🐝 Bee Leask | Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Shetlander 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scottish Adventurer #TeamMontane | @montaneofficial ⛰225/282 IM Mallorca 70.3 Tri🏅 Imja Tse 🇳🇵6189m🏔 @ordnancesurvey champ
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2022! What a year! 🥰 ~ I can’t believe we are almost 3 months into 2023 and this is my first post. 🤯 Bit late in posting this I know, but Jan was a bit busy and I’ve no idea where February disappeared to, and I can’t believe it’s actually March already. 🤦🏻‍♀️ ~ 2022 didn’t start the best for me. I was a bit heartbroken and upset in January, and I had that horrible feeling that I’d never really be happy again. How wrong I was? 🥳 ~ 2022 turned into such a great year for me. I learned how to be truly happy again. I spent time with my friends, I spent time up my beloved hills and I felt a contentment and happiness that I haven’t felt for such a long time, if ever! ~ I finally stopped waiting on someone coming to save me, or meeting someone before I could make plans for my future. I learned to suit myself, and truly enjoy my own company! 🥰 I don’t think twice about going up hills myself or gallivanting in my campervan, but for some reason I would often miss out on shows or movies at the cinema cos I had no one to go with me. But that all changed last year and I genuinely feel like I have a new found self confidence. I’m making plans for me and seeing what happens. ~ I genuinely have the best friends around me, that helped make 2022 what it was. ☺️ ~ Thanks to everyone that I met and shared adventures and stories with me, and thanks for following along. And thank you for all the continued support in my life and dating disasters. 😂 I’m sure there will be plenty more to come. ~ Here’s to making 2023 even more memorable! 😘 xx
Bye 2022 👋🏻 - Thanks for having me! 🥰 ~ I cannot believe another year has gone, it feels like no time has passed since I was writing my last years round up, but here we are again, a very quick 12 months later. 🤷🏻‍♀️ ~ It’s been a year of 2 halves for me. The first half started off pretty tough, I was completely and utterly heartbroken after a really tough year and I struggled to get a grip on 2022. 💔It affected my training and my life and looking back now I realise how much I was barely hanging on. 😞 ~ But I have amazing friends who helped and supported me, and most importantly were there for me, even when I wasn’t the easiest company to be around. 💙 I don’t think they will ever fully appreciate how much that meant to me. But it wasn’t all doom and gloom, I went on some lovely holidays ✈️👙☀️ and met some amazing people. 👭🏻 I took part in @celtman, which despite being DNF, was a massive learning curve and phenomenal experience nonetheless. 🏊🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ ~ The second half of the year was incredible, I got back to myself again 🥰, I laughed, I enjoyed my own company, I went to my first solo show, I got back into my hills (55 new Munros this year), had lots of van trips 🚐 and I stopped pushing myself so much too. ☺️ ~ It’s been an amazing end to the year and I’ve some exciting things ahead in 2023, but my greatest achievement this year has been learning to be genuinely happy again and to laugh and smile and have fun with my friends. I’m so grateful to be where I am right now and I couldn’t be prouder of myself for making it to this point. 🥳 ~ But here are the most important stats from my year: - 1 broken heart 🤦🏻‍♀️ - 1 situationship 🤯 - 4 first dates 😰 - 2 winches 💋 - 0 second dates 🤔 - 0 boyfriends 💃🏻 - 1 very happy, content, single Bee. 🥳 I hope 2023 is everything you want it to be, and no matter how hopeless things may seem right now, they will get better. Hang on in there. 💪🏼🤍😘 xx
It’s #worldmentalhealthday and I hope everyone is looking after their mental health as much as they look after their physical health. 🤕 ~ Mental health can affect everyone and can be something that some people have to deal with for life, or for some it can catch them as off guard, as a broken bone after a fall. 🦴 Both are valid and both need to be talked about. We should never judge or think mental health doesn’t affect us, just because it hasn’t yet. Sadly none of us know what’s around the corner or what life holds in store, and sometimes life is a complicated, sad, tough, difficult mess, that we just have to get through day by day until we, hopefully, come out the other side. ❤️‍🩹 But that’s why looking after your mental health is so important. ~ Get outside 🌳, go to therapy 🗣️, talk to friends 👭🏻, be open 📖, be honest 😔, cry 😢, have a duvet day 🛌, eat food 🍕, binge watch tiktok 🎞️, dance around the living room 💃🏻, ask someone for a hug 🤗, write a diary 📝 . But most importantly get help if it gets too much, and know that life is full of highs and lows, and sometimes it might feel like the worst low ever, but I promise there are bigger highs to come! 🤍 ~ We exercise and eat healthy for our physical health, so do everything you can to look after your mental health too, it’s just as important. ❤️‍🩹 ~ Always here if anyone needs a chat 🙋🏻‍♀️, please don’t ever suffer alone, and I really mean that. xx
* Autoriõigus: Sisu loojad on vaikimisi autorikaitse õiguste omanikud. Need teave, sealhulgas pildid, tekstid, videod, postitused ja profiilid, on avaldatud avalikel domeenidel ja vastavatel sotsiaalmeedia platvormidel avaliku vaatamise eesmärgil.
KKK: Instagram statistika ja teadmiste hankimine @bumblebambi
Kuidas saan Instagram statistikat ja analüütikat @bumblebambi kohta hankida?
StarNgage pakub põhjalikke analüütilisi aruandeid, mis annavad olulisi kriteeriume ja teadmisi, et saaksite @bumblebambi kohta täieliku ülevaate. Saate uurida erinevaid aspekte, sealhulgas Instagram jälgija statistikat, nagu jälgija ja postituste kasvu tendentsid, kaasamise määr ja selle kasvutrendid. Lisaks saate teavet keskmise meeldimiste ja kommentaaride arvu kohta postituse kohta, teavet jälgija demograafia kohta, brändisidususe andmeid, oluliste räsimärkide mainimisi, sarnaseid kontosid ja viimaseid postitusi.
Mis on hetke jälgijate arv @bumblebambi kohta Instagram?
Kuni viimase uuenduseni on @bumblebambi kogunud pühendunud jälgijaskonna koos 95,739 jälgijaga Instagram.
Millised teadmised ja analüütilised andmed sisalduvad täielikus aruandes @bumblebambi kohta Instagram?
Meie täielik Instagram analüütiline aruanne annab põhjaliku ülevaate @bumblebambi kohta Instagram. See aruanne sisaldab üksikasjalikku teavet ajas kasvava jälgijate arvu, kaasamismõõdikute ja postituste sageduse kohta nii nädalas kui ka kuus. Selle põhjaliku aruande saamiseks palun registreeruge ja looge uus StarNgage konto või logige sisse oma olemasolevasse kontosse.
Kas ma saan jälgida, kuidas on muutunud @bumblebambi kaasamismäär Instagram?
Jah, StarNgage analüütikavahendid võimaldavad teil jälgida @bumblebambi kaasamismäära ajas Instagram. See teave aitab teil hinnata @bumblebambi kaasamisstrateegiate tõhusust.
Kuidas mõjutab @bumblebambi jälgijate demograafia teadmine Instagram?
@bumblebambi jälgijaskonna demograafilise teabe mõistmine Instagram on äärmiselt väärtuslik. See võimaldab teil kohandada oma mõjujõu sisu ja turundusstrateegiaid, et need oleksid paremini kooskõlas @bumblebambi jälgijatega, kuna teil on teavet nende vanuse, soo, asukoha ja huvide kohta.
Kuidas saan kasutada brändisidususe andmeid oma turundusstrateegia parandamiseks Instagram koos @bumblebambi?
Brändisidususe andmed on võimas tööriist, mis aitab teil mõista, millised brändid või tooted teie sihtrühm kõige rohkem huvitavad. See teave aitab teil oma sisu koostööd ja partnerlussuhteid täiustada Instagram, suurendades seeläbi kaasamist teie sihtgrupiga.