Dr. Akilah Cadet, MPH
Founder+CEO Change Cadet | Change Mgmt + DEIB 🇭🇹 @Forbes #Next1000 | Author @hachettego | Disabled | Writer @iamwellandgood
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This week I said goodbye to the love of my life. My main man. My boo. My first kid. Marley. I was lucky enough to have him from 11 weeks to just about 15 years old. I know he was my child because he inherited heart problems just like me. Hypertension, enlarged heart, heart murmur, congestive heart failure made things harder for him but he persevered with medication. I'd joke that we both take heart meds twice a day together. But last week he as he laid on my chest I new something was different. I knew it would be the last week he was in my life. I kindly thanked him for loving me unconditionally and told him that I know that he's tired and it okay for him to go. So while I was in the ER for my heart issues last week I scheduled an urgent care appointment for him. The next day I learned that he had developed pneumonia and it was just too much. Breathing was beginning to get harder for him with his heart conditions so my twin and I (we co-parented) put him down on Monday. I had 5 days with him before I had to say goodbye. We went to his favorite trails, saw his favorite people, I pet his favorite spots and prepared his favorite human foods. Marley is, was, will always be my absolute favorite. I took care of him and his health and he took care of me and my health. He gave me so much and now he's given me back time to take better care of myself as mom's put the care of their babies before their own. Even though he's gone it will always be Marley and Me 🤍🤎 #changecadet Image Description: Marley, a Jack Russell Terrier Chihuahua, looks into the distance wearing a gray hoodie with his brown leather collar popping out. His profile is strong aligning with his outstretched floppy ear that's both tan and white. Dr. Cadet's face is partially covered by Marley's cutest nose with his paws nestled on her shoulder. Her cheekbone pops as she kisses her baby boy for one of the last times. Three green branches are in the background along with a pale gray sky at his favorite trail.
I was Lauren's something borrowed. If you don't know I wear 17 rings daily each celebrating sometype of milestone from my disability anniversary to unbelievable business goals. Recently Lauren, my CSO, got married! As a former wedding planner (yes I can do it all) I was going through her checklist and blue and new were ready but she was missing something borrowed. I immediately said pick one. The ring Lauren choose previously signified how I would make it through the darkness of depression to the light. Now that ring is about us. I was honored to see two of my friends form a bond they let me be the third wheel too. Congrats @laurenhrussell and @teefer 💕 I love you both more than you know. Swipe to see the love, my photography, styling and florist skills. #changecadet ID 1: Lauren's (white woman) piano fingers hand rests on Dr. Cadet's palm showscasing her thin gold, diamond and onyx ring for something borrowed. ID 2: Lauren softly grabs Tiffer's (white man) face as they embrace for their first kiss as husband and wife. Soft light comes from the windows against exposed brick. Shot by Dr. Cadet. ID 3: Standing infront of a large teal door amongst exposed brick Lauren wearing a white long wedding dress and Tiffer in a tan suit both have the biggest smiles. Bouquet and shot by Dr. Cadet. ID 4: A textured camel chair shows off a wildflower bouquet, designed by Dr. Cadet with red, pink, white, yellow, blue and purple flowers near a white pearl purse. ID 5: A gold urn overflows with blue, pink, crimson, purples, yellow and white flowers. Flowers by Dr. Cadet. ID 6: A gold urn overflows with blue, pink, crimson, purples, yellow and white flowers. Flowers by Dr. Cadet. ID 7: Dr. Cadet wearing a black dress takes a selfie with Lauren in a dusty mirror moments before she walked down the isle. Shadows of light frame the love the two have for each other. Image descriptions continue in comments.
If you don't know about the drama surrounding Taylor Swift and Matty Healy just do a quick Google search. The current situation is Swift's MO... no comment... or pretend it didn't happen. I do not pretend...so let's use Taylor Swift as an example of what not to do. Swift is supporting Matty Healy and his horrific racist comments. Healy recently shared during a podcast interview how he likes to masturbate to Black women being brutalized. Yup...read that again. In addition he's said offensive and racist comments towards rapper Ice Spice, a Black woman and AAPI people. Ice Spice is focused on her career growth and reportedly reached out to Swift prior to the Healy stuff about a collab. But when word got out about Healy and his racism all of the sudden rumored love interest Taylor Swift annouced a remix with Ice Spice. This is the epitome of performative behavior. Wait...in the words of Swift "It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me." This is not about timing even if things were in the works. Swift has millions of fans! She has a huge platform to role model the behavior white people, especially white women, should have when harm is being caused to BIPOC women which is accountability. Swift needs to name what Healy did and how it's not okay so her actions and words match. All she had to do was pick at least one thing Healy has done that's horrific (he's said and done MULTIPLE things to MULTIPLE groups of people) and say she does not condone or support his behavior. Then take the time to evaluate if that is a connection, rumored or true, that she would want in her life. You know, to date a racist/sexist or not. Either way Healy does not care. He was recently (May 29, 2023) quoted in the New Yorker saying "You’re either lying that you are hurt, or you’re a bit mental for being hurt" when asked about his Ice Spice comments. Taylor's approach profits off of Ice Spice and upholds values of white supremacy by not holding Healy accountable. (Not to mention he's said horrible things about Swift and her mother too). Swift's actions are performative and centered in whiteness. So I guess Taylor Swift is the Anti-Hero after all. #changecadet
Not a MOTHER'S DAY post. You're welcome. I was trying to find words to express how I've been feeling lately then it came to me. I don't feel like a person. Now you may think to yourself "Akilah I can see in this picture you're a whole person" or in the words of Beyoncé "I'm a whole lotta woman" and that is true. Right now I feel like I'm taking care of everything thing from my dog who's in congestive heart failure, my company, and my body. What I didn't realize is how taking care of my health and disability (which feels like a full time job) would test my humanity and make me physically feel like I'm managing my body like a company. Just this week alone I had major back injections, an MRI, therapy, and acupuncture. When I add my dogs health on top of it from his ER visits, vet appointments, regular testing, getting him to eat and take meds, that little time I had in the day for me goes to him. The point is I'm always doing. Always taking care of people (work/life) and not being taken care of (thanks traumatic healthcare system, unrealistic standards of being a Black woman like being the strong one etc.) and not being taken care of. I'm constantly taking care of my body and not connecting with my body. I'm at a place where it feels like increasingly escaping moments when I can connect to being me and feel, well, like a person. A human being. I am a human doing and I don't know when I'll just be able to just be. Hoping to get recharged at @chroniconofficial next week being in a room with other disabled and chronically ill folks. Oh and if you'd like to join for free99 I have some passes for IRL or virtual (DM me) attendance. Thanks for reading. #changecadet Image Description: Dr. Cadet wears a stripped blue and white robe perfectly placed over her award winning cleavage. Her carmel skin is hashtag goals debuting her long golden braids. With her head titled up towards Beyoncé's heavens her facial expression is solemn but soft. She's very proud of taking this picture.
* Autoriõigus: Sisu loojad on vaikimisi autorikaitse õiguste omanikud. Need teave, sealhulgas pildid, tekstid, videod, postitused ja profiilid, on avaldatud avalikel domeenidel ja vastavatel sotsiaalmeedia platvormidel avaliku vaatamise eesmärgil.
KKK: Instagram statistika ja teadmiste hankimine @changecadet
Kuidas saan Instagram statistikat ja analüütikat @changecadet kohta hankida?
StarNgage pakub põhjalikke analüütilisi aruandeid, mis annavad olulisi kriteeriume ja teadmisi, et saaksite @changecadet kohta täieliku ülevaate. Saate uurida erinevaid aspekte, sealhulgas Instagram jälgija statistikat, nagu jälgija ja postituste kasvu tendentsid, kaasamise määr ja selle kasvutrendid. Lisaks saate teavet keskmise meeldimiste ja kommentaaride arvu kohta postituse kohta, teavet jälgija demograafia kohta, brändisidususe andmeid, oluliste räsimärkide mainimisi, sarnaseid kontosid ja viimaseid postitusi.
Mis on hetke jälgijate arv @changecadet kohta Instagram?
Kuni viimase uuenduseni on @changecadet kogunud pühendunud jälgijaskonna koos 30,083 jälgijaga Instagram.
Millised teadmised ja analüütilised andmed sisalduvad täielikus aruandes @changecadet kohta Instagram?
Meie täielik Instagram analüütiline aruanne annab põhjaliku ülevaate @changecadet kohta Instagram. See aruanne sisaldab üksikasjalikku teavet ajas kasvava jälgijate arvu, kaasamismõõdikute ja postituste sageduse kohta nii nädalas kui ka kuus. Selle põhjaliku aruande saamiseks palun registreeruge ja looge uus StarNgage konto või logige sisse oma olemasolevasse kontosse.
Kas ma saan jälgida, kuidas on muutunud @changecadet kaasamismäär Instagram?
Jah, StarNgage analüütikavahendid võimaldavad teil jälgida @changecadet kaasamismäära ajas Instagram. See teave aitab teil hinnata @changecadet kaasamisstrateegiate tõhusust.
Kuidas mõjutab @changecadet jälgijate demograafia teadmine Instagram?
@changecadet jälgijaskonna demograafilise teabe mõistmine Instagram on äärmiselt väärtuslik. See võimaldab teil kohandada oma mõjujõu sisu ja turundusstrateegiaid, et need oleksid paremini kooskõlas @changecadet jälgijatega, kuna teil on teavet nende vanuse, soo, asukoha ja huvide kohta.
Kuidas saan kasutada brändisidususe andmeid oma turundusstrateegia parandamiseks Instagram koos @changecadet?
Brändisidususe andmed on võimas tööriist, mis aitab teil mõista, millised brändid või tooted teie sihtrühm kõige rohkem huvitavad. See teave aitab teil oma sisu koostööd ja partnerlussuhteid täiustada Instagram, suurendades seeläbi kaasamist teie sihtgrupiga.