Underground in New York City 2014-2022 Created by Uli Beutter Cohen @theubc⁣ Get my book BETWEEN THE LINES 👇
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NEW YORK — Xochitl: “I am a lifelong Brooklynite, author of the novel Olga Dies Dreaming, and I’m a lifelong subway rider. I have to say that the subway has seen better days. I used to think of the subway as a mangy lover that you could at least rely on. It wasn’t the nicest looking, but at least it was there. Infrastructure-wise, our Mayor has not been the best friend to commuters — he has been the mangiest of all lovers — but here we are, at the dawn of a new era, who knows (laughs). The book I’m reading is ‘My Government Means to Kill Me’ by Rasheed Newson. It comes out in August and this is an advanced copy. It takes place in the 80s in New York and follows a queer, Black man named Trey who leaves a family of privilege to move to the city. It’s his coming-of-age story as an openly gay man during the AIDS crisis and I love that it weaves the personal and the political together. Trey also takes us to the bathhouses, the Chelsea Hotel, and so many places that were part of the fabric of New York that have kind of been erased. In the 90s, I worked for a gallerist who, when he couldn’t pay me anymore, horse-traded me to the framing store next door and eventually I became a luxury wedding planner. I was barely making $5 but we’d go to this restaurant L’Orange Bleue where Heath Ledger would hang out. It was a wild and interesting time. The best part about being a wedding planner was that I met all these amazing people, like Manny, my old delivery guy, and I got this understanding that the ecosystem was actually quite flat. The power brokers needed their vendors. What is so emotionally hard about COVID is to see how all the local businesses are impacted and which workers are put most at risk. It’s a good thing to keep in perspective. Where am I headed today on the subway? I’m going to the Container Store. I have these disorganized closets filled with dog food and I need to get them in order. This year I’m taking major steps toward smaller ambitions. I’m aiming for low-level mastery at adulting.” @xochitltheg #mygovernmentmeanstokillme #rasheednewson #subwaybookreview #newyorkcity 🎤📷 @theubc
NEW YORK — Arianna: “I’m the author of ‘What Would Frida Do? A Guide to Living Boldly’ and I’m the editorial director of The TODAY Show which is a new job. It’s weird starting a new job virtually in the pandemic but it’s super exciting, too. I live in Long Island City and this time last year I got my puppy Leo because things were rough. I was living alone and it was hard to be at home 24/7. Leo came home with me on December 26th — I was the cliché person who got a pandemic puppy — and here we are, a year later. Leo travels with me everywhere, including the subway. He brings me joy, purpose, and he shakes up my routine. I recently picked up this book to re-read it because I love it so much. I’ve been reading Tia Williams for a while now and was first drawn to her books because they’re romantic comedies that are literary and star Black women. In this book, the female character is an author and I was hooked the minute I opened it. It’s about two Black authors who are kind of like archnemeses in the literary world but we find out that they have a history and there’s a love story. It’s just delicious and so well written. It’s one of my favorite books of the year. It’s been harder and harder for me to find time to read these days, and after the roller coaster that was 2021, this New Year’s Eve will find me super low key with more rom-coms like this one…and lots of wine.” @ariannagab #sevendaysinjune @tiawilliamswrites #subwaybookreview #newyorkcity 📷📝 @theubc *Arianna only briefly removed her mask for the photo. Stay safe New York.
NEW YORK — Zibby: “I’m a mom to four kids and motherhood is the biggest psychological experiment of all time. I was a psychology major in college and it’s the most useful thing I’ve done because kids keep changing constantly. As soon as you’ve mastered one thing they’ve moved on to the next. There’s no complacency in parenting. I think that's why moms like to help each other because what else are we going to do with all this knowledge? I host a podcast called Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books which is a daily literary podcast where I interview authors. I have also written two anthologies, two children books, and I have a memoir coming out next summer. I'm really busy. Maybe it’s because I’m a native New Yorker but I think it’s in my genes (laughs). Before motherhood I would’ve said that I don’t like change, but I’ve been forced to like it. My trick is to just stay where my feet are and focus on the day. This book is all about change. Smile by Sarah Ruhl is an amazing memoir about losing the ability to smile after she had a traumatic birth that gave her Bell’s Palsy and froze half her face. She talks about what it’s like when you can’t show your emotions and the importance of having people to turn to who know you deep down. It doesn't matter to them what your face looks like because they know what you're feeling and thinking. Sarah’s book reminds me that life is about keeping love in your life and not prioritizing all the external stuff.” @zibbyowens #smile @sarah_ruhl_ #change #motherhood #newyorkcity @momsdonthavetimetoreadbooks #subwaybookreview 📝📷 @theubc
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Según la última actualización, @subwaybookreview ha acumulado un público dedicado de 139,252 seguidores en Instagram.
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Nuestro informe completo de análisis de Instagram ofrece una visión general completa de @subwaybookreview en Instagram. Este informe incluye información detallada sobre el crecimiento de seguidores a lo largo del tiempo, métricas de participación y frecuencia de publicaciones, tanto semanal como mensual. Para acceder a este informe detallado, regístrese y cree una cuenta nueva de StarNgage o inicie sesión en su cuenta existente.
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Los datos de afinidad de marca son una herramienta poderosa para comprender qué marcas o productos interesan más a su audiencia. Esta información puede orientar sus colaboraciones y asociaciones de contenido en Instagram, mejorando su participación con su público objetivo.