Doctors helping you lose fat, gain muscle & staying healthy 👨‍⚕️ Swedish PT School: @ebtacademy Get the workout you need ⬇️
نسبة 28.1% من متابعي @ebtofficial لديهم نسبة أنثى، و 71.9% ذكور. معدل التفاعل المتوسط على المنشورات حوالي 0.47%. المتوسط ​​لعدد الإعجابات في الردود هو 147 وعدد الإعجابات في المتوسط ​​هو 6.
@ebtofficial يحب نشر حولاللياقة البدنية والصحة, تعليم المنتجات, أخبار, تدريب, تدريب.
معدل المشاركة
المشاركة لكل منشور
متوسط الإعجابات لكل منشور
متوسط التعليقات لكل منشور
الترتيب العالمي
ترتيب البلد
ترتيب الفئة
اتجاهات نمو المتابعين والمنشورات
اتجاهات نمو معدل المشاركة
جنس الجمهور
مجموعة العمر المهيمنة
معدل المشاركة
الإعجابات والتعليقات
المؤثرين الملفتين للانتباه
قبول الجمهور للعلامة التجارية
الحسابات المماثلة
المنشورات الأخيرة
When should you eat most of your daily calories? When it comes to arguments about nutrient timing, the trend in the fitness community over the last years was that it largely does not matter much as long as total daily calories and macro nutrients are in place. But can we quantify „not much“ and what is so magic about about 24 hours? As a thought experiment, if nutrient timing really did not matter on a 24 hour basis, one could get all their nutrients in one huge meal each day. Now, many would argue that this is not optimal and you should spread your food intake more evenly over the day. This study by Keim et al. (1997) had an amazingly controlled setup to investigate the effects of nutrient timing on body composition. They had 10 women in a metabolic ward* who underwent two different weight-loss protocols for 6 weeks. . *A metabolic ward is a highly controlled environment where basically all of the participants’ lifestyle factors are controlled for (food intake, activity, etc.). . In both protocols, the women did the same training protocol, consisting of strength training, cardio and walking. The difference lied in when the women consumed the bulk of their calories (either 70% in the morning or 70% in the evening) Consuming most calories in the AM led to more weight loss than the PM – with a big caveat: it also led to more fat-free mass loss. In fact, the body composition changes were better when consuming most calories in the PM. It led to MORE fat loss and LESS fat-free mass loss compared to the AM protocol – which is generally what you want to have from a diet! The exact mechanisms for this was the case are hard to depict, but one can make the case for circadian effects of protein timing (the PM group had more protein later in the day) or generally better nutrient timing in relation to training. . - post by Thomas (@campidellcoaching) Our fat loss ebook: Diet Like a Doctor (link in bio @ebtofficial) Study ref: #lean #shredded #bodybuilderlifestyle #fitnesslifestyle #highintensityintervaltraining #hiit #caloricdeficit
Have you ever changed your #opinion after #facts? Comment below! 👇 . We had to share this adapted article by @thenutritional_advocate: . Have you noticed that when people are presented with #evidence that shows something they don't believe, they accept that evidence over their belief? . Neither have I. . People hold #beliefs to protect their self-construct, or their values. . Because we are #irrational creatures, who persist under an illusion of rationality and want to see ourselves as #rational creatures, #sapiens find ways to support their beliefs and reconcile available information against their #preconceived #ideas. . In research conducted jointly by Dartmouth College and the University of Exeter, researchers identified what they termed "The backfire effect", in which providing corrective facts to people holding a particular worldview actually lead to increased solidity in their misconception. (1) . They conducted an experiment where they provided fake newspaper articles that confirmed that there were WMDs in Iraq, and separated participants by whether they were politically conservative or liberal... . When they provided corrective and factually correct articles confirming WMDs had never been found, liberals opposed to the war accepted the new article whereas conservatives rejected it and affirmed the first, incorrect one. . And this is where the backfire effect kicked in, because the conservative participants then reported being even more convinced that there was WMDs after seeing the corrective article, because they stated that this only proves that Saddam Hussein has destroyed them. . In another interesting experiment during Obama's presidency, participants were told that a majority of Obama's policy performance in office was actually testable empirically, then asked participants to rate his performance. (2) . Believing that his performance could be testable #empirically reduced the number of highly polarised assessments by 40%, relative to when participants believed that their perception of his rating would be untestable.
Awesome post and text by @thebodybuildingdietitians !! Experiencing a surge in motivation feels great, however it often comes with an expiration date. Rather than letting this unreliable driving force dictate your actions, being disciplined, ambitious, and habitual is more likely to result in long-term success. The back-bone of building a good habit is a four-step process: 1.) Cue - this is related to an initial stimulatory sensation to initiate a habit. For example, seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, feeling or reading something 2.) Craving - you have a desire to carry-through with responding to this cue and instigating the associated habit, as you crave the end result it will deliver 3.) Response - this is the act of performing the habit itself. After consideration, you’ve decided that the effort required to complete the habit is worthwhile to achieve the end result 4.) Reward: as a consequence of your habitual action you achieve the reward and feel satisfied Let’s put this into an example: Imagine that you’re at a work function and there’s a spread of fruit and pastries on the table, and you’re feeling relatively peckish. 🔹Cue: You’re hungry and the fruit catches your eye 🔹Craving: You have a desire to pick an apple off the table instead of an almond croissant, as you identify yourself as someone who makes nutritious choices and you don’t want to exceed your energy requirements for the day 🔹Response: You eat the apple instead of the almond croissant 🔹Reward: You feel satiated, nourished, and accomplished knowing that you made a decision that aligns with your health and fitness goals In this hypothetical circumstance, no one is going to argue that apples taste better than croissants - however for this individual choosing to eat fruit is an ingrained habit. To induce positive behavioural change in life, it’s encouraged that you build a foundation of good habits that you can hold yourself accountable to integrating into a daily routine. Realistically, motivation won’t always be around in ample quantity, which is why habits, discipline and ambition need to be there to take the reins when needed.
Nobody ever gained too much muscle by accident. ⁣​​​​​​​​ ⁣​​​​​​​​ This is particularly the case for females as their muscle gain potential is much more limited than it is for men.⁣​​​​​​​​ ⁣​​​​​​​​ To look like the female on the left you'd have to:⁣​​​​​​​​ ⁣​​​​​​​​ 1. Want to look like that, as it would take an enormous amount of sustained dedication in the gym over many years.⁣​​​​​​​​ ⁣​​​​​​​​ 2. Deliberately eat enormous amounts of food to support your mass gain.⁣​​​​​​​​ ⁣​​​​​​​​ 3. Take steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Women simply don't gain that amount of muscle mass without pharmaceutical enhancement.⁣​​​​​​​​ ⁣​​​​​​​​ So in other words, you're NEVER going to end up looking too muscular and bulky by accident!⁣​​​​​​​​ Post made by @jameskewfitness If you like our content, please LIKE for knowledge, TAG a friend for education, and SHARE this post for SCIENCE! We are two doctors simplifying the science of optimal fitness and health. Follow @ebtofficial and visit for more! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossdiet #weightlossplan #diet #dieting #fatloss #fatlossjourney #nutrition #nutritiontips #nutritioncoach #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #dietplan #dietfood #dietstartsmonday #nutritionplan #caloriecounting #countingcalories #losingweight #howtoloseweight #highprotein #wholefoods #healthydiet #healthyweightloss #weightwatchers
Post shared by: @teambiolayne Hey there! Coach Jackie here from @nutritionwithnursejackie! What is hypertrophy and how do I maximize it? If you have started a strength training program, or have friends that train regularly, you will have heard of the term 'hypertrophy'. Hypertrophy is the process by which we increase the cross-sectional diameter a.k.a. size of myofibrils and thus Muscle fiber itself. We undergo this process when we cause injury to the muscle tissue and provide an infusion of free amino acids to the site of muscle breakdown. The injury is simply a scarier word for strength, power or any other type of training that will isolate the muscle directly. During and after training, the rate of protein breakdown increases. However, when this is paired with a supply of circulating amino acids (through protein intake), muscle protein synthesis will increase and surpass the rate of breakdown, resulting in a net positive balance. Targeting this process consistently will ultimately lead to increased muscle fiber size and gains! Let's grow!!! 🙌🏻💪 If you like our content, please LIKE for knowledge, TAG a friend for education, and SHARE this post for SCIENCE! We are two doctors simplifying the science of optimal fitness and health. Follow @ebtofficial and visit for more! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossdiet #weightlossplan #diet #dieting #fatloss #fatlossjourney #nutrition #nutritiontips #nutritioncoach #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #dietplan #dietfood #dietstartsmonday #nutritionplan #caloriecounting #countingcalories #losingweight #howtoloseweight #highprotein #wholefoods #healthydiet #healthyweightloss #weightwatchers
What do you do when you face questions and scenarios that is "unsolvable"? This is @drjohnberardi's take on it that we enjoyed reading! "People like problems they can solve.⁠ ⁠ (And get kind of anxious when they have to confront the big unsolvables of life.)⁠ ⁠ That’s why, during times of stress, in the face of change and uncertainty, many of us cope by getting really nit-picky about stuff we feel like we can control. ⁠ ⁠ You might see your clients do this too—when they’re facing the unknown in regards to a change in their nutrition or fitness habits (or maybe a change in their political environment).⁠ ⁠ They’ll ask questions like:⁠ ⁠ “Is turmeric or fish oil better for inflammation?”⁠ ⁠ “Should I limit my carbs to 100 grams or 75 grams?”⁠ ⁠ “What if (unlikely, unforeseeable future event) happens? What do I do then?”⁠ ⁠ "These kinds of questions, although intended to provide a sense of security, don’t reduce anxiety at all,” says John Berardi, PhD, co-founder of PN and author of Change Maker, the best-selling career success book for health and fitness professionals. ⁠ ⁠ Instead, they give us the false impression that there’s always a “right” answer to our worries, and so long as we get it, we’ll be protected from failure or pain.⁠ ⁠ Focusing on these (often pointless) details might help us feel more in control in the short term. However, they usually don’t promote meaningful change or action.⁠ ⁠ Go back to the only two questions that matter.⁠ ⁠ Dr. Berardi suggests pulling clients out of these question-spirals by encouraging them to consider two simple-yet-effective questions:⁠ ⁠ “What should I do today?”⁠ ⁠ And:⁠ ⁠ “How do I do that?”⁠ ⁠ The above two questions redirect people’s focus to the present, and toward calm, focused action. ⁠ ⁠ In the face of frenzied questioning and ongoing uncertainty, help your clients focus on what’s needed right now."⁠ ⁠ *Pulled from the @PrecisionNutrition newsletter. They always find a nice way of making me sound smart :-)
* حقوق النشر: صانعو المحتوى هم أصحاب حقوق النشر الافتراضيين. يتم نشر هذه المعلومات بما في ذلك الصور والنصوص ومقاطع الفيديو والمنشورات والملفات الشخصية على المجالات العامة ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي المقابلة للمشاهدة العامة.
الأسئلة الشائعة: إحصائيات ورؤى Instagram لـ @ebtofficial
كيف يمكنني الوصول إلى إحصائيات وتحليلات Instagram لـ @ebtofficial؟
يوفر StarNgage تقارير تحليلية شاملة تقدم مؤشرات رئيسية وإضافات لتمنحك فهمًا كاملاً لـ @ebtofficial. يمكنك استكشاف جوانب مختلفة بما في ذلك إحصائيات المتابعين في Instagram مثل اتجاهات نمو المتابعين والمنشورات ومعدل المشاركة واتجاهاتها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكنك الوصول إلى معلومات عن المتوسط ​​لعدد الإعجابات والتعليقات في المنشور الواحد وإلمام بإحصاءات الجمهور أو ديموغرافيته، وبيانات الالتزام بالعلامة التجارية، والإشارات إلى وسم ذي صلة، والحسابات المماثلة، وآخر المنشورات.
ما هو عدد المتابعين الحالي لـ @ebtofficial على Instagram؟
حتى آخر تحديث، حصل @ebtofficial على متابعين مخلصين مجموعهم 33,809 متابع في Instagram.
ما هي الإضافات والتحليلات التي تشتمل عليها التقارير الكاملة لـ @ebtofficial على Instagram؟
تحتوي تقريرنا التحليلي الكامل لـ Instagram على نظرة شاملة لـ @ebtofficial على Instagram. يتضمن هذا التقرير معلومات تفصيلية حول نمو المتابعين مع مرور الوقت، ومعدلات المشاركة، وتواتر المنشورات، سواء على أساس أسبوعي أو شهري. للوصول إلى هذا التقرير المفصل، يرجى التسجيل وإنشاء حساب جديد في StarNgage أو تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابك الحالي.
هل يمكنني تتبع كيف تطور معدل المشاركة لـ @ebtofficial على Instagram؟
نعم، تتيح أدوات التحليل التابعة لـ StarNgage لك تتبع كيفية تطور معدل المشاركة لـ @ebtofficial على مدار الوقت على Instagram. تساعدك هذه البيانات على تقييم فعالية استراتيجيات المشاركة لـ @ebtofficial.
كيف يمكنني فهم ديموغرافي جمهور @ebtofficial على Instagram؟
تجلب فهم ديموغرافي جمهور @ebtofficial على Instagram قيمة كبيرة. يتيح لك ضبط المحتوى الخاص بك واستراتيجيات التسويق مع المؤثرين للتوافق أكثر مع متابعي @ebtofficial، حيث ستحصل على معلومات حول سنهم وجنسهم وموقعهم واهتماماتهم.
كيف يمكنني الاستفادة من بيانات الأفليات العلامة التجارية لتحسين استراتيجيتي التسويق على Instagram مع @ebtofficial؟
تعد بيانات الالتزام بالعلامة التجارية أداة قوية لفهم العلامات التجارية أو المنتجات التي يهتم بها جمهورك. يمكن أن توجهك هذه المعلومات في تعاونك في المحتوى والشراكات على Instagram، مما يعزز الالتزام مع جمهورك المستهدف.