China sourcing agent
• Fast product search by request • Supplier verification • Worldwide shipping • Inspections in factories / markets inChina #buyerinchina PRESS ⬇️
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Visiting China Guangdong Internet plus exposition. Since its inception in 2015, the International “Internet+” Expo has been successfully held for six sessions. More than 500 guests from more than 10 countries and regions participated in the forum activities. The total number of exhibitors reached more than 2,000, with an exhibition area of more than 280,000 square meters and 380,000 professional visitors. Huawei, Jingdong, Midea, Telecom, Mobile, Unicom, UF, Kingdee Software, ABB, Huashu and other leading companies in the industry have participated in the exhibition for many years and have become a well-known Internet+ intelligent manufacturing expo in our country. With the theme of “Industrial interconnection and Digital intelligent manufacturing”, with “Internet + Industry” as the breakthrough, this expo will enable the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing with digitization and intelligence, promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy, and further promote “Internet+ Advanced manufacturing”, provide a display and promotion platform for innovative solutions for Internet enterprises across the country, and provide an exchange and cooperation platform for traditional industries to connect to the Internet and realize transformation and development. #china #guangzhou #chinasourcing #sourcing #sourcingagent #chinabusiness #cantonfair #expo #exposition #businessideas #businesswoman #businessstrategy #manufacturing #manufacturer #chinafactory #enterpreneur #chinatravel
Inspection of the quality of the goods and the Chinese enterprise @china.sourcing.agent . Inspection (or Verification) of goods before loading or at the assembly stage is relevant for entrepreneurs working with Chinese suppliers. But do not forget to check the company itself. . When conducting an inspection of the enterprise, it is necessary to request: - contacts of the company’s management; - production licenses; - contacts of the manager responsible for working on your orders; - product samples; - constituent documents. You should also make sure of: - availability of warehouses; - availability of production lines; - availability of qualified staff; - availability of buildings and offices. Do not forget to familiarize yourself with the financial situation of the company - this will protect you from cooperation with a company on the verge of bankruptcy. Checking the PRODUCT! . Before going to check the quality of the goods, ask the representatives of the company for information about whether all the necessary equipment is available for this check. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a solid list of special devices for measuring sizes, volumes, pressure and other things. . Always pay attention to the designations and articles of the manufactured goods - their discrepancy may indicate that the goods were purchased from another company, and your partner is nothing but an intermediary. Make sure of the quantity of the goods - situations like “something was not reported somewhere” are normal practice. . Inspect the quality of the packaging - if it does not match the product, request the right packaging from the company. Check whether the product is securely packed. If necessary, record it on video. . If you need to inspect the goods and the company in China, you can always contact us. Write to Yandex. Direct and I will send you a sample report on such an inspection. #china #chinasourcing #chinasourcingagent #business #cargochina #chinacargo #buslife #guangzhou #gz #sourcing #businesstips #businessinchina #china #sourcingchina #chinatravel #chinatown #taobao #1688 #poizon #карго #каргокитай #каргоизкитая #каргогуанчжоу #guangzhoucity
Inspection of the quality of the goods and the Chinese enterprise @china.sourcing.agent . Inspection (or Verification) of goods before loading or at the assembly stage is relevant for entrepreneurs working with Chinese suppliers. But do not forget to check the company itself. . When conducting an inspection of the enterprise, it is necessary to request: - contacts of the company’s management; - production licenses; - contacts of the manager responsible for working on your orders; - product samples; - constituent documents. You should also make sure of: - availability of warehouses; - availability of production lines; - availability of qualified staff; - availability of buildings and offices. Do not forget to familiarize yourself with the financial situation of the company - this will protect you from cooperation with a company on the verge of bankruptcy. Checking the PRODUCT! . Before going to check the quality of the goods, ask the representatives of the company for information about whether all the necessary equipment is available for this check. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a solid list of special devices for measuring sizes, volumes, pressure and other things. . Always pay attention to the designations and articles of the manufactured goods - their discrepancy may indicate that the goods were purchased from another company, and your partner is nothing but an intermediary. Make sure of the quantity of the goods - situations like “something was not reported somewhere” are normal practice. . Inspect the quality of the packaging - if it does not match the product, request the right packaging from the company. Check whether the product is securely packed. If necessary, record it on video. . If you need to inspect the goods and the company in China, you can always contact us. Write to Yandex. Direct and I will send you a sample report on such an inspection. #china #chinasourcing #chinasourcingagent #business #cargochina #chinacargo #buslife #guangzhou #gz #sourcing #businesstips #businessinchina #china #sourcingchina #chinatravel #chinatown #taobao #1688 #poizon #карго #каргокитай #каргоизкитая #каргогуанчжоу #guangzhoucity
Inspection of the quality of the goods and the Chinese enterprise @china.sourcing.agent . Inspection (or Verification) of goods before loading or at the assembly stage is relevant for entrepreneurs working with Chinese suppliers. But do not forget to check the company itself. . When conducting an inspection of the enterprise, it is necessary to request: - contacts of the company’s management; - production licenses; - contacts of the manager responsible for working on your orders; - product samples; - constituent documents. You should also make sure of: - availability of warehouses; - availability of production lines; - availability of qualified staff; - availability of buildings and offices. Do not forget to familiarize yourself with the financial situation of the company - this will protect you from cooperation with a company on the verge of bankruptcy. Checking the PRODUCT! . Before going to check the quality of the goods, ask the representatives of the company for information about whether all the necessary equipment is available for this check. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a solid list of special devices for measuring sizes, volumes, pressure and other things. . Always pay attention to the designations and articles of the manufactured goods - their discrepancy may indicate that the goods were purchased from another company, and your partner is nothing but an intermediary. Make sure of the quantity of the goods - situations like “something was not reported somewhere” are normal practice. . Inspect the quality of the packaging - if it does not match the product, request the right packaging from the company. Check whether the product is securely packed. If necessary, record it on video. . If you need to inspect the goods and the company in China, you can always contact us. Write to Yandex. Direct and I will send you a sample report on such an inspection. #china #chinasourcing #chinasourcingagent #business
The scheme of our cooperation with the KARGO 579 company is very simple. You provide detailed information on the goods you want to purchase in the form of an online application. A highly qualified specialist, after receiving an application, will contact you in the next few minutes and ask a few more questions: size, purpose, quantity, and the desired price range. Then, within the agreed time frame, you receive the ordered goods with a set of documentation that confirms the legal origin of the products. At your request, samples can be sent in advance for review. One of the important advantages of our company is an individual, personal approach to each customer, in the process of work we take into account all the subtleties and nuances, and we are also sensitive to the wishes of customers. This scheme of work allows you to search for goods and manufacturers quickly and smoothly, regardless of the level of complexity of the task. All that is required of you is only a detailed and correct description of the requested unit of goods. For the fundamental foundation of the business, we form a rational solution and effectively implement it for you. Trusting us, professionals in our field, control the fundamental aspects of the business, we guarantee its confident prosperity. For a detailed consultation, order a call back or write to us in Direct and we will contact you as soon as possible. #buyerchina #chinabuyer #kargo579 #chinaexport #chinaimport #chinawholesale #chinawholesales #chinabusiness #china #chinalife #chinalogistics #mychina #mychinagram #inchina #chinagram #supplierchina #chinasupplier #chinasourcing #chinasourcingagent #sourcing #sourcingagent
📦CARGO 579 is your reliable partner in China The CARGO 579 company has been offering its customers the following work scheme since 2010: You fill out a "quick request" or send a request to Yandex.Direct. Our managers provide the necessary advice depending on the request: After the purchase from the supplier, we consolidate and pack your cargo in our warehouses We send the cargo to your designated place, taking into account the passage of customs 🤝Guarantee of the result We comply with all the terms of the delivery contract and meet the customer halfway in difficult situations 👍Fixed rates No "surprises" with an increase in rates by the time the cargo is received 🙀Free training We share our 10-year experience free of charge and answer questions on Instagram "posrednikvkitae" will deliver your cargo from China to any city of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus in the shortest possible time and at the best price. 100% fulfillment of the obligations assumed: not a single arrest, loss or delay The cost of cargo transportation services will depend on how you decided to deliver the cargo, as well as on the route, type of transport and the nature of the goods. In the section "Examples of calculations" we publish the real cost of delivery and customs clearance services in terms of 15 kg of cargo. For your convenience, we provide a full range of freight forwarding services: DELIVERY FROM CHINA EVERYTHING FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT WITH CHINA Air delivery Combined cargo from China Multimodal transportation Railway cargo transportation from China Cargo transportation from China Container transportation Oversized cargo transportation Additional services Customs transit Cargo certification We have extensive experience in organizing furniture and shop tours to China - we will help you to profitably purchase unique furniture, kitchen, household goods, finishing materials and much more, and at the same time make an unforgettable trip to the south of China Do you need to bring cargo from China ? We will do everything on time and at the lowest price. Call or write!
* Hak Cipta: Pencipta konten adalah pemilik hak cipta default. Informasi ini termasuk gambar, teks, video, postingan, dan profil yang diterbitkan di domain publik dan media sosial yang sesuai untuk ditampilkan publik.
Domande frequenti: Statistiche e approfondimenti di Instagram per @china.sourcing.agent
Come posso accedere alle statistiche e all'analisi di Instagram per @china.sourcing.agent?
StarNgage offre report analitici completi che forniscono metriche chiave e approfondimenti per darti un'e comprensione completa di @china.sourcing.agent. Puoi esplorare vari aspetti, inclusa la statistica dei follower di Instagram, come l'andamento della crescita dei follower e dei post, il tasso di coinvolgimento e l'andamento della crescita. Inoltre, puoi accedere alle informazioni sul numero medio di like e commenti per post, approfondimenti sulla demografia dei tuoi follower o del tuo pubblico, dati di affinità di marca, menzioni di hashtag rilevanti, account simili e i post più recenti.
Qual è il conteggio attuale dei follower per @china.sourcing.agent su Instagram?
All'ultimo aggiornamento, @china.sourcing.agent ha accumulato un seguito fedele di 11,064 follower su Instagram.
Quali approfondimenti e analisi sono inclusi nel rapporto completo per @china.sourcing.agent su Instagram?
Il nostro rapporto analitico completo di Instagram fornisce una panoramica completa di @china.sourcing.agent su Instagram. Questo rapporto include informazioni dettagliate sulla crescita dei follower nel tempo, le metriche di coinvolgimento e la frequenza dei post, sia settimanali che mensili. Per accedere a questo rapporto approfondito, registrati e crea un nuovo account StarNgage o accedi al tuo account esistente.
Posso tracciare come è evoluto il tasso di coinvolgimento di @china.sourcing.agent su Instagram?
Sì, gli strumenti di analisi di StarNgage ti consentono di monitorare l'evoluzione del tasso di coinvolgimento di @china.sourcing.agent nel tempo su Instagram. Questi dati ti aiutano a valutare l'efficacia delle strategie di coinvolgimento di @china.sourcing.agent.
Come posso capire la demografia del pubblico di @china.sourcing.agent su Instagram?
Conoscere la demografia dei follower di @china.sourcing.agent su Instagram può essere estremamente prezioso. Ti consente di adattare i tuoi contenuti influencer e le tue strategie di marketing per farli risuonare meglio con i follower di @china.sourcing.agent, avendo informazioni sulla loro età, genere, posizione e interessi.
Come posso sfruttare i dati sull'affinità di marca per migliorare la mia strategia di marketing su Instagram con @china.sourcing.agent?
I dati sull'affinità di marca sono uno strumento potente per capire quali marchi o prodotti interessano di più al tuo pubblico. Queste informazioni possono guidare le tue collaborazioni e partnership sui contenuti su Instagram, migliorando il coinvolgimento con il tuo pubblico di riferimento.