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@dombrownefitness adora publicar sobreFitness e Saúde, Atividade ao Ar Livre, Educação, Aperfeiçoamento de Habilidades, Coaching, Treinamento.
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Working on my new program today at @thevaultfitnesshk. Last session of week 2 and feeling good! Started with some power work, then worked on some unilateral strength before finishing with 4 rounds of a cardio and core superset of 250m ski erg then 12 hanging leg raises. Averaged 53s for the ski erg. Clean pulls are an effective way to improve power development and speed. The exercise primarily targets the posterior chain muscles (hamstrings, glutes, lower back), which are crucial for skating, sprinting, jumping, and other athletic movements. The controlled lowering phase of the exercise teaches athletes to absorb force, making them more efficient and less likely to experience injuries. This exercise is beneficial for any athlete looking to develop explosive power. Front racked Bulgarian split squats are a great unilateral exercise for improving lower body strength, stability, and mobility. Unilateral exercises like Bulgarian Split Squats can improve muscle symmetry and balance, which can lead to reduced risk of injury. Benefits also include better hip mobility and increases quadriceps activation. The front rack position engages the upper back and core, which is excellent for athletes since it promotes better posture and helps maintain stability during explosive movements. This exercise is perfect for ice and inline hockey players who need to be quick, agile, and stable on the rink. Single Arm Dumbbell Presses are a great way to improve upper body strength and also core stability. This exercise promotes symmetry and balance while challenging core stability and engaging the upper back. This exercise is effective for athletes needing to develop stability in the shoulder girdle, such as ice and inline hockey players who need to maintain shoulder stability while absorbing hits. Incorporating these exercises into your gym program can lead to improved performance and reduced injury risk. #injuryprevention #strength #inlinehockey #cleanpulls #power #conditioning Music: Moscow Rain ( by FUGUE ) Musician: Marco Lazovic URL: https://icons8.com/music/
A quick video of some of my session today at @thevaultfitnesshk as I get ready for @narchplayers Finals with @wheelhubasia this July. Hip mobility exercises are crucial for ice and inline hockey athletes. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that athletes with better hip mobility had better performance in sports that require multidirectional movements, including ice and inline hockey, while another study highlighted the increased risk of hip injuries in hockey players, likely due to the mechanics of skating. Working on hip mobility and strength can help reduce these injuries, even in old players like myself. Front squats are a fantastic exercise for strengthening the quadriceps, glutes, and core. Unlike back squats, front squats also help to develop the core and upper back, which can improve posture and stability on the rink. Z presses are a lesser-known exercise that can be incredibly beneficial for ice and inline hockey players. The exercise involves sitting on the ground with straight legs and pressing a barbell overhead. Because the exercise requires great stability and core strength, it can improve an athlete's posture and balance, which can translate to improved on-rink performance. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that the Z press resulted in greater activation of the core muscles compared to traditional overhead press exercises. I finished my session with 8 intervals of 20s work and 10s rest on the assault bike, a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) called Tabata. One of the primary benefits of Tabata training is that it improves both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research even suggested that the high-intensity nature of Tabata training is more effective for improving endurance compared to traditional steady-state cardio. Incorporating these exercises into your gym program can lead to improved performance on the rink and I certainly hope they help improve mine this Summer! #narchfinals #WheelHubAsia #thevaultfitnesshk #InlineHockey #strength #
Are you looking to get stronger, fitter, and more resilient to the effects of aging? If so, you've come to the right place! I am looking to take on 5 new clients who are looking to turn back the clock and be able to live a pain free life while getting stronger and fitter. As an experienced strength and conditioning coach and personal trainer, I believe in the importance of proper form and technique over quick fixes or fads. My training programs focus on sustainable practices that will help you reach your goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle for the long haul, where your long-term health and fitness goals are my top priority. I understand that each individual has unique needs and goals, which is why I tailor my training plans to fit your specific needs. Whether you're a beginner starting your fitness journey, or an experienced athlete looking to take your performance to the next level, I provide the guidance, support, and tools you need to succeed. My programs include strength training, energy system work, mobility exercises, and proper nutrition education to provide a holistic approach to fitness that will benefit you both physically and mentally while working through any imbalances or issues you might have. With my experience, knowledge and personalised approach, I am confident that I can help you achieve your goals and become the healthiest and fittest version of yourself. Don't wait any longer to take the first step towards a healthier future. Contact me today to schedule your first training session and let's start working towards your goals! Based at @jointdynamics in Central: Monday, Wednesday, Fridays 6am-2pm Tuesday & Thursday 6am-10am NEW - Sessions available at @jointdynamics_qb Quarry Bay: Tuesday & Thursday 11am-2pm #PersonalTraining #JointDynamics #Strength #GetStronger #strengthandconditioning #NoFads #noquickfix
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Perguntas frequentes: Estatísticas e Insights do Instagram para @dombrownefitness
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A StarNgage oferece relatórios analíticos abrangentes que fornecem métricas e insights-chave para lhe dar uma compreensão completa de @dombrownefitness. Você pode explorar vários aspectos, incluindo estatísticas de seguidores do Instagram, como tendências de crescimento de seguidores e postagens, Taxa de Engajamento e suas tendências de crescimento. Além disso, você pode acessar informações sobre o número médio de curtidas e comentários por publicação, insights sobre a demografia de seus seguidores ou público, dados de afinidade com marcas, menções de hashtags relevantes, contas semelhantes e as postagens mais recentes.
Qual é o número atual de seguidores de @dombrownefitness no Instagram?
Na última atualização, @dombrownefitness acumulou uma base de seguidores dedicados de 33,619 seguidores no Instagram.
Quais informações e análises estão incluídas no relatório completo para @dombrownefitness no Instagram?
Nosso relatório analítico completo do Instagram fornece uma visão abrangente de @dombrownefitness no Instagram. Este relatório inclui informações detalhadas sobre o crescimento de seguidores ao longo do tempo, métricas de envolvimento e frequência de publicações, tanto semanal quanto mensalmente. Para acessar este relatório detalhado, por favor registre-se e crie uma nova conta no StarNgage ou faça login em sua conta existente.
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Sim, as ferramentas analíticas da StarNgage permitem que você acompanhe a evolução da Taxa de Engajamento de @dombrownefitness ao longo do tempo no Instagram. Esses dados ajudam você a avaliar a eficácia das estratégias de envolvimento de @dombrownefitness.
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Obter insights sobre a demografia do público de @dombrownefitness no Instagram pode ser extremamente valioso. Isso permite que você adapte seu conteúdo de influenciador e estratégias de marketing para melhor se conectar com os seguidores de @dombrownefitness, pois você terá informações sobre idade, sexo, localização e interesses deles.
Como posso aproveitar os dados de afinidade com marcas para melhorar minha estratégia de marketing no Instagram com @dombrownefitness?
Dados de afinidade com marcas são uma ferramenta poderosa para entender quais marcas ou produtos seu público tem mais interesse. Essas informações podem orientar suas colaborações de conteúdo e parcerias no Instagram, aprimorando seu engajamento com seu público-alvo.