Studio Mathias Clottu
Design and art direction studio based in London.
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@studiomathiasclottu loves posting aboutArts and Crafts.
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A brick, the new New Architects is out! A compendium of 109 British architectural practices, established in the past ten years, New Architects 4 is the latest edition of the Architecture Foundation’s long running series. The journey started a year ago, big thank you to @elliswoodman @roznaii @mateariality for the trust and great design team with @ariannatilche and @carolecourtille. Thank you both for the help and support along the way of designing the book. Reposting @architecturefoundation ‘Running to 550 pages, this lavishly illustrated book is the definitive survey of an emerging generation of British talent. Providing an invaluable guide for prospective clients, the book features essays by six of the best young architecture critics writing today and has been designed by the award-winning graphic designers @studiomathiasclottu. The book opens with a series of short essays by Eleanor Beaumont @eabeaumont, Luke Jones @tlukejones, Jon Astbury @jonastbury, Lucy Watson @lucywwatson, Meneesha Kellay @mishkk and Neal Shasore, each discussing an event that has occurred in the five years since the publication of the last volume of New Architects. We see these as emblematic of the often highly challenging context in which architecture is made today. Edited by @elliswoodman Practice texts & captions by Pamela Buxton Special thanks @roznaii, @ariannatilche & @mateariality’ Printed with brio by @veronalibri 🔬 Photography of the book here by @thomasadank 👁 Copies are available from #NewArchitects4 #NA4’
I’m talking with @sarahhandelman tomorrow at 6.30pm about Alternative Histories as part of the online book club on Zoom! @mostbeautifulswissbook To repost Sarah: ‘Editing the Alternative Histories catalogue was an intensive relay of conceiving and making the visual and material elements that define it – from a concentrated two-day photoshoot with @thomasadank to capture each model, to a wild (and successful) goose chase across London and Lithuania to find the perfect binding (thank you @alenkaoblakprint), and to this day, when we compared the first round of images in the book to their originals, making further tweaks to the colour to ensure the drawings were as close as we could get to what you might see if you visited the @drawing.matter collection. When putting a catalogue together, with drawings usually dispersed across numerous collections, it's rare to have so much contact with the original material. It forces you to slow down in the middle of a fast-moving process; it invites you to look more deeply at all the stuff you’ve been handling via screens for so long; and it asks that you make decisions about the drawings — for instance, would it be more accurate to the drawing if we cleaned up certain signs of ageing, or do we expose the workings of time on the material? Drawing Matter is a working archive, where drawings are meant to be seen, touched, used. That ethos, moving away from the overly precious, informed a lot of the decisions we ended up making about how the work looked on paper.’ – @mostbeautifulswissbook exhibition runs at @tenderbooks until 11 October. Display by @takeshi_hayatsu London events organised by @studiomathiasclottu and @jonasberthod
* Copyright: Content creators are the default copyright owners. These information including images, texts, videos, posts and profiles are published on public domains and respective social media for public viewing.
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As of the latest update, @studiomathiasclottu has accumulated a dedicated following of 4,518 followers on Instagram.
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Brand affinity data is a powerful tool to understand which brands or products your audience is most interested in. This information can guide your content collaborations and partnerships on Instagram, enhancing your engagement with your target audience.