💪🏽 Transforming 100s with my program🎯 📈Wanna join? DM ‘READY’ 👨🏼‍⚕️Registered Nutritionist ✍️ Best selling Author @biotechusa 💊
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Hey @diegosechi here, today I want to talk to you about the importance of learning from those who have achieved similar goals to what you’re setting out to accomplish. We often have lofty ambitions and ambitious goals, but without the right guidance and support, it can be hard to reach those goals. It’s essential to learn from those who have been there and done it before, those who have the experience and know what it takes to be successful. By learning from people who have achieved success, it can give you insight and knowledge into how it’s done. The knowledge and experience gained from someone else can provide you with an invaluable resource. There’s a reason why so many successful people emphasize the importance of mentorship and networking. It helps to provide a support system that encourages, guides and motivates you towards reaching your goals. Speak to people in industries or roles that are similar to what you are trying to achieve and pick their brains for tips and advice. Learning from others who have achieved success can also help you develop the skills needed for success. It’s an opportunity to learn the “secrets” of success that can only be understood by those who have been through the same experiences. It’s also a great opportunity to form connections, build relationships and increase your network. You never know when you might need a helping hand with something or advice on a particular problem. So, in summary, it is incredibly important when working towards achieving a goal or ambition to take the time to learn from those who experienced it before. It could help to provide you with invaluable knowledge and insight on how your success can be achieved. I am teaching and helping people get in the best shape of their lives now because I was able to do it myself first and foremost. Here’s a bunch of some magazine covers I have been featured in over the years, if you need help reaching your goals DM the word ‘COVER’ and I’ll guide you in your journey 🙌🏼🔥 See you on the inside #cover #model #magazine #fitness #abs #coach
10 SIMPLE TIPS to eat what you LIKE at weekends, without compromising how you want to LOOK and FEEL: 1️⃣Walk 10k average steps a day - 70k across your week (if significantly less factor in some cardio or runs outside to compensate) 2️⃣Lift 3 x FULL BODY weights times per week minimum (I lift 4) 3️⃣Train with more intensity when you lift 4️⃣Drink 4 litres of water per day 5️⃣Eat no foods with added sugar for 95% of your total weekly calories 6️⃣Stop or reduce snacking on processed food (if you don't understand the words on the back of a packet, it's processed) 7️⃣Don't bullshit yourself about how much you eat for the rest of your week 8️⃣Pre-plan your food management (total calories & quality of calories) across your whole week - stop thinking in isolated meals, isolated days or Mon to Thurs as to how well you eat 9️⃣(Follow on from 8) Manipulate your calories across vour week to allow more buffer for calories on your weekends (without starving Mon to Thurs) 1️⃣0️⃣Most important - BE CONSISTENT with your training, general movement and respect healthy food all year your round - if you have a "I'm on it or off it" mentality, you will never be able to eat big without guilt, or without feeling like shit the next day You cannot out train excessive calories or poor quality food, but if follow the above you can still enjoy your favourite foods, and drop body fat in a sustainable manner. BONUS PRO TIP 👉🏽 Get in GREAT shape & STAY in GREAT shape 🎯 (the leaner you are the more you can eat, especially carbs) DON'T UNDO the hard work it takes to build a great body. As a business leader, the quick fix and rent a body attitude will NEVER last. You WILL put the body fat back on afterwards, when you return to 'normal life’ This approach plays havoc with your weight, emotions and energy management. My Team and I, are left to pick up the pieces with so many clients who have tried, and failed with this method previously. No one cares what you looked like ONCE - it's what you'll CONTINUE TO LOOK alongside your LIFESTYLE, that dictates your future happiness.
Let's be real.. It's not an information problem.. It's an implementation problem. There's two types of issues you'll experience on this journey.. The first, is technical/tactical issues.. The knowledge, the understanding, the education, the facts. The second, is personal issues. Now I'd put my left nut on the line to say that you're struggling with a personal issue, not a technical issue. Why? Because there's already so much information out there to get you started. "I know what I need to do but I just can't seem to do it". Yep, personal issue. That's where we come in. I'll be honest.. The only reason you won't get a result with us, is if you aren't willing to be open minded and understand that this is different from everything you've tried before. We know when people join The @bodyfixglobal programme that they'll still have a perception that they're just looking for the tactical stuff. Our tactical stuff comes AFTER we solve the personal issues. That doesn't mean we don't get people to do implement things they already know, we just get them to implement, very damn well. When I say our tactical stuff comes AFTER we solve the personal problems, it was thought out.. Why? Because our tactical stuff requires a level of skill that will take you to levels you didn't believe were possible. Our tactical stuff is deep, intellectual & transformative. The personal issues you overcome mastering the "need to knows" don't set you up for the end of your journey and the initial result you wanted.. It sets you up for the start of a life you didn't realise you could have. If that's not something you want, then continue to live in a reality of believing you'll find the next best kept secret while going round in circles. Because you won't find it, we are what you need 📲 #bodyfix #fitness #coaching #bodytransformation
🧠Your mindset might be killing your progress (and here’s why) Having the right mindset is key, especially when it comes to goals like building muscle or losing some extra weight. Why? Because if you're stuck in negativity, you won't get far. Even if you do make a little progress, it won't be the lasting change you're looking for. So what's the "right" mindset? It's one where you genuinely believe you can handle whatever comes your way. Life will throw obstacles at you - a busy schedule, cravings, you name it you’ll have it… But if you're mentally prepared, you can tackle these challenges head-on. What if your coach only focuses on the physical side of things? You might lose some weight or look good temporarily, but it won't last. It's like painting the outside of a car but ignoring the engine problems. I rose quickly in my career because I already had the right mindset. I became a national wrestling champion in Italy by 17… By 21 I was the European Fitness Model Champion. However, I was always prepared for challenges and ready to solve problems as they came up. And that's how I approach coaching my clients, too. Mindset comes first. Once your mind is in the right place, everything else follows more easily—from sticking to a diet to nailing your workouts. Interested in a lasting change? Drop me a message saying "MINDSET," and let's build the foundation for your success. #mindsetmatters #believeandachieve #strongmindstrongbody #personaltrainer #fitnesstips #starttoday
Huge client transformation for @davydoes72 at 50 years young 🔥 SWIPE⬅️⬅️⬅️ and READ how his life completely changed! He first came to me: ❌reached a plateau ❌no more improvements ❌lack of motivation ❌lack of clarity We immediately turn things around from DAY 1 with: ✏️ tailored training plan ✏️tailored nutritional plan ✏️tailored supplementation plan ✏️weekly check-ins ✏️exclusive private app ✏️constant support 24/7 ✏️accountability ✏️vision calls After only 3 weeks into the plan he already: ⬇️LOST 5kg (11.4 lbs) of pure body fat ⬆️GAINED 3kg of LEAN MUSCLE MASS Now he’s 5 months into the program and he keeps going hard cause he’s a perfectionist, like we all are in the @bodyfixglobal community There is nothing wrong when clients come to me but…. Why settle? Why not make it even a 1% better? We are ambitious and we want to push ourselves to the limit to EARN THIS 🏆 Now David gained: ✅ a physique he never had in his life and he’s 50yo ✅ huge boost in self confidence in the gym, with himself and around others ✅ he became a role model for people around him and he inspires them on a daily basis ✅ more lean muscles and less fat at the same time ✅ huge motivation, purpose and drive to follow the plan ✅ overall happiness and focus that benefit every other aspect of his life (business, relationships,…) THIS can be YOU 🫵🏼 in 3/4 months time The choice is YOURS to take the FIRST STEP EARNED not GIVEN 🚀 🎯 #bodyfix
I’ve had a lifetime in shape, and now help others do the same. I will tell you this. ⁠ ⁠ Do what makes you better, not what’s easy.⁠ ⁠ When you do what makes you better, what was once hard then becomes easy. ⁠ ⁠ When you repeat this process over and over, you will get addicted to embracing discomfort at any opportunity.⁠ ⁠ If you lack consistency with your training, health or food…you either👇⁠ ⁠ 1. Don’t have a plan that manages this and works with your lifestyle. ⁠ ⁠ Or ⁠ ⁠ 2. Don’t VALUE health enough. ⁠ ⁠ Or⁠ ⁠ 3. Haven’t associated how being HEALTHIER will improve your IMPACT and INFLUENCE in the areas of life you value most. ⁠ ⁠ I can help you with 1 and 3. ⁠ ⁠ The truth is, you will never ever value what you don’t have to work for. ⁠ ⁠ You will get complacent, and forever be inconsistent.⁠ ⁠ You likely value wealth and money, because you’ve had to work hard to gain it. ⁠ ⁠ Building anything exceptional doesn’t happen with an average mindset or poor work ethic. ⁠ ⁠ Ignore all ‘influencers’ or ‘coaches’ preaching otherwise.⁠ ⁠ You can’t expand identity (how you see yourself) long-term without mental growth. ⁠ ⁠ I challenge you to push yourself harder, move your body more and eat a bit healthier for the next 7 days. ⁠ ⁠ Notice how much better you feel. ⁠ ⁠ Embrace every challenge along the way, and view them all as an opportunity to become better. ⁠ ⁠ If a kid from a small Italian village who became one of the top fitness models in the world with no contacts or help can do it, so can you. ⁠ ⁠ Being able to work hard is a privilege, especially as we age. ⁠ ⁠ I don’t have life figured out by any means, but I know exactly what it takes to build a bullet proof mindset and body. ⁠ ⁠ If you know there is more inside of you, I will make this happen. #bodyfix
* Ophavsret: Indholdsoprettere er de som standard ophavsretsejere. Disse informationer, herunder billeder, tekster, videoer, opslag og profiler, bliver offentliggjort på offentlige domæner samt tilhørende sociale medier til offentlig visning.
Preguntas frecuentes: Estadísticas e información de Instagram para @diegosechi
¿Cómo puedo acceder a estadísticas y análisis de Instagram para @diegosechi?
StarNgage ofrece informes analíticos completos que brindan métricas clave e información para que comprendas completamente a @diegosechi. Puedes explorar varios aspectos, incluidas las estadísticas de seguidores de Instagram, como las tendencias de crecimiento de seguidores y publicaciones, la tasa de participación y sus tendencias de crecimiento. Además, puedes acceder a información sobre el número promedio de me gusta y comentarios por publicación, datos demográficos de tus seguidores o audiencia, datos de afinidad de marca, menciones de hashtags relevantes, cuentas similares y las publicaciones más recientes.
¿Cuál es el conteo actual de seguidores para @diegosechi en Instagram?
Hasta la última actualización, @diegosechi ha acumulado un sólido grupo de seguidores de 167,649 seguidores en Instagram.
¿Qué información y análisis se incluyen en el informe completo de @diegosechi en Instagram?
Nuestro informe analítico completo de Instagram brinda una descripción general detallada de @diegosechi en Instagram. Este informe incluye información detallada sobre el crecimiento de seguidores a lo largo del tiempo, métricas de participación y frecuencia de publicaciones, tanto semanal como mensual. Para acceder a este informe detallado, regístrate y crea una nueva cuenta de StarNgage o inicia sesión en tu cuenta existente.
¿Puedo rastrear cómo ha evolucionado la tasa de participación de @diegosechi en Instagram?
Sí, las herramientas de análisis de StarNgage te permiten rastrear la evolución de la tasa de participación de @diegosechi con el tiempo en Instagram. Estos datos te ayudan a evaluar la efectividad de las estrategias de participación de @diegosechi.
¿Cómo puede ayudar comprender la demografía de la audiencia de @diegosechi en Instagram?
Obtener información sobre la demografía de la audiencia de @diegosechi en Instagram puede ser extremadamente valioso. Te permite adaptar tu contenido de influencer y tus estrategias de marketing para conectarte mejor con los seguidores de @diegosechi, ya que tendrás información sobre su edad, género, ubicación e intereses.
¿Cómo puedo aprovechar los datos de afinidad de marca para mejorar mi estrategia de marketing en Instagram con @diegosechi?
Los datos de afinidad de marca son una herramienta poderosa para comprender en qué marcas o productos está más interesada tu audiencia. Esta información puede guiar tus colaboraciones de contenido y asociaciones en Instagram, mejorando tu participación con tu público objetivo.