Elena Karpilova
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Caroline Brodhead and Lin Cheung are showcasing their exhibition at the @galeria.reverso in Lisbon. @lincheungjewellery @carolinebroadhead I love it when artists, who master the most intricate techniques, confidently explore various materials and play with classical approaches. On one display, there’s Lin Cheung’s « Nape » pendant (32 sec), delicately crafted from rock crystal, subtly replicating the contours of this intimate and often unnoticed part of the body. Adjacent to it is a ring made also from rock crystal, coated with nail polish. It marks the beginning of a series of rings inspired by nail art, which has become an integral part of life and almost a jewellery itself. Currently, this work is one of my favorites in the world of jewelry💅🏼 Modestly hanging on the wall are Caroline Broadhead’s works, paying homage to Portuguese tiles, not only famous worldwide but sometimes victimized by vandals. « I created this series of works after visiting Lisbon a couple of years ago. It was my first time in the city, and I learned that there are people who remove tiles from buildings and sell them on the black market. I was struck by the moment of spreading something local worldwide. I saw some tiles on eBay for £30, and others for £150! And I decided to reproduce some of them. I like the idea that facades of houses are mosaic when covered with tiles, and these works feature the mosaic motif as well » The real dimensions of the tiles are preserved. Thank you, English Queens of jewellery scene, for the new works, thoughts, and emotions they evoke. The exhibition is part of the events celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Reverse Gallery. It will run until November 2023.
A few weeks ago, I visited the @macba_barcelona Museum in Barcelona, Catalonia. There, I saw the artworks of the Peruvian artist Daniela Ortiz. Since I'm intrigued by the phenomenon of the presence of the jewelry sphere in various aspects of life, I couldn't just walk by. This short text below is for us. — "Do you actually eat this gold?" "Yes, we certainly do!" A dialogue between an Indian and a Spaniard described by Peruvian chronicler Felipe Guamán Poma. Daniela Ortiz took this quote as a starting point for a performative action arranged as a banquet. While Ortiz's installation consisting of 15 plates delves into the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire followed by the colonization of the Americas, this statement serves as a global warning message. We can endlessly discuss the consequences of the colonial past, orchestrate grand events like the Venetian Architectural Biennale, which this year is devoted to the topic of decolonization, yet we still witness a divide between those who 'ate the gold' and those who gave the gold more than 500 years ago. But do we realize that our ways of thinking and living still carry colonial spirit? Do we acknowledge the fact that many countries still maintain a privileged position in relation to their former colonies? In our daily lives, do we not encounter this imperial way of thinking, mirrored in the realms of food production, distribution, and consumption? How much is enough for us? —— "The Spanish eat history. The Spanish eat terra (soil/earth). The Spanish eat blood. The Spanish eat gold. The last of the great Incas, Manco himself, bitterly remarked, "Even if the snows of the Andes turned to gold still they would not be satisfied."
In 1919, Franz Kafka wrote a letter to his father, starting with the words « Dearest father... ». In this 103-page handwritten opus, Kafka reproached his father for abusive behavior. I’ve read it all. A masterpiece, filled with pain and the courage to articulate all traumas, brimming with the tears of a boy who could never feel love for his father. Almost 80 years later, Spanish artist Elena del Rivero @elenadelriveronyc took this piece by Kafka as a pillar to embark on her own path in exploring the figure of her mother. Over the course of 30 years, from 1991 to 2021, she wrote a number of letters to her mother. Texts, stitches, drawings — she used various forms to interpret her feelings and thoughts, not necessarily understandable by anyone else except the author. Beads, pearls. Threads, ink. Repetitions, pauses. An infinite path, an endless quest to attempt to approach the persona of her mother. Since her mother will never understand this language, I suppose the artist will never receive answers to her questions. Just as Kafka’s father never received a letter from his son. As far as we know, Kafka gave his letter to his mother. She read it. And decided to return it to her son. Despite the numerous studies of Kafka’s case in a psychological context, claims of neurotic and other syndromes, I find his mind absolutely brilliant and clear, with an ability to perceive every nuance of this world and especially human behavior. Perhaps such people remain unheard, even though their language is indeed a collection of gemstones, much like in Elena del Rivero’s piece, which we can’t spell out but can only admire.  Interesting that I found this work in Barcelona in @macba_barcelona just the day after endless reflections on possibility and necessity (or lack thereof) of honest dialogue with parents about traumas.
Оказывается, ровно восемь лет назад, в 2015-ом году, я сделала в Инстаграм первый пост. С того момента этот аккаунт каким-то естественным образом стал не только галереей моих работ, но и местом образования, не побоюсь этого слова, в сфере современного ювелирного дела для всех желающих. Я постоянно делилась всем, что меня саму захватывало, удивляло, что мне открывалось через разнообразные ресурсы. Какое-то время я получала даже много неприятных сообщений о том, что, мол, и мои работы, и работы, о которых я рассказываю, скажем так, какая-то ерунда. Я искренне не понимала, зачем это писать мне. Тем более, что любви к сфере, которой я интересуюсь, все эти послания уж никак не смогут поубавить. Сейчас я таких сообщений не получаю, может ко всему, о чем я рассказываю, привыкли, смирились с существованием огромного параллельного мира 🙂 Настойчивость и любовь — страшные силы!) Считаю, что сделала за эти годы большой вклад в развитие и понимание современного ювелирного дела в Беларуси (на самом деле не только там), где его вообще не существует. На данный момент людей, которые делают что-то авторское можно посчитать на пальцах одной руки. А многие имена, известные давно во всём мире, вы узнали тут, в моем небольшом мире, где я делилась и делюсь. А были ещё даже офлайн и онлайн лекции! И даже воркшопы. И даже для детей. К чему это я? Наверное, к тому, чтобы поблагодарить вас за то, что вы со мной. И поздравить с годовщиной) Те, кто тут давно, помнят даже времена с образовательными сториз, по штук 30-40 в день. Сейчас в Инстаграм я не так активна, зато намного активнее вне его. Рада, что маленькими шагами иду туда, куда хочу, и вас веду в мир прекрасного, сложного и спорного искусства. Чтобы думать, думать, думать. Это главное.
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All'ultimo aggiornamento, @karpilova ha accumulato un seguito fedele di 4,603 follower su Instagram.
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