Hair- Scalp Specialist/Loctician & Educator
✨ Are you struggling with Dry Locs? ✨ Frustrated with Lack of Growth? ✨Flaky/Itchy Scalp? ✨Need solution To heal your Hair & Scalp⤵️
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Transparency Post: As I begin to write this I get emotional all over again 😞. But God wanted me to tell a little of my PROCESS & how I moved correct & how he has been faithful in my life & can heal any broken heart 💔.. Back in 2021 I lost my Mother due to COVID-19 she was my heart my soul the air I breathe while also battling a on & off divorce while being a full time Entrepreneur, student in school,Battling with depression,Insomnia all in one.. Thinking to myself why god put all this on me & how did I just literally loose my best friend, marriage trouble But still managing to put on this smile to everyone while hurting in the inside going home to cry in the shower then blood pressure being high at age of 25 loosing over 25 pounds in months due to stress & not eating, but steady thanking God during my storm cause ppl out here got it worse than me. Entering today in 2023 where God is my father my provider,my healer & I has built a closer bond than ever before I’m Happy Im at peace I’m a Free woman I’m healing, loving myself more & more everyday learning me, done came through the storms, able to fight anything that comes my way from now on cause God within me, spreading his word & love through others b/c he did it for me he can do it for you.. I’m a living witness that GOD is real & will take you through the storm but he never left you by your side whole time just got to have faith, I know sometimes it seem some people betray of having it all together but I live in reality & reality is LIFE can get tough sometimes but we god to more forward… I’m here to say stay connected with him, listen to his voice follow the plans he got for you & he will take you far.. Thank you 🙏🏾 Lord for saving my mind my soul my heart & allowing me to share my story with others that may be dealing with some similar or needed to hear this & not feel alone. Let them know god you will never leave or forsake them but know they must trust in you . AMEN Thank you for listening & allowing my story to Touch your heart, ❤️ “I have told you these things,so that in me you have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world” John 16:33….
Are you Frustrated with your hair & tired of flakes falling & dropping everywhere? 😞 I can understand DO THESE 3 Things & it will change your life Okay Listen hear me out, ⬇️ #1 Seek a Professional or Scalp Specialist, That can look at your scalp analysis & Y’all create a regimen/treatment plan to get the issue resolved… #2. Watch what you eat & your stress levels, Did you know that what we consume internally is what comes out externally? Our hair skin & body needs water, Fruits,veggies, A good balance to keep flourishing & keep our body healthy & free of toxics our fav foods such sugar, sodas,alcohol, processed foods, fried foods,beef can be detrimental to us b/c if all the hormones,sugar, & toxics inside that can cause us to be sick, & unhealthy endocrine system and cause us to have mucus, cause more inflammation in body & in scalp,irritation & creat a flare up if you already having Scalp issues.. 3. Use Natural Products, What you put in your hair either going to Help or Harm, and when you have scalp issues you want products that works with your hair & not against it, that’s why I created Natural Product line @dreadqueen18 that helps to prevent, Itchy scalp,dandruff,psoriasis,dry hair,lack of growth etc our Hydration Mist Contains Aloe Vera which is anti inflammatory & bacterial that has vitamins & nutrients need that heals your scalp & helps against with dandruff,itchy scalp & psoriasis on scalp.. Hope this was helpful 😘 Don’t forget SAVE & Follow me for more content 🫶🏽 Follow @dreadqueen18 for more hair tips & To SHOP 💕 I want the World to have healthy Hair 🙌🏾 so love y’all 4 Life 💕 Comment “ME” if you Need help.. . . . #atl #atlanta #locs #menwithlocs #dreads #womenstyleswithlocs #fort myers #2strandtwist #wicks #dreadnation #color #starters #explore page #hairtip #healthyhairjourney #olaplex #South Carolina #duluth #winder #organic #natural #scalpmassage #viral #explorepage #voiceofhair #Gwinnett
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Dobivanje uvida u demografiju publike @dreadqueen18 na Instagram može biti izuzetno vrijedno. Omogućuje vam da prilagodite svoje sadržaje i marketinške strategije influencera kako biste bolje rezonirali s pratiteljima @dreadqueen18, jer ćete imati informacije o njihovoj dobi, spolu, lokaciji i interesima.
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Podaci o afinitetu branda su moćan alat da biste shvatili koje su marke ili proizvodi najzanimljiviji vašoj publici. Ove informacije mogu vam pomoći u vođenju suradnje sadržaja i partnerstava na Instagram, unapređujući vašu angažiranost s ciljanom publikom.