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In celebration of World Blood Donor Day yesterday, an Indian national, author and current Maltese resident Asif Ali was not approved to donate blood – and took to social media to deride what he described as an “immature, senseless and discriminatory statement from the organisers of blood donation camp”. “I received the invitation from my organisation, I registered for it, I gave my name, number and fixed a time to go there” said Asif, “and then I took some time out from work to go there and donate blood”. When he arrived, Asif alleges that he was asked where he was from. When he responded with the name of the organisation employing him, he was asked, “which country?” “I said ‘India’. They answered, ‘I’m sorry, you can’t donate your blood here’.” According to Asif’s account, when he told employees that he had been in Malta for over a year, in case they were refusing his donation based on thinking he had travelled recently, they responded, “but you were born in India, right?” Because his answer was yes, they replied, “So we can’t take your blood.” This Bulubel blood drive was organised by Teva Malta, in collaboration with Blood Donation Malta. Though Teva had an instrumental role in promoting the event and raising awareness, General Manager Patrick Cachia told Lovin Malta that “it is not up to Teva Malta who can donate blood or not but it is up to the Blood Donation Team to decide”. “The team in the Blood Donation Unit refuse donations from both nationals and non-nationals due to a number of set criteria, i.e. low blood pressure, fever, rashes, travel, etc. This happens regularly.” Though Teva did not exercise any decision making power over who could or could not donate blood, they confirmed there had been “an Indian employee from another company that was not approved” and directed Lovin Malta to Blood Donation Malta for further clarifications. Lovin Malta contacted Blood Donation Malta about this incident, but did not receive a response in time for the publication of this article. Read the full article by Pawlu Caruana on Lovin Malta 📲
Females in Malta are less likely than males to claim that they have supervisory skills and more likely to believe they are able to assist the public and clients. Both sexes are equally likely to claim to have leadership skills. A preliminary report, published by the National Statistics Office, collected data to compile the latest Malta Skills Survey. The survey is based on data collected in 2022, and it found that perhaps the most dominant skillset in our society, perhaps unsurprisingly, is basic computer literacy. 79% of female respondents, and 75% of male respondents, describe themselves as having basic computer skills. In terms of supervising a team or group, the proportion of people who claim to have that skillset is generally lower, and males surveyed tended to have more belief in their ability to supervise than did female respondents. Just below half – 49% – of males claimed to have supervisory skills, while 40% of females claimed the same. Interestingly, though, while females tended to be slightly less likely to claim they have strong supervisory skills, 42% of female respondents said they were skilful in assisting the public and clients, while just 31% of males said they were skilful at rendering such assistance. In light of the fact that females surveyed were so much less likely to claim to have supervisory skills – the finding that 36% of males, and 36% of females, claimed to be good at “leading and motivating” is somewhat perplexing. The most common languages understood by the Maltese population, in descending order, are English, Maltese and Italian. The survey found that 96% of respondents understand English, 90.4% understand Maltese, and 62% understand Italian – showing that despite our past, and though it is close, of our two national languages, English is your best bet when trying to communicate with the broadest possible audience. This is consistent across age ranges. Read the full article by Pawlu Caruana on Lovin Malta & let us know what you make of the results in the comments below 👇
As the Ċensu Moran Health Centre project is reaching a close, some residents are commenting on the impact this enormous building has created on the neighbourhood. “It has replaced the the boċċi club and the garden,” independent candidate Arnold Cassola told Lovin Malta. “It is built in front of Pace Grasso (a football ground) which is falling apart instead of being built on it with a proper underground car park underneath.” “They got rid of the garden since there is there is too much fresh air around there,” he quipped sarcastically. Criticism was vociferous of way the building has been constructed. “It’s obvious you don’t live here or you wouldn’t speak like that,” said a resident to someone defending the building on the grounds that it is a hospital. “An ugly building which will choke the neighbourhood because it hasn’t been done properly with the excuse of the landfill in Pace Grasso.” “Whatever it is this is not done at all. So because it’s the government they can block a road. Is it possible that they couldn’t find a more adequate place to build this clinic? I wonder if you had your house facing this wall whether you would have tolerated this monstrosity!” commented another resident. “It’s true that it’s well needed but I’m sure something could have been done with that blank wall,” an aesthetically minded commenter chimed in. “It needed a bit of design that says: It’s true the building is oversized, but it is beautiful.” Another suggested a nice mural on its walls. The health centre is badly needed to alleviate the pressure on Mater Dei and will act as an emergency centre for the South. However, careful town planning is essential especially with large buildings in densely populated areas. What do you make of this building? Article by Mario Borg
At least 78 people have drowned in a tragic incident involving a sinking refugee boat close to Greece’s shoreline. “We are witnessing one of the biggest tragedies in the Mediterranean and the numbers announced by the authorities are devastating,” Gianluca Rocco, IOM (International Office of Migration) of Greece Chief of Mission, said. A rescue operation was set in motion yesterday morning by the Greek authorities, who have thus far rescued 104 individuals. 79 bodies have been retrieved, “but the death toll is likely to rise”, the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) stated in a press release. Hundreds are still missing,”speculation is rife that as many as 600 people were onboard but that has not been confirmed. The ship is under the water. It has sunk,” said one Greek official. Nearly all of the victims were men from Afghanistan and Pakistan. The vessel was travelling from Libya to Italy, and was spotted about 50 miles from Pyrgos. Following the incident, Greece’s government announced a period of three days for national mourning in remembrance of the tragedy. “This situation reinforces the urgency for concrete, comprehensive action from States to save lives at sea and reduce perilous journeys by expanding safe and regular pathways to migration,” Rocco expressed. A UNHCR team has reached the town of Kalamata, where the survivors have been taken, with the purpose of evaluating their requirements and providing assistance to both the survivors and the local authorities. They also supplied them with food. “IOM’s Missing Migrants Project has documented at least 26,924 deaths in the Mediterranean since 2014,” the press release read. “UNHCR and IOM call on States to cooperate to increase safe pathways and ensure coordinated search and rescue at sea, while working together on finding collective solutions, to avoid the needless loss of more lives.” What do you make of this tragedy? Should more be done to safeguard migrants’ lives? Article by @kira_markss
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