Liz King ➡️ Trainer
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First things first👏 . I will NOT tolerate any pilates slander, Thats not what this post is about!👏 . ✍️This is merely a reminder that just because you switch from one form of exercise to another, doesn’t mean that you’re automatically going to lose fat, tone up , cure your hormone imbalances banish your inflammation and ride into the sunset on a unicorn like many posts I have seen are claiming. The Pilates fad, just like ANY fad formed around a specific kind of exercise, makes its rounds once every year or so, Which means its not ACTUALLY the holy grail of movement because in a few months it’s going to be something else. . 🫱The problem does not lie in the exposure of this type of exercise (or whatever kind it may be) The problem lies within the unrealistic expectations that are presented throughout social media that Pilates is a “quick fix” for weight loss and getting “toned”. And of course there are many aspects of peoples journey that go unmentioned such as diet and overall lifestyle change which is actually what is giving them results. . 🌝So as a gentle reminder of how weight loss, fat loss, hormone balancing and getting toned actually works, Ive made a simplified list for you all to remember. . 1. Hormone balancing: can be done through any type of movement that is not overly stressful to you body, not just pilates. It can also be helped through nutrition. 2. . Weight loss only happens when you are in a calorie deficit and can be done through exercise and nutrition 3. Getting “toned” just means losing fat and gaining muscle which requires a slight deficit (if needed) and some form of strength training with progressive overload. . 👌You can achieve all of these through whatever type of movement you enjoy the most and balancing your nutrition towards your goals which is the most important factor in all of these! Everyone is different and everyone will see results differently! . ✅Train with me online and learn how to make fitness a part of your lifestyle with customized workouts and recipes designed for YOUR body and YOUR goals at (link in bio) . #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney
👌Meal Prepping is life changing especially if you have a fitness goal! . 👋Hear me out you can either spend 2-3 house getting groceries and prepping your meals each week OR you can spend about 45 min to an hour and a half every day trying to figure out what to eat, go get it, cook it all and be so hangry by the time you actually sit down to eat that it makes you took exhausted to even enjoy the rest of your evening (or you order food out). . ✋Preparing your bigger meals ahead of time will significantly reduce your stress around food, constantly thinking about what and when you’re eating next, and can help regulate your mood throughout the day and prevent binging at night. Meal prepping doesn’t mean you’re meticulously counting and weighing your food and dividing it perfectly into little containers, It literally just means that you put some effort into making sure you have your dinners already made for the week so that you’re not scrambling through your fridge every day when you get home from a long day of work, or making your lunches ready to bring to work so you aren’t ordering food and potentially sabotaging your results just because you didn’t bother to think about it ahead of time. . 👏This is why focusing on your daily and weekly habits in order to create the lifestyle that supports your fitness goals is crucial for long term success. Start thinking about future you and start learning how to set yourself up to make progress while staying happy healthy and balanced! . ✅Train with me online and learn how to make fitness a part of your lifestyle with customized workouts and recipes designed for YOUR body and YOUR goals at (link in bio) . #healthyrecipes #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #mealprep #mealprepideas #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation
The weekly saga. . 👏What you eat plays a big part your fitness journey! Now that doesn’t mean you have to constantly count calories, obsess about ingredients and hyper focus on every little thing you put in your body. In Made For Me Fitness land, it means being mindful, balanced and intuitive with what you eat and how you eat it. . 👌You hear about protein all the time but why does it matter? Ensuring you’re getting enough protein on your fitness journey is not just “for the gains” it is actually a crucial part of sustainable weight loss and fat loss as well. Having a protein source in every meal (yes even snacks) is what I recommend for all of my clients regardless of what their fitness goal is to help them feel fuller for longer, more satisfied throughout the day which helps prevent night time binges and even help them stay more focused throughout their work day (yes it matters) . 💪So here’s some tips that help me and my clients on our noble quest to get enough protein! . 1. Always meal prep 2. Make sure there is a source of high protein in every meal (even snacks) 3. Supplement if needed 4. Always keep back ups . 👋Creating a sustainable fitness lifestyle requires practice so don’t expect to get it all on your first, second, or even tenth try. Keep growing, keep learning and keep going! . ✅Train with me online and learn how to make fitness a part of your lifestyle with customized workouts and recipes designed for YOUR body and YOUR goals at (link in bio) . #mealprep #proteinpacked #weightloss #fatloss #fitnessjourney #fitnessmeals #healthylifestyle #healthyrecipes
Once you start meal prepping, you’ll never go back.🥘 . 👋A common question I get when first speaking with my clients is how will I know if they are sticking to their plan or not? And I usually reply with “im not too worried about it, you’ll find out why later” because the truth is, your body will keep you in check better than anyone else will. . 👏The hard part of the process is building the habits in order for your body to actually notice a difference. Sense why meal prepping is one of the best things you can do for yourself on your fitness journey! Once your body gets used to having the majority of your meals home cooked and well balanced, Going out to restaurants and certain foods won’t leave you feeling too good. . 👌Thats not to say that they shouldn’t be enjoyed but what you’ll end up learning is how your body reacts differently to food you make vs food you order. That “funny” feeling you get right after a meal at a restaurant that leaves you bloated, tired, unfocused is your body telling you that it may actually prefer that good old steady home cooking instead! . 💪The more you expose your body to things that make you feel good the more you will WANT to stay consistent! . ✅Train with me online and learn how to make fitness a part of your lifestyle with customized workouts and recipes designed for YOUR body and YOUR goals at (link in bio) . #mealprep #mealprepideas #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #fitness #workout #weightloss #fatloss #stronger
Respectfully✋ . 👋Any good trainer will know how to get you results, Its actually a pretty simple equation to get a normal human being to their fitness goal. However the reality is, a “normal” human being doesn’t exist, and that “simple equation” becomes very complicated when an individual, with their lifestyle, mental health, body type, injuries, imbalances, genetics and everything else in between tries to follow that perfect equation. . 👏Expecting yourself to push through the “perfect” program will only push you into burning out and hating exercise altogether. Now any great trainer will be able to tell when an exercise routine starts becoming unmanageable for their client and will be able to modify accordingly so that you’ll be able to continue making progress while maintaining your sanity. Keeping a positive relationship with exercise, food and your body is more important than any seemingly fast result because at the end of the day its only a matter of time before your body will bounce back. . ✋And no, Its not because you’re not dedicated or not motivated, Its because you were ignoring your body and not allowing yourself to fall into a routine that is actually sustainable. Teaching my clients how to stay intuitive to their training routine is a big factor in their overall consistency and ultimately their results. Pushing yourself too hard in the gym all the time is not a long term solution for fitness results. Take the time to learn and grow with your body instead of fighting it. . ✅Train with me online and learn how to make fitness a part of your lifestyle with customized workouts and recipes designed for YOUR body and YOUR goals at (link in bio) . #fitnessjourney #workoutmotivation #workoutoftheday #workoutroutine #gymmotivation #motivation
👋Have you ever started an intense work out program with the hopes of completely transforming your body within a few short months because it was about to be summer, or you had an event you wanted to look your best for? Or maybe you’re just fed up with feeling uncomfortable with your body and you want that to change ASAP. . 👏Well this video is a solid representation of exactly what will happen when you jump into an unsustainable fitness program! Maybe it will take more than a month and maybe you’ll even see some small results but burning out due to this type of routine and mentality is inevitable. . ✋Why? Because not every work out plan is going to be manageable and sustainable for YOU. You have your own life, your own schedule and your own set of daily obstacles that don’t just disappear whenever you want to pick up a new routine. Having a program that works with your body and lifestyle instead of against it is going to be key if you are looking for results that last you longer than a year. . 💪As a personal trainer I make sure that each of my clients programs work for them continuously no matter what life throws at them. They are able to learn how to stay consistent and happy while developing long term habits that will keep them at their goals. Remember what you do to get to your goal is the exact same thing that you need to do to stay at your goal, so if your work out routine and nutrition plan is unsustainable, your results will be too. . ✅Train with me online and learn how to make fitness a part of your lifestyle with customized workouts and recipes designed for YOUR body and YOUR goals at (link in bio) . #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #workoutmotivation #workoutroutine #stronger #fitnessjourney #motivation
👏Break the cycle! . 👋The binge/ restrict cycle had a chokehold on me for YEARS of my fitness journey. I thought it was “normal” to be ultra restrictive and “good” about my diet all week but when it came to my cheat meal I would nearly consume 1 and a half large pizzas to myself followed by cookies, cake and washed it all down with a Diet Coke. It was my only day I could eat the foods I enjoyed so I ended up cramming everything into one sitting followed by this overwhelming guilt that I had just thrown all of my hard work out the window. Then it became daily, I would restrict during the day only choosing foods that were low in calories trying to make up for the night before and then become so hungry at the end of the day that I would freak out and eat everything in sight just to repeat the same thing every day. . 🤦‍♀️It was so unbelievably draining and detrimental to my self esteem and relationship with food and my body. The crazy part of it is, this cycle was a result of dieting. You know the thing thats supposed to help you lose weight and make all of your dreams come true. It seems so normalized and glamorized to be so “disciplined” with your diet so you can have that rocking bod but of course no one talks about the other side. . ✋The other side meaning, that part of your body that will FORCE you to play calorie catch up at the end of the day if you don’t give it what it needs. Ive had many clients who have dealt with this cycle all throughout their attempts to lose weight or get fit and the truth is it can take a while to get out of but I promise you it will be worth it. . ✅Train with me online and learn how to make fitness a part of your lifestyle with customized workouts and recipes designed for YOUR body and YOUR goals at (link in bio) . #workout #fitnesjourney #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #fatloss #workoutmotivation #workoutroutine
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ČPP: Statistika i uvidi za Instagram naloge na @madeformefitness
Kako mogu pristupiti statistici i analitici za Instagram naloge na @madeformefitness?
StarNgage nudi sveobuhvatne analitičke izveštaje koji pružaju ključne metrike i uvide kako biste potpuno razumeli @madeformefitness. Možete istražiti različite aspekte, uključujući statistiku pratilaca na Instagram, kao što su trendovi rasta pratilaca i objava, stopa angažovanja i njeni trendovi rasta. Takođe, možete pristupiti informacijama o prosečnom broju lajkova i komentara po objavi, uvid u demografiju vaših pratilaca ili publike, podatke o afinitetu brendova, pomenute relevantne heštagove, slične naloge i najnovije objave.
Koliki je trenutni broj pratilaca za @madeformefitness na Instagram?
Prema najnovijim podacima, @madeformefitness ima posvećenu grupu pratilaca od 79,598 pratilaca na Instagram.
Koje uvide i analitiku sadrži potpuni izveštaj za @madeformefitness na Instagram?
Naš potpuni analitički izveštaj za Instagram pruža sveobuhvatan pregled @madeformefitness na Instagram. Ovaj izveštaj sadrži detaljne informacije o rastu pratilaca tokom vremena, metrikama angažovanja i učestalosti objava, kako nedeljno tako i mesečno. Da biste pristupili ovom detaljnom izveštaju, molimo vas da se registrujete i kreirate novi StarNgage nalog ili se prijavite na svoj postojeći nalog.
Mogu li pratiti kako se razvija stopa angažovanja @madeformefitness na Instagram?
Da, StarNgage-ovi alati za analitiku omogućavaju praćenje razvoja stope angažovanja @madeformefitness tokom vremena na Instagram. Ovi podaci vam pomažu da procenite efektivnost strategija angažovanja koje koristi @madeformefitness.
Kako razumevanje demografije @madeformefitness publike na Instagram može biti korisno?
Sticanje uvida u demografiju @madeformefitness publike na Instagram može biti od velike vrednosti. Ovo vam omogućava da prilagodite svoje influenserske sadržaje i marketinške strategije kako biste bolje odgovarali pratilcima @madeformefitness, jer ćete imati informacije o njihovom uzrastu, polu, lokaciji i interesovanjima.
Kako mogu iskoristiti podatke o afinitetu brendova kako bih unapredio marketinšku strategiju na Instagram sa @madeformefitness?
Podaci o afinitetu brendova su moćan alat za razumevanje za koje brendove ili proizvode je vaša publika najviše zainteresovana. Ove informacije mogu vam pomoći da unapredite saradnju sa brendovima i partnerstva na Instagram, što će poboljšati angažovanje sa ciljanom publikom.