Maria Borelius
Bestselling author, biologist, food lover and science journalist. Foods, moods and movement for health, go and glow. 🌟💛🌟
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Do you like bitter leaves?🥬💚🥬 We are ancestors of early apes, who ate a lot of plant based foods. Some of those plants were bitter. 🌿 Bitter can sometimes in nature signal bad foods (poision alert) but in our everyday foods they are is beneficial. I am thinking of ruccola, spinach, chicory, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, dark chocolate, kale, dandelion leaves, wild herbs...🥬🥦🌿Or do like Blue Zone Okinawans, which I visted a few years ago, splurge on Bitter Melon..🥒if you can find it in your food store.. Interesting research from pre-clinical studies; bitter leaves will signal to gut to produce stomach acids and enzymes (breaking down proteins and removing waste). They encourage the liver produce bile, which digests fats and help extract fatsoluable vitamins. They modulate appetite hormones, and helps relax the digestive system as it encourages our inner Panda to thrive, aka the parasympathetic nerve system. 💚 (More research needed, but as always with natural foods, the full research we need takes time and resources, as no pharmaceutical company will ever be able to patent these natural leaves and herbs..) Meanwhile at the ranch, I am inspired by Stephanie Moore, and love adding a few bitters to my meals by simply fixing: -small rocket salad with shavings of Parmesan cheese and vinaigrette -a few chicory boats with a bit of blue cheese inside🌲 -using cheese grater to make a very fine cabbage salad, and squeeze this with vinaigrette to soften -roasting kale with olive oil and sea salt to make kale chips -a few squares of dark (plus 70%) chocolate with my ginger lemon tea after dinner Or I buy a "bitters" elixir in the health food store. What bitters do you eat regularly?🥦⁣ #nutrition #health #functionalnutrition #glutenfree #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #antiinflammatory #healthygut #holistichealth #antioxidants #antiinflammatorydiet #guthealing #wellness #guthealthmatters #healthyliving #bitters
As autumn chills are drawing near, how about some immunity boosting foods?💛 A beautiful warm salad, with inspiration from a lunch my sister-in-law invited us to in Ahus on the Swedish south coast. It has creamy blue cheese, honeyed-sour pickles, apricots🍑, green leaves🥬 and an earthy tarragon and turmeric chicken. Why gut boosting? Well 70-80% of immune system resides in gut, communicating with all the body. So happier gut will lead to a stronger immune system. Blue cheese is a great way to fill up your gut with lactobacillus, and all plants from the Allium family (all onion cousins🧅) provide fantastic fibre for your microbiome. Green leaves are also great gut foods, and apricots feed the Akkermansia species in gut, which new interesting research shows protect the integrity of gut lining. Chicken for protein and walnuts for omega 3...Health on a plate, so beautiful and tasty too. Easy stuff, if you prep the pickles first. You need (6 portions) 6-10 chicken breasts, 4 cloves garlic, 1 dl olive oil, 2 tbsp dried tarragon, half teaspoon turmeric, salt and black pepper Salad: 6 handfuls of mixed green leaves, 20 dried apricots, creamy Blue Cheese of good quality (about 70 g), 10 chopped walnuts. Pickled red onion: 2 thinly sliced red onions, half dl vinegar, 1,5 dl water, 1 dl dark honey 🧅Do the pickles first. Warm water and vinegar until hot but not boiling. Pour over red onion. As it gets slightly cooler pour in honey and stir so honey dissolves. Let rest for 1 hour. 🍗Put the chicken breasts between baking sheets, or in a zip-top bag, and use a bottle to pound the breast into 1 cm filets. Make a chicken marinade; cut garlic thinly, mix with olive oil, tarragon, turmeric, salt and peppar. Marinade for at least 20 min, preferably longer. Grill the chicken. Or fry in coconut oil. 🥬Make salad: Green leaves beautifully on plate. Cut apricots thinly (I use a scissor). Cut walnuts and crumble the cheese. Top the salad with the pickled onion rings. Either top the salad with the chicken. Or serve on the side. Drizzle some olive oil on top. 🍋💛🍋 ⁣ .⁣ #gutfriendly #healthyfood #guthealthdiet #mindfuleating #gutmicrobiome
What does a hero look like?⭐️ To me, these two are champions. 🌿💚🌿 Looking closely at nature and finding quirks that open up for the bettering of mankind. Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman created the scientific breakthroughs necessary for mRNA vaccines, which became a totally new group of vaccines, used against Covid. Yesterday it was announced they will be awarded the Nobel prize in physiology and medicine. Being a real hero, to me, is not about quick fixes, looking hot on Instagram or being famous in media because you shout loud and agressively. To me it's about hard, long term work, believing in something and working for it against much opposition to the benefit of humanity. Like protection against disease..🙏 The old vaccines (polio, measles etc) are based on using weak or dead viruses, which you introduce in small doses. The body "learns" what this foreign agent looks like-and is prepared to build a defence, and strike hard if it attacks full scale. To produce these vaccines take time. Require large scale factories. And this process is not fast enough when pandemics strike. The new mRNA technique means introducing just small unique tidbits of the virus (like the very special Corona "spike" on its outer membrane), to build a recognition of the virus in the body, so it can defend itself when it attacks big time. Developing such vaccines can be faster. But it was difficult to make it happen. The body reacted to the mRNA itself. Inflammation occured. Katalin and Dres found a way to make the mRNA create less inflammation. They found a pathway nature itself takes, changing one of the bases in the mRNA into a version that was acceptable to the body. Very few believed in their work at first. It was hard to get funding. But the work was published 2005. Then 15 years later Covid came, and their work became the based for the extraordinary success of the rapid Covid vaccine development. So well deserved prize. What does a hero look like to you? ⁣ #nobelprizeannouncement #biotechnology #womeninstem #biology #science #research #nobelprize #womeninscience #medicine #nobel #antiinflammatory #inflammation #hälsorevolutionen #womensupportingwomen
Remember the old food pyramid with bread, pasta and cereals at the base? 💚 And very little fat at the top…? How do you feel if you eat that way? Let me guess... -tired🥹 -inflamed🥵 -bloated🤕 These pyramids were Old School. Which has led to ppl thinking processed high GI cereal, juice and croissants is a ’great breakfast’…( hello special K, sugar pops and transfat muesli..) And that low fat equals good foods. And that all calories are equal… All of these ’facts’, new research show, is the opposite of truth, the opposite of healthy foods.🌿 So. We need a new food pyramid. ☺️ A food pyramid for health…🌿 Working with our microbiome, with our evolutionary history…🌿 An antiinflammatory food pyramid! Here is mine from my cookbook. -Base is green veggies and berries. Eat more of these🥬🫐🥦, and first in meal.🌿 -Next level good proteins, like poultry, eggs🥚, tofu, dairy, beans, lentils, fish, shellfish 🍤 -Next level good healthy fats, like coconutoil🥥, olive 🫒 oil, nuts and seeds, avocado 🥑 -then comes higher carb foods like sweeter fruits🍉, oatmeal porridge, potatoes🍊 At the top the Himalaya level of red wine and dark ( +70%) chocolate🍷 🌿The idea: lower down, foods that heal, lowering blood sugars🥦, feeding microbiome. Higher up foods that easier cause insulin rising. 🌿The use: Eat more of the lower foods🥬. Eat them first at your meals🫑. Eat them after intermittent fasting🧅. Higher up- more seldom, unless you have a hard physical labour job. Thoughts? Questions?💚 What is your food pyramid like? #healthyfood #healthandwellness #fitness #antiinflammatory #hälsorevolutionen #veggie #microbiota #guthealth #gutmicrobiome @dr.mindypelz #hälsorevolutionenkokboken
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Domande frequenti: Statistiche e approfondimenti di Instagram per @maria.borelius
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All'ultimo aggiornamento, @maria.borelius ha accumulato un seguito fedele di 58,682 follower su Instagram.
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