🇳🇴 Norwegian in America 🇺🇸 🎥 YouTube.com/Winterbird ✏️ @happyletteringchallenge ❤️ Exclusive behind the scenes and rewards on patreon.com/bywinterbird
72.2% подписчиков @winterbird являются женщинами, а 27.8% - мужчинами. Средний уровень вовлеченности в посты составляет около 1%. Среднее количество лайков на пост составляет 1,143, а среднее количество комментариев - 17.
@winterbird обожает публиковать оИскусство и ремесла, DIY и самые разные хаки для жизни, Medical Health, Дизайн, Графика, Иллюстратор.
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⚠️ Long post alert ⚠️ I can not believe this past month… A month ago, my dearest grandmother had a stroke, and with the coronavirus starting to reach Europe and the US, I faced a really tough decition; to stay or to go… Not knowing anything about how the situation would be anywhere with both corona and my grandmother. Story short, I've now been back overseas with my grandmother and my mother for a month, and the coronavirus is everywhere. It's looking stable around us, and businesses, stores, and events are canceled, closed, or restricted. It's not looking so bright in the US, and I have no idea when it may be safe or smart to head back to my hubby, the puppy, my in-law family and my studio. But I am glad I am here though, my grandmother is needing the extra care both day and night as she is way too eager to get healthy and not understanding that she needs to be careful, or she will end up in the hospital again. My grandmother could go back to her home earlier than usual due to the added threat of the coronavirus and the fact that my mother and I would be here and care for her for the time being. I feel sorry for especially all the elderly who can not be home in times like these, and who does not have someone with them. While I am sure you all have heard it already, please consider those people who are especially at risk, and that we are trying to protect in times like these. Stay updated on news, new laws, changes or other information from RELIABLE sources like rather than social media. And while more and more countries are shutting down; reach out to people in other ways and be there for one another through phone or other ways. ❤️ We are in this together, and we can fight it together while staying safe and not putting our self or others at risk. Sending you all much love and positivity and a big “e-hug” [is that a word?] 🤗 ❤️ . ✍🏻 @pilotpenusa #petit3 fude brush pens . #Lettering #Script #BrushLettering #HandLettering #Calligraphy #ModernCalligraphy #BrushPen #covid_19 #alonetogether
I have been working too much again, I can’t help it, I get so excited to share new projects and ideas and I just love working with what I am working with. All weekend (minus a few hours of babysitting my brother-in-law’s beautiful kids) I’ve been working 😅 and I’ve gotten a lot of stuff done. I also just launched TOOL KIT a place where you can find some very handy lettering tools and my Letter Library in new updated version along with the Guide Maker tool which also got some updates and brand new templates. And to top it all, a new Flourish Library which I’ve been filling up with all kinds of flourishes; mostly for letters but also some standalone flourishes like this guy! And a brand new Color Tool to help you match some amazing colors for lettering. And of course samples and explanations if you want 😄 oh and did I mention the brand new Style Library? Yeah I’ve been working like a very busy 🐝. 😅 . If your interested you can find all the goodness on toolchest.winterbird.com (link in bio). Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to get right back to working on more goodies! 🤗🎉 . What pen is this you might wonder? Well, because I’ve been working on the site I’ve been sitting with my computer a lot and this is my computer pen 🖊 @Wacom to be exact. I’ve been using Wacom Tablet instead of mouse for 15 years now and I don’t know how I would have managed without it 😂 #notsponsored The flourish was originally made on my iPad though because I needed them to be transparent and I was making a LOT of flourishes so I thought it would be best to save some 🌳 . #Lettering #Script #BrushLettering #HandLettering #Calligraphy #ModernCalligraphy #BrushPen #Flourishing #ToolChest #wacom #digitallettering #ipadlettering
Happy New Year! 🥳 🚨⚠️ Long post alert! ⚠️🚨 I spent the last part of 2019 working on some exciting projects for clients, one of them with a larger craft supplier whom you probably have heard of, and which hopefully I can talk more about in a little while 🤗 I also spent some time finalizing some special gifts for some amazing people who’s been supporting me for years now. It felt so great to put them together and get them in the mail. And then the holidays were upon us before I had a chance to blink and I spent time with my family overseas and treasured every moment of it that I could. In the meantime I’ve had to take a Instagram break to be able to have time to sleep in between everything 😅 I didn’t mean to be away from you guys for this long and without warning but I’m just one me trying to get all things done. During this time though I’ve missed you guys and I’ve at times been overwhelmed by YOUR love and kind words that I’ve been receiving while I’ve been away. Please know that all PM’s and emails you guys have sent me means the world to me 🥰😭❤️ I don’t have words, it’s so kind of you and encouraging to hear all your kind words and wishes. As for January, I hope I’ll be able to ease back into Instagram and posting again, but I still have some projects including a book for a client that needs to be finished before the month is over 😱 Hehe. BUT, I’m going to do my best to get back properly soon. I am also planning to make a return of my much missed Letter Library 🥳 I have some changes compared to before but I think you will like them and the new letters! 👍❤️ Now I best get back to work here, but before I do so; I wish you a truly MAGICAL, CREATIVE and BLESSED New Year! 🥳 ❤️ Much love from me 🤗 . #Lettering #Script #BrushLettering #HandLettering #Calligraphy #ModernCalligraphy #BrushPen #Tombow #Fudenosuke #HappyNewYear2020
* Авторское право: Создатели контента по умолчанию являются владельцами авторского права. Эта информация, включая изображения, тексты, видео, посты и профили, публикуется на общедоступных доменах и социальных сетях для публичного просмотра.
Вопросы и ответы: Статистика и понимание Instagram для @winterbird
Как я могу получить статистику и аналитику Instagram для @winterbird?
StarNgage предлагает полноценные аналитические отчеты, которые предоставляют ключевые метрики и понимание аккаунта @winterbird. Вы можете изучать различные аспекты, включая статистику подписчиков Instagram, такие как тенденции роста подписчиков и постов, уровень вовлеченности и его тенденции роста. Кроме того, вы можете получить информацию о среднем количестве лайков и комментариев на пост, информацию о демографии ваших подписчиков или аудитории, данные о приязни между брендами, упоминания соответствующих хештегов, похожие аккаунты и самые последние посты.
Каково текущее количество подписчиков @winterbird на Instagram?
На данный момент @winterbird уже набрал 105,718 подписчиков на Instagram.
Какие аналитика и отчеты включены в полный отчет для @winterbird на Instagram?
Наш полный аналитический отчет Instagram предоставляет полное представление об аккаунте @winterbird на Instagram. Этот отчет включает подробную информацию о росте подписчиков, метриках вовлеченности и частоте публикации постов, как по неделям, так и по месяцам. Для доступа к этому подробному отчету, пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь и создайте новую учетную запись StarNgage или войдите в свою существующую учетную запись.
Могу ли я отследить, как развивается уровень вовлеченности @winterbird на Instagram?
Да, аналитические инструменты StarNgage позволяют отслеживать, как развивается уровень вовлеченности @winterbird на Instagram. Эти данные помогут вам оценить эффективность стратегий вовлеченности @winterbird.
Как понимание демографических данных аудитории @winterbird на Instagram помогает?
Изучение демографических данных аудитории @winterbird на Instagram может быть чрезвычайно ценным. Это позволяет вам настроить свои стратегии влияния и маркетинга, чтобы лучше соответствовать подписчикам @winterbird, так как у вас будет информация о их возрасте, поле, местоположении и интересах.
Как использовать данные о предпочтениях бренда, чтобы улучшить мою маркетинговую стратегию на Instagram с @winterbird?
Данные о предпочтениях бренда - это мощный инструмент для понимания, какие бренды или продукты вызывают наибольший интерес вашей аудитории. Эта информация может помочь вам выбирать сотрудничество и партнерство с соответствующими брендами на Instagram, улучшая вашу взаимодействие с целевой аудиторией.