Disrupting norms around dairy and health, working to abolish dietary racism, and fighting climate change. Venmo: Switch-4-Good
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“We had been doing studies to figure out how good protein was, and they were done on weanling rats, four weeks old, and these little rats could double their weight in four weeks if they were fed cheese or meat. And those studies have still been a foundation for some of the protein quality assessments. For example, in Canada, we’re still using Protein Efficiency Ratio as a standard. And not that many people I know, in fact, I can’t think of one that I’ve met, want to double their weight in four weeks like these little rats did.” If you are vegan or vegetarian, at some point, someone, somewhere, has probably asked you how you get enough protein. It’s a common misconception that a plant-based diet is deficient in protein. However, in their new book, Plant-Powered Protein: Nutrition Essentials and Dietary Guidelines for All Ages, our guests today, dietitians Brenda Davis (@brendadavisrd) and Vesanto Melina (@vesanto.melina), debunk the myth that you can’t get quality protein without eating animals. The book provides an abundance of evidence for why plant protein is, in fact, the superior choice. This is their 7th book together and their 20th in total, many of them bestsellers. Brenda Davis is widely regarded as the Godmother of Vegan Dietitians. You might also remember Brenda from her amazing appearance on episode #92 of the Switch4Good podcast. Vesanto Melina is a consultant for the government of British Columbia and recipient of the prestigious Clintec Award for leadership in dietetics. Click the link in our bio for the full episode to in to hear these plant-based pioneers set the record straight about the incredible power of plant protein! #podcast #protein
It’s the end of National Dairy Month and if we’re looking at the numbers, it’s also quite possibly the end of Big Dairy. Every day, all of us at Switch4good fight passionately and tirelessly to provide education about the horrific impact of the dairy industry on human health, the planet, food justice and the animals, and to help you make the switch from cow’s milk to plant-milk 🥛🌱 This video features some of our incredible campaigns: 🥛 Our serial killer billboard in Hollywood which directed people to KillerMilk.com . The website has had millions of impressions since the launch and teaches all about how dairy the most notorious serial killer of all time. KillerMilk 2.0 is coming soon! 🥛 The ADD SOY Act was introduced into the House of Representatives to get soy milk onto children’s cafeteria trays across the nation so they have a safe, nutritious beverage to drink at school that won’t make them sick, like cow’s milk does. Link in bio to submit our pre-filled form to show your support for our nation’s children. 🥛 We launched our Plant-based Playbook for pre-order which is the key to improving your overall health and athletic performance. It’s loaded with research from experts, recipes, meal plans, tips and more, and is available via the link in our bio. 🥛 Our Justice Cup campaign is fighting dietary racism by continuing to urge Starbucks to drop the plant-milk uncharge in the United States. As a non-profit, we rely on and are grateful for your support and generosity. Please visit the link in our bio or Switch4Good.org to learn about how you can support us. Thank you for the support you’ve shown us thus far! #dairy #milk
Fluid milk production has been steadily declining over the last 70 years, but over the last decade, we’ve seen the most dramatic decline of over 20%. Big Dairy is desperate to get cow’s milk into the mouths of anyone and everyone, but especially into the mouths of our nation’s children. To boost the demand for cow’s milk, dairy companies are creating “unique, novelty” items, many of which appeal to children, from colorful rainbow milk to packaging featuring the most popular cartoon characters. Big Dairy just can’t help themselves when it comes to taking advantage of kids👇 On a much larger scale, we have the major issue of The National School Lunch Program which puts over 50 million children’s health at risk via a federal mandate requiring cow’s milk be served on lunch trays. Not only is cow’s milk the most common and severe food allergy among children under 16, but over 1/3 of the population is lactose intolerant, disproportionally affecting individuals of color. Around 29% of unopened cow’s milk cartons are thrown into the trash each year, which is $300 million waste of taxpayer dollars. So, what are we doing about it? We introduced The ADD SOY Act into the House which would make soy milk, a beverage recognized by the USDA as nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk, reimbursable through the NSLP. Kids will finally have a nutritious, safe beverage to drink that won’t make them sick. 🚨 WE NEED 60 SECONDS OF YOUR TIME TO HELP OUR NATION’S CHILDREN. Please click the link in our bio and submit the PRE-FILLED form to support the Add Soy Act! Comment below when you’ve submitted your form! Thank you for your support! #milk #moo #dairy #usda #nationalschoollunchprogram
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KKK: Instagram statistika ja teadmiste hankimine @switch4good
Kuidas saan Instagram statistikat ja analüütikat @switch4good kohta hankida?
StarNgage pakub põhjalikke analüütilisi aruandeid, mis annavad olulisi kriteeriume ja teadmisi, et saaksite @switch4good kohta täieliku ülevaate. Saate uurida erinevaid aspekte, sealhulgas Instagram jälgija statistikat, nagu jälgija ja postituste kasvu tendentsid, kaasamise määr ja selle kasvutrendid. Lisaks saate teavet keskmise meeldimiste ja kommentaaride arvu kohta postituse kohta, teavet jälgija demograafia kohta, brändisidususe andmeid, oluliste räsimärkide mainimisi, sarnaseid kontosid ja viimaseid postitusi.
Mis on hetke jälgijate arv @switch4good kohta Instagram?
Kuni viimase uuenduseni on @switch4good kogunud pühendunud jälgijaskonna koos 61,483 jälgijaga Instagram.
Millised teadmised ja analüütilised andmed sisalduvad täielikus aruandes @switch4good kohta Instagram?
Meie täielik Instagram analüütiline aruanne annab põhjaliku ülevaate @switch4good kohta Instagram. See aruanne sisaldab üksikasjalikku teavet ajas kasvava jälgijate arvu, kaasamismõõdikute ja postituste sageduse kohta nii nädalas kui ka kuus. Selle põhjaliku aruande saamiseks palun registreeruge ja looge uus StarNgage konto või logige sisse oma olemasolevasse kontosse.
Kas ma saan jälgida, kuidas on muutunud @switch4good kaasamismäär Instagram?
Jah, StarNgage analüütikavahendid võimaldavad teil jälgida @switch4good kaasamismäära ajas Instagram. See teave aitab teil hinnata @switch4good kaasamisstrateegiate tõhusust.
Kuidas mõjutab @switch4good jälgijate demograafia teadmine Instagram?
@switch4good jälgijaskonna demograafilise teabe mõistmine Instagram on äärmiselt väärtuslik. See võimaldab teil kohandada oma mõjujõu sisu ja turundusstrateegiaid, et need oleksid paremini kooskõlas @switch4good jälgijatega, kuna teil on teavet nende vanuse, soo, asukoha ja huvide kohta.
Kuidas saan kasutada brändisidususe andmeid oma turundusstrateegia parandamiseks Instagram koos @switch4good?
Brändisidususe andmed on võimas tööriist, mis aitab teil mõista, millised brändid või tooted teie sihtrühm kõige rohkem huvitavad. See teave aitab teil oma sisu koostööd ja partnerlussuhteid täiustada Instagram, suurendades seeläbi kaasamist teie sihtgrupiga.