Lulwa Alarmali لولوه الأرملي
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For clarity - gut issues refer to food sensitivities, IBS, IBD, frequent food poisoning, chronic bloating, indigestion, gas, stomach pain, acid reflux, and so on. One of the *main* components of your gut immunity is something called SIgA (secretory IgA) - these are little soldier cells that act as a “first line of defense” against pathogens - which means they are the first on site to help your body eliminate any harmful bacteria, viruses, or environmental toxins that you come into contact with. This is relevant to overall health, not only gut health, because our digestive tract is the main thing that separates us from our external environment (it starts all the way from our oral cavity, from which we ingest viral particles, toxins, and bacteria, among other things). If you’re the kind of person who has recurrent infections (infections that don’t clear up completely, or keep returning), or the kind of person who easily gets food poisoning, or you have a lot of food sensitivities, or lots of allergies, or you’ve treated your gut issues in the past but they keep coming back - low levels of SIgA could be the reason. SIgA protects us from pathogens (bad bacteria, viruses, fungi, toxins) by: 🧩 1. Blocking their entry into the system/ preventing them from attaching to the gut lining 🧩 2. Reducing food sensitivities by managing our immune reaction to food antigens (proteins in food we can react negatively to). This also applies to environmental allergens 🧩 3. Reducing gut and overall inflammation by fighting against pro-inflammatory compounds 🧩 4. Promoting symbiosis (a healthy, co-existing relationship) between our gut bacteria, so we don’t over-react to the presence of bacteria in our gut To reduce food sensitivities, to help our body fight off infections (gut or other), or to restore balance to our gut microbiome, we need to strengthen our gut immunity by raising SIgA. Swipe for all the ways you can do it ➡️➡️
If you’re interested in health optimization, make sure you always have these supplements on hand, especially during times of stress. Here’s why: Our body has two types of protection against unhealthy lifestyle choices/ events - 1. Resilience, and 2. Reserve. Resilience is the body’s ability to snap back after a stressful event, and Reserve is the pool of nutrients and resources we use to maintain optimal health. The problem is, we use this reserve for two things at the same time: 1. To manage an “emergency,” and 2. to promote health, longevity, and fight long-term diseases. Why is this a problem? Because your body will *always* prioritize an immediate need for nutrients, over long-term health and survival. For example, when you go through a stressful situation, you activate “fight or flight,” which is the state your body goes into when it feels threatened (10,000 years ago this was a life-threatening situation like facing a tiger, but now it’s getting stuck in traffic or having a toxic work environment - same response). The more stress you face, the more nutrients you use up --> the less nutrients and resources you leave for your body to fight disease and promote tissue healing. The good thing is (as you can tell by the name) reserve is something that can be depleted AND replenished - like when you deplete your muscle glycogen stores after a hard workout, and then replenish it later with carbs. My advice is, whenever you’re stressed, make sure you prioritize consuming the common nutrients that your body uses to manage stress, so you also have enough for optimizing health. These nutrients include vitamin C, B vitamins, and minerals like Magnesium and zinc. Others include electrolytes like Sodium and Potassium. For easy food-based sources, check my Adrenal Cocktail highlight 🍊
Waking up and not feeling hungry isn’t a good thing - it’s usually a sign that something’s wrong with your metabolism, your stress levels, or your circadian rhythm (or all of them). Here’s why: 1. If you didn’t know already your body runs on a biological clock (see previous post). Regular meal timings allow your biological clock to sync up. You produce digestive enzymes and gastric juices in preparation for a meal based on your usual meal time. This is important because a) if you keep skipping breakfast, you teach your body not to get hungry at certain times, and b) you can use this to your advantage: if you prioritize eating breakfast (even if you’re not hungry) for a few days, you will set a rhythm where your body will produce gastric enzymes at breakfast time and trigger an appetite for breakfast. 2. Stress is a big one. If you wake up anticipating a bad day or you wake up stressed, your body will switch out of “rest and digest” mode and switch into “fight or flight,” which shuts off digestion. Waking up stressed also tiggers cortisol release, which tells your liver to push sugar into your blood. You won’t feel hungry because you already have “fuel” (blood sugar) but it’s coming from the wrong source. 3. Improper meal timings, like eating dinner too early before you sleep (ex: last meal at 6pm, and you sleep at 10pm), or chronic dieting/ under-eating can cause you to have low blood sugar at night/ while you sleep. This can cause a suppressed mornin appetite because your body will produce cortisol sometime during the night to raise your blood sugar back to normal levels - giving you the same effect as waking up stressed and blocking digestion (even if you're not stressed out). Breakfast really is important - it helps switch off a stress response, regulates your appetite for the rest of the day, and gives you bodily ad brain fuel (not to mention helps with hormonal regulation, too). If you want to get in the habit of having it, set a non-negotiable where you eat breakfast before a certain time, and after a few days you’ll naturally have an appetite for it. Any questions (or personal experiences!) let me know in the comments 👇🏼
I ❤️ talking about the circadian rhythm, researching it, and looking for ways to improve it. To put it simply, your circadian rhythm is your biological clock, and it syncs up your body’s functions (like liver detoxification, metabolism, digestion) in relation to 1. Light exposure and 2. Meal timings. This is actually why intermittent fasting blew up a few years ago - because so much data came out about how you’re supposed to eat at certain times of day, have a certain # of hours where you’re fasted, etc for optimal health. It’s a huge part of optimizing your health - and I’m going to give you some simple ways to “tune up” your biological clock: 1. Expose yourself to bright, outdoor light for 10-15 minutes in the morning ☀️. Office/ indoor lighting doesn’t have the same effect 2. Wake up at the same time each morning ⏰. Waking up at different times affects your body clock - to the point that if you sleep a few hours later for a few days (I.e. weekends) it would have the same effect as jet lag on your body 3. Eat your meals at the same time each day. Aim for larger meals for breakfast, and smaller meals for dinner 🥘 4. Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed (important for your digestive system, constipation 💩, and bloating) 5. When eating dinner, avoid eating in darkness/ dim lighting. This can contribute to insulin resistance 🌚 6. Dim the lights 2-3 hours before bed 🛌 7. Evening lighting should be at or below eye level (your brain can perceive elevated/ ceiling lighting as similar to daytime lighting) 🕯 8. Lower the temperature of your AC/ bedroom before sleeping (16-18 degrees Celsius is ideal 🥶) 9. Sleep in pitch black darkness - research showed that even a laser hitting the back of subjects knees while they slept affected sleep depth 🤷🏽‍♀️ 10. Fast for 12 hours (I don’t recommend fasting for up to 16 hours unless you’re male, and if you choose to do so as a female make sure you’re monitoring your cycle. And don’t skip breakfast and call it intermittent fasting 🙃😂)
A lot of us seem to develop lactose intolerance as we age. I hear a lot of people saying I used to be able to drink milk but I've had to cut it out the last year because it bloats me, makes me 💩, gives me gas, etc (all signs of lactose intolerance). This could either be due to an age-related decline in lactase production (the enzymes that breaks down lactose), OR - it could be because you have damage to your gut lining (in which case it's reversible). Your intestinal lining is made up of something called a brush border membrane, which produces a lot of digestive enzymes, including lactase. If your gut lining is inflamed/ damaged, you can't produce as much of these enzymes - which means you'll develop intolerances to foods that you didn't have a problem digesting before. Common causes of a damaged gut lining include: 🍞 Gluten 🌽 General food intolerances like soy, corn, wheat, dairy (dairy sensitivity is different from a lactose intolerance) 🦠 Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth 💊 Medications like NSAIDs (aka Advil or Ibuprofen), or immune-suppressants or blood pressure meds like ARBs 🦠 Bacterial or parasitic infection from contaminated food/ water (generally from traveling) 💨 Oxidative damage from environmental pollutants ** Bottom line: If you recently developed a sensitivity to dairy/ lactose, along with other symptoms like indigestion, bloating, trapped gas, changes in bowel movements, and so on - it could be due to gut inflammation. Gut inflammation and discomfort can be easily treated by a) doing the right testing to find the root cause and b) following a nutrition and supplement protocol that treats it. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments!
* Autorské práva: Obsahoví tvorcovia sú predvolene vlastníkmi autorských práv. Tieto informácie vrátane obrázkov, textov, videí, príspevkov a profilov sú zverejnené na verejných doménach a príslušných sociálnych médiách pre verejný prehľad.
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StarNgage ponúka komplexné analytické správy, ktoré poskytujú kľúčové metriky a poznatky, aby ste získali úplné porozumenie užívateľovi @thefunctionalnutritionist. Môžete preskúmať rôzne aspekty, vrátane štatistík sledovateľov na platforme Instagram, ako sú trendy rastu sledovateľov a príspevkov, Miera zapojenia a jej trendy rastu. Okrem toho máte prístup k informáciám o priemernom počte záberov a komentárov na príspevok, poznatky o demografii sledovateľov alebo publika, údaje o afinitách značky, zmienkach o relevantných hashtagoch, podobných účtoch a najnovších príspevkoch.
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