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Seeking a new herbal ally to include in your wellness regime…especially as we enter flu season? Meet Astragalus 🌱 one of our favorite super-herbs and one often used in #ChineseMedicine…⁠ ⁠ Astragalus is native to China and has a reputable history of medicinal use in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) where it is known as 'Huang Qi.’⁠ ⁠ While the true power of Traditional Chinese Medicine lies within the combination of different herbs with different functions there are a handful of select herbs that boast great benefits for overall well being and astragalus is one of the more dynamic ones. It’s deemed an adaptogen and is great for immune health, anti-inflammatory and stress management.⁠ ⁠ For centuries astragalus has been utilized in TCM to strengthen Qi, especially the lungs. It’s a member of the legume family and the actual astragalus root is what’s used as medicine. This unique herb is rich in isoflavones, polysaccharides, plant sterols and terpenes…all of which make it the ideal herb for immune support.⁠ ⁠ What makes this herb even more intriguing is the Natural Medicine Comprehensive Database (NMCD) suggestion that taking astragalus long-term might help prevent colds and taking it for up to 6 weeks may relieve seasonal allergy symptoms such as runny nose, itching and sneezing.⁠ ⁠ If you’d like to dive deeper into all things TCM & yoga consider our online course with @yoga_international. @TiffanyCruikshank created ‘Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine’ to give you a working understanding of the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine so that they can inform your yoga practice, allowing you to use what you learn to build sequences that support your (and your students’) well-being.⁠ ⁠ This course is a great introduction to the foundations of TCM (no herbs but plenty of yoga) for anyone who wants to get their feet wet. It’s also helpful if you’re looking for a refresher on TCM philosophy. Click the link in our bio now to learn more and enroll today!⁠ ⁠ Image from @chestnutschoolherbs⁠ ⁠ #herbalsupport #chineseherbs #onlineyogateachertraining #yogateachertraining #medicinal #asteagalus ⁠
Announcing our 2020 Online Yin and Meditation Training Scholarship Winners! Congratulations to these randomly selected yogis: @charasaloon, @rebeckahprice, @jessicarobinkyle, @aligningdynamics,, and Sara C. We can’t wait for you to join us online! To everyone who applied for these scholarships, thank you 🙏 We are grateful and inspired to see so many of you committing to personal growth during these tough times and we hope to continue supporting your yoga education during future Yoga Medicine trainings. If you would still like to join us, there is still time to register! Our 2020 Yin and Meditation Training goes live on October 21st… you can enroll and take this training with us “live" or slow down and go at your own pace. The content is available for life so the choice is yours. During this training we will discuss therapeutic applications of Meditation and Yin Yoga as well as assess a complimentary approach using the Chinese Medicine meridians. Our curriculum will also cover how to introduce your students to meditation by addressing common misconceptions, hindrances and how current research around meditation practices offer beneficial perspectives to offer in your classes. This teacher training is a #YM community favorite. It is co-taught by YM founder @tiffanycruikshank and @rashmibismark, MD, MPH. Rashmi brings over 15 years of study and practice of medicine, alternative healing modalities, ayurveda, energy healing, yoga, and meditation. Don’t miss out! Registration is still open. Head to the link in our bio now to secure your spot ❤️ #YogaMedicine #RaisingtheBar #EducationExperienceResults
Ahhh, the vagus nerve. Our favorite way to take control of our own stress response and a topic #YMO instructor + Ph.D @Valerie.Knopik puts into practice so well. Join her on Yoga Medicine Online (link in bio) to focus on a practice that will promote vagus nerve stimulation and in turn, down regulate the overactive sympathetic nervous system.⁠ ⁠ If you've followed us for long, I’m sure you've heard us talked about the #VagusNerve a few times on our feed but for those new around here, here are some interesting facts (courtesy of Valerie in a recent article for @yogadigest)⁠ ⁠ it is a cranial nerve (number 10 of 12 cranial nerves, in fact) that originates in the medulla, and the name ‘vagus’ can be translated as ‘wandering’. ⁠ It is called the wandering nerve because it influences the function of multiple organs (heart, lungs, and digestive tract to name a few), and it is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system in the body. ⁠ The vagus nerve is a primary component of the parasympathetic branch (“rest and digest”) of our autonomic nervous system, as opposed to the sympathetic branch (“fight or flight”). ⁠ Specifically, research suggests that stimulating the vagus nerve activates the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system; a ‘vagal brake’ if you will.⁠ ⁠ By now, you might be saying to yourself, “Okay….but what does this have to do with yoga?” Interestingly, the wandering vagus nerve runs behind the throat, suggesting that we can gently stimulate the vagus nerve when we do things like chanting, om-ing, and yes, breathing….particularly deep yogic breathing. Valerie offers restorative and meditative flows as well as pranayama practices on #YMO to encourage slow, mindful movements that allow us to breath deeply and connect our mind and body movements ultimately stimulating our vagus nerve 🙌🏽⁠ ⁠ Practice with YMO today…link in our bio to register now!⁠ ⁠ #breath #breathwork #mindfulness #practice #onlineworkout
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Ako môžem získať štatistiky a analytiku platformy Instagram pre užívateľa @yoga_medicine?
StarNgage ponúka komplexné analytické správy, ktoré poskytujú kľúčové metriky a poznatky, aby ste získali úplné porozumenie užívateľovi @yoga_medicine. Môžete preskúmať rôzne aspekty, vrátane štatistík sledovateľov na platforme Instagram, ako sú trendy rastu sledovateľov a príspevkov, Miera zapojenia a jej trendy rastu. Okrem toho máte prístup k informáciám o priemernom počte záberov a komentárov na príspevok, poznatky o demografii sledovateľov alebo publika, údaje o afinitách značky, zmienkach o relevantných hashtagoch, podobných účtoch a najnovších príspevkoch.
Aký je aktuálny počet sledovateľov pre užívateľa @yoga_medicine na platforme Instagram?
Podľa najnovšej aktualizácie užívateľ @yoga_medicine na platforme Instagram získal zázemie 254,129 sledovateľov.
Aké informácie a analýzy sú zahrnuté v plnej správe pre užívateľa @yoga_medicine na platforme Instagram?
Naša kompletná analytická správa platformy Instagram poskytuje podrobný prehľad užívateľa @yoga_medicine na platforme Instagram. Táto správa zahŕňa podrobné informácie o raste sledovateľov v čase, metrikách zapojenia a frekvencii príspevkov, ako na týždennom, tak aj na mesačnom základe. Ak chcete získať prístup k tejto podrobnosti správe, prosím zaregistrujte sa a vytvorte si nový účet StarNgage alebo sa prihláste do svojho existujúceho účtu.
Môžem sledovať, ako sa vyvíjala miera zapojenia používateľa @yoga_medicine na platforme Instagram?
Áno, analytické nástroje StarNgage vám umožňujú sledovať vývoj miery zapojenia používateľa @yoga_medicine v čase na platforme Instagram. Tieto údaje vám pomáhajú posúdiť účinnosť stratégií zapojenia používateľa @yoga_medicine.
Ako môže porozumenie demografii publiku užívateľa @yoga_medicine na platforme Instagram pomôcť?
Získanie poznatkov o demografii publiku užívateľa @yoga_medicine na platforme Instagram môže byť veľmi cenné. Toto vám umožňuje prispôsobiť vaše obsahové a marketingové stratégie influencera tak, aby sa lepšie zhodovali so sledovateľmi užívateľa @yoga_medicine, pretože budete mať informácie o ich veku, pohlaví, polohe a záujmoch.
Ako môžem využiť údaje o afinitách značky na zlepšenie mojej marketingovej stratégie na platforme Instagram s užívateľom @yoga_medicine?
Údaje o afinitách značky sú mocným nástrojom na pochopenie, ktoré značky alebo produkty vášho publika zaujímajú najviac. Tieto informácie vám môžu pomôcť pri spolupráciach a partnerstvách na platforme Instagram, zlepšiť angažovanosť s vašou cieľovou skupinou.