not let anyone hold you back from your dreams! With love, Wendy Michelle 😘💕 Xoxoxoxo
WM BEAUTY LAB Service: Ombre Powder Brows or also known as Microshading Work done by our owner & Founder Wendy Michelle 📍LIC, Queens NY ✨LINK IN THE BIO TO BOOK✨ ▪️PROCEDURE: Ombre- Powder Brows also know as Brow Microshading ✨Cejas efecto Polvo ▪️COST: $450 ▪️My price includes 2 session! The 6 week touch up is included in the price! (Other Providers do not include the touch up, but for me it’s important that you are happy with your results) ▪️I do not start until you are 💯 happy with the shape, once you approve we can get stared! ▪️LOCATION: Long Island City, Queens NY ▪️TIME: 2-3 Hours ▪️LASTS: Up to 3 years!!! ▪️FADES: 20-30% lighter after healing ▪️PAIN: Minimum to none. Topical anesthetic is applied ▪️HEALING: 2-3 weeks ▪️BOOKING: Link in the Bio, DM, Email and text 917-302-6680 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ What is powder brows? ✨ Ombre is a semi-permanent powdered brows technique for clients who prefer fuller result than hairstrokes but still very soft. ... The tails of the brow are darker and fade into a light beginning to the brow, giving a perfect Ombre makeup affect. The effects will be waterproof, smudge proof and completely natural! How long does it last? ✨ 2-3 year!! Results do vary based on lifestyle, skin type, health, preferences, etc., but a single ombré powder brows session, using high-quality pigments, can last on average 2-3 years. What is the Process? This is a two step process, first is the initial appointment and then 6 weeks later a touch up is needed to see the final results. It has to be two steps, if you only do the first initial session you will not see the full results or what it will look like.
We are so excited to announce our new Lash & Brow Artist @sally.wmbeautylab As a business owner the search for a new artist was not an easy task, we looked at several candidates. Sally showed so much passion for the beauty industry and dedication and I am so excited to see what we accomplish together. Sally will be handling all of the services below, specializing in lash extensions. You are now able to book with her starting in June! Link in the bio to book with Sally! 💕 Services performed by Sally at @wm_beautylab ▪️Lash Extensions ▪️Lash Lift & Tint ▪️Brow lamination & Tint ▪️Brow Sculpt & Tint ▪️Brow Sculpting ▪️Lip & Chin Wax Please read below a note from Sally to you all 💕 My name is Sally, and I am the newest addition to the team @wm_beautylab ✨. I am a former corporate girlie turned lash & brow artist! Although I completed the WM Beauty Lab's Lash & Brow Master training in February 2023, I've ALWAYS had a passion for the beauty industry 🤍. From what I could remember, ever since I was seven years old, I spent after school and weekends helping my immigrant momma at her nail salon until I went off to college (shoutout to all my first-generation girlies!) I never thought I could make a full-time career in the industry with two STRICT immigrant parents that fled to America to seek refuge from the Vietnam War (they wanted me to be a doctor), but here I am! 💁‍♀️. It might've taken my parents a while to be on board with me pursuing my dreams, but I know they couldn't be more proud of where I am today! I am ecstatic to represent young Asian American women in the beauty industry while disrupting it with @wm_beautylab 👯‍♀️. I will be offering services starting in June ❤.
Start your own business & be your own boss! Prioritize your goals, you deserve it baby girl! 💕 At WM BEAUTY LAB we are a business academy!💕 We don’t just teach you brows and lashes skills, we make sure to also focus on business & marketing. Anyone can do a great brow & lash services but only very few people know how to run a successful business! That is why our program is a small group training, because we give you all the tools you need to succeed. We are happy to answer any questions. We are so excited to be part of your journey. If you are already in the beauty industry, expand your business. Learn the most popular and on demand services! In this training you will receive 5 certifications in 8 hour traning, plus you get a shadow day for further traning. All you need to secure your spot is $250 deposit that goes toward the price. We have Private 1.1 and Group Trainings available! Want an specific dates send a DM or email to request it. If available we will accommodate. ✨DM for more information!✨ ‼️Next Training Dates‼️ ▪️PRIVATE 1.1 TRAINING ▪️English or Spanish ✨Tuesday, May 9th - Available ✨Tuesday, May 16th - Available ▪️GROUP TRAINING ▪️ENGLISH ✨Sunday, May 7th - SOLD OUT ✨Sunday, May 28th ‼️Only 2 SPOTS LEFT‼️ ✨What is included? ✨ ▪️Certificate of Completion ▪️Brow Lamination & Tint Fundamentals ▪️Brow Sculpting & Tint Fundamentals ▪️Lash Lift & Tint Fundamentals ▪️Brow Mapping & Waxing Techniques ▪️Step by step Manual for all services ▪️Hands on training on a live models ▪️Expert Demonstration ▪️Health & Safety Regulations ▪️Proper client interaction ▫️PDF Manual & Supply List with all the links of what we use in our business. You get everything, Down to the chair I use to the all the products.. there is no gatekeeping here! ✨Business Portion✨ ▪️How to start your business ▪️How to get more clients ▪️How to retains clients ▪️Social media marketing ▪️Social Media Strategy ▪️Photo & Video Editing ▪️Lighting & Content ▪️On-going Mentorship A starting kit is included & you get exclusive access our student page where we share ongoing tools for your business, we are a community of women who support women!
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Algengar spurningar: Instagram tölfræði og skoðanir fyrir @wm_beautylab
Hvernig get ég fengið aðgang að uppboðum og greiningu Instagram fyrir @wm_beautylab?
StarNgage býður upp á ítarlegar greiningarskýrslur sem veita lykiltölur og skoðanir sem gefa þér fullt skilning á @wm_beautylab. Þú getur skoðað ýmsa viðburði, svo sem Instagram fjölfuna staðla, svo sem fjölfunartölur og vöxtuatriði, áhuga ábendingu og vöxtuatriði. Þú getur einnig fengið upplýsingar um meðalfjölda líka og ummæla á innleggum, viskun um þáttakendur eða áheyrendur og afurðum, minntum um viðeigandi heiti, svipuðum reikningum og nýlegustu innleggum.
Hvað er núverandi fjöldi fylgjenda fyrir @wm_beautylab á Instagram?
Frá síðustu uppfærslu hefur @wm_beautylab safnað sérstökum fylgingu af 16,702 fylgjendum á Instagram.
Hvaða gagnaflæði og greiningu fjallar fulla skýrsla um @wm_beautylab á Instagram?
Okkar fullkomna Instagram greiningarskýrsla veitir fagskyldri yfirsýn yfir @wm_beautylab á Instagram. Þessi skýrsla gengur út í dýpri upplýsingar um vöxt fjölgunnar yfir tímann, skiptivinnuatriði og postingageta, bæði á viku- og mánaðargrundvelli. Til að fá aðgang að þessum umfangsmiklu skýrslum skaltu skrá þig og stofna nýtt StarNgage reikning eða skrá þig inn í þinn meðfylgjandi reikningur.
Get ég fylgt því hvernig áhuga ábending @wm_beautylab á Instagram hefur þróast?
Já, StarNgage greiningarverkfæri leyfa þér að fylgja vöxtu áhuga ábendingar fyrir @wm_beautylab á Instagram. Þessir gögn hjálpa þér að meta hversu árangursrík er áhuga ábendingarstefna @wm_beautylab.
Hvernig get ég notað skilning á ákveðnum hópi áheyrenda á Instagram?
Að fá innsýn í aldurshóp ástilltrar áheyrnar á Instagram getur verið ómælanlegur gildi. Það gerir þér kleift að höggva á áhrifasiður áverkar samfélagshlut þátttakenda á @wm_beautylab, þar sem þú færð upplýsingar um aldurstölu, kyn, staðsetningu og hagsmunatengsl þeirra.
Hvernig get ég notfært mér greiningu á auðlindahagkvæmni til að bæta markaðssetningaráætlun mína á Instagram með @wm_beautylab?
Auðlindagreining er öflugt verkfæri til að skilja hvaða vörumerki eða vörur buntru aðhafendur þínir hafa mest hagsmun af. Þessar upplýsingar geta haft áhrif á samstöðu þína við þá fylgjendur sem þú hagntúar á Instagram.