Much Of Life
Passionate supporters of Fiji Rugby #veilomani #fijirugby
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Being dropped from a team representing one's country at the Rugby World Cup is undeniably painful. Regarding Volavola's exclusion, opinions are divided into two factions. Some believe the decision was unjust, suggesting it might be the result of questionable choices by the coach. Conversely, there are those who support Coach Simon Raiwalui's decision. Personally, I believe that individual player selection pales in comparison to the importance of a well-orchestrated build-up process. The lead-up to the World Cup has been riddled with challenges and controversy. The Fiji Rugby Union (FRU) has experienced significant turmoil, with players expressing discontent over payment arrangements, leading to situations like Mazey's emergency trip to Taveuni. Everything I've mentioned is public knowledge, but there are undoubtedly behind-the-scenes issues that remain undisclosed that makes it even more evident that the journey to the World Cup hasn't been smooth. In my opinion, only a consistent and comprehensive four-year preparation, inclusive of regular international tests against Tier 1 nations and a reliable FRU that has the trust of both players and the public, will position us to genuinely contend for the title of World Champions. As much as it pains to say this, right now, we are World Cup tourists. On the upside, we have the potential to be World Champions. Here is what Volavola said about his non selection, “He [Simon Raiwalui] told me the reasons and all I can do is to accept it. There was obviously sadness and those kinds of feelings. But now it’s not about me anymore. It’s about the boys, about the squad and the boys that they’ve picked. I will be backing them and supporting them the same way I would be if I was in the team. I’m really happy for the boys. You know, it’s all about them now.” #volavola #fijirugby #fijirugbyunion #flyingfijians #rugbyworldcup #rugbyunion #fiji #fijianrugby
Worldwide, people recognise the potential that exists in Fiji Rugby. It is common for sports enthusiasts, even Fiji's opponents, to say, “Fijians are made to play rugby”, “are the most gifted players in the world”, etc. But why, then, does Fiji Rugby fail more than succeed? For every one step forward, we seem to take at least two steps back. Why? Surveying a range of experts, the answer is “administration”. Righting the wrongs of past administrators is no small feat. It requires not only the ability to recognise and acknowledge past missteps, but also the strength-of-character to confront them head-on. Peter Mazey is working to reform Fiji Rugby, & we already see the transformative power of good leadership. Mazey has an unwavering commitment to hard work & is a tough negotiator, especially with World Rugby. He is trying very hard to get World Rugby to increase its funding of Fiji Rugby while at the same time reforming FRU into an organisation that everyone trusts. While juggling these balls in the air, he is also “putting out fires”, that is, resolving one scandal after another that was caused by the previous administration. In chess, there is a concept called “Zugzwang” (German word) which is where you are in a position where any legal move you make will put you in a worse position than what you are in already. Basically, you are in a position where you are forced to make a move that sucks. All you have is bad choices in front of you. Peter Mazey is in a zugzwang! This is a horrible position to be in! I feel we, the public need to recognise that and be supportive as opposed to unfairly critical. We need to be supportive because Mazey is burning the midnight oil and chairing a committee of eminent interim unpaid trustees who are working diligently and following due process to reform FRU. We thank Peter Mazey for his strength of character in confronting the problems at FRU head-on & for his transparency, especially during the press conferences and would like to encourage him to continue to openly engaging with the public. #fijirugby #fijirugbyunion #fiji7s #fijiana #fiji7s #mazey #fijian #fijirugby #fijisevens #fiji #flyingfijians #fijisports
The temporary trustees of the Fiji Rugby Union (FRU) deserve our backing and goodwill. They are working free of charge, staking their reputations to reform Fiji Rugby. It is disheartening to witness continuous criticism towards those who risk their reputation for the betterment of Fiji's number one sport. Without these individuals, Fijian rugby risks severe decline. Much of Life sincerely thanks the interim trustees Peter Mazey, Jenny Seeto, Alipate Naiorosui, Sikeli Tuinamuana, and Mosese Naivalu for the work they have done so far. We realize that a lot of criticism you face is unmerited and we encourage you to persevere. To everyone who loves Fiji Rugby & wishes FRU to be successful, let's be part of the solution and work with the interim trustees to fix Fiji Rugby. The choice is simple: we can either be part of the problem or the solution. Being part of the problem is unfair and toxic criticism that may demotivate and derail the efforts of the interim trustees. We will never see eye to eye on everything, and there may be certain trustees, politicians, and FRU staff that people dislike. All that is fine, as long as we can work together to fix FRU, because the big picture is that FRU is sinking. There is an expression, "Never bite the hand that feeds you." Right now, I feel that many are biting the hands of those that are trying to reform FRU. The interim trustees did not create the mess at FRU, they are trying to solve the problems created by others. Let's all be part of the solution and support them, because, after all, it is our team. #fijirugby #fijirugbyunion #fiji7s #fijiana #fiji7s #mazey #seeto #naiorosui #tuinamuana #naivalu
* Avtorske pravice: Ustvarjalci vsebine so privzeti lastniki avtorskih pravic. Te informacije, vključno z slikami, besedili, videoposnetki, objavami in profilom, so objavljene na javnih domenah in pridruženih družbenih medijih za javni ogled.
Pogosta vprašanja: Statistika Instagram in vpogledi za @muchoflife
Kako lahko dostopam do statistike in analitike Instagram za @muchoflife?
StarNgage ponuja celovite analitične poročila, ki zagotavljajo ključne metrike in vpoglede za popolno razumevanje @muchoflife. Lahko raziščete različne vidike, kot so statistika sledilcev Instagram, kot sta rast sledilcev in objav, stopnja angažiranosti in njena rastna trenda. Poleg tega lahko dostopate do informacij o povprečnem številu všečkov in komentarjev na objavo, vpogledov v demografijo sledilcev ali občinstva, podatkov o povezanosti znamke, omenjanj relevantnih oznak, podobnih računov in najnovejših objav.
Koliko sledilcev ima trenutno Instagram račun @muchoflife?
Po zadnji posodobitvi je @muchoflife na Instagram pridobil predano skupnost z 8,977 sledilci.
Katere informacije in analitika so vključene v celovito poročilo za Instagram račun @muchoflife?
Naše celovito analitično poročilo za Instagram ponuja podroben pregled @muchoflife na Instagram. To poročilo vključuje podrobne informacije o rasti sledilcev, metrikah angažiranosti in pogostosti objav, tako na tedenski kot mesečni ravni. Za dostop do tega podrobnežega poročila vas vljudno prosimo, da se registrirate in ustvarite nov račun StarNgage ali se prijavite v svoj obstoječi račun.
Ali lahko spremljam, kako se je razvijala stopnja angažiranosti @muchoflife na Instagram?
Da, orodja StarNgage omogočajo spremljanje rasti stopnje angažiranosti @muchoflife na Instagram. Ti podatki vam pomagajo oceniti učinkovitost strategij angažiranosti @muchoflife.
Kako lahko razumevanje demografije občinstva @muchoflife na Instagram izboljša delovanje mojega računa?
Razumevanje demografije občinstva @muchoflife na Instagram je izjemno koristno. Omogoča vam prilagajanje vsebine in trženjskih strategij, da se bolje prilagajajo sledilcem @muchoflife, saj boste imeli informacije o njihovi starosti, spolu, lokaciji in interesih.
Kako lahko izkoristim podatke o povezanosti znamk in izboljšam marketinško strategijo na Instagram z @muchoflife?
Podatki o povezanosti znamk so močno orodje za razumevanje, katerim znamkam ali izdelkom je vaše občinstvo najbolj zainteresirano. Te informacije lahko usmerjajo vaše sodelovanje pri vsebini in partnerstva na Instagram, s tem pa izboljšajo angažiranost z vašo ciljno skupino.