Kitten Sanctuary Singapore
Kitten Kindergarten & Kitty Orphanage 781A North Bridge Road. Donate via Paynow UEN: 201911961H #SavingLivesTogether Help the Kitties 👇@thecatmuseumsg
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9 years, over 900 kitty lives saved... we did it all with your donations that went directly to the kitties and amazing VOLUNTEERS. Not a dollar spent on salaries! Thank Mew to those who have been with us for the 9 years and many others for the tough 5 years, even through covid, and many new friends along the way... ❤️❤️❤️ Time flies by as 2024 marks our 10th year of "Sharing Love, Saving Lives" through continuing education and "Saving Lives Together" through rescue, rehabilitation & rehoming. VOLUNTEER : once a week for 3 months or twice a week for 6 weeks. Mon - Sun 9am - 1pm, Sat/Sun 2-6pm or Tue/Wed 6-9pm. Choose one day/time and just give us travel dates in advance. #sgvolunteers VISIT : Kitten Sanctuary & The Cat Museum in ONE place for ONE fee at 781A North Bridge Road!! Book at Tue-Fri 11am, Tue/Wed 7pm. Sat/Sun 11am, 2.30 & 4pm. DONATE : Help our rescue & education work Paynow UEN 201911961H or Bank Transfer DBS 012 902623 9 . BUY FOOD : Click on Polypet, order and they will send it to the kitties for Christmas! Help us do more in 2024. 🥂🍾 We are a registered non profit animal welfare organisation run entirely by volunteers. 100% of funds raised go towards housing, food & supplies, vet bills. No salaries, just amazing people who give their time from their hearts. #SharingLoveSavingLives All cats deserve a safe home indoors not living in danger on the streets #cat #cats #kitten #kittensofsingapore #singapore
An aversion to water is one of the most well-known characteristics of household cats. Domestic cats will go to great lengths to avoid getting wet, and behaviorists have developed a number of theories to explain why. One suggests that because the species evolved in dry climates and had little exposure to rivers or lakes, water (except for drinking) is an element they are unfamiliar with and thus avoid. More likely, however, cats don’t like getting wet because of what water does to their fur. Cats are fastidious animals that spend a great deal of their day grooming themselves. Wet fur is extremely uncomfortable for a cat and often takes a long time to dry. Wet fur is also heavier than dry and thus makes a cat less nimble and easier for predators to catch. There is also the shock factor. Accidentally falling into a full bathtub, for example, can be a frightening experience for a cat and can make it fearful of water for the rest of its life. Nonetheless, many cats seem to enjoy playing with running or dripping water, such as out of a faucet. Behaviorists believe cats are drawn by the movements of the water and the sounds it makes, all of which can stimulate a cat’s instinctual drive to catch prey. Such play is also acceptable to even an otherwise water-averse cat because only the cat’s paws get wet. 🔗 🐱 Julia Roberts #singaporecats #catsofsingapore #catsofsg #catssg #adoptdontshop #adoptdontbuy #kittensofinstagram #kittensanctuary #kittensofsingapore #catsofsingapore #savinglivestogether #sgcats #cats_of_instagram #AdoptionSavesLives #sgpets #singaporepets #catloverssingapore #catsofigsg #sgig #igsg #singapore #catstagram #catsofinstagram #catsofig
An adult cat's average height is somewhere between 1 foot or 30 centimetres. From the ground, the average healthy adult cat can jump up to six times their height in a single jump (measured from the ground to their shoulders), which is anywhere between 150 cm (4.9 feet) and 180 cm (5.9 feet), but surprisingly some will reach the jump height of 8 feet or 240 centimeters ! Of course, small, elderly, or sick cats will not be able to jump that high. A healthy cat can leap over a fence that is between 6 feet and under. This implies that if you want to keep them safe inside your yard, you'll need a cat fence barrier. Keep in mind that cats' paws and claws have been developed to allow them to climb with ease. For that reason, most of the time cats will not leap over fences; instead, they will seize the top, pull themselves up, and cross. To grab the top edge, all they have to do is jump or climb high enough. Of course, a cat can climb as high as it wants if the fence has gaps, such as chain link or chicken wire. Therefore, any construction in your backyard should be carefully examined. 🔗 #singaporecats #catsofsingapore #catsofsg #catssg #adoptdontshop #adoptdontbuy #kittensofinstagram #kittensanctuary #kittensofsingapore #catsofsingapore #savinglivestogether #sgcats #cats_of_instagram #AdoptionSavesLives #sgpets #singaporepets #catloverssingapore #catsofigsg #sgig #igsg #singapore #catstagram #catsofinstagram #catsofig
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