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❤️❤️❤️Answer the question below and get 20% off on any plan of Rati Beauty App😍😍❤️❤️❤️ Question: do you use artificial sweetners? The winner of last video is @sakshi__aggarwal Many of us start using artificial sweeteners as sugar substitutes to reduce calories from sugar. These sweeteners are many times sweeter than sugar with minimal calories. However, artificial sweeteners may not be such a healthy choice. These sweeteners can still raise insulin levels even though they do not contribute to blood glucose. Insulin is a hormone secreted by pancreas to push glucose in blood inside the cells for generating energy. But some insulin is released even before the blood sugar rises. Whenever we eat something sweet, the sight, smell and taste of sweet food can make pancreas release insulin. This is known as cephalic phase insulin release. In a cross sectional study that was conducted in India on patients diagnosed with type-2 diabetes, all the diabetics that presented in the OPD were divided into 2 groups based on whether they use artificial sweeteners or not. Insulin resistance was calculated for each group. The ones who used artificial sweeteners had a higher insulin resistance. The study also showed that the duration of use of artificial sweeteners had a direct impact on insulin resistance. The artificial sweeteners can also hurt our gut microbiome. Animal studies done on rodents have shown that these sugar substitutes may have negative effects on the gut microbiota. Sucralose, aspartame, and saccharin have been shown to disrupt the balance and diversity of gut microbiota. For those who want to quit sugar, quitting sugar completely might be a better choice than using sugar substitutes. ♥️♥️♥️SUBSCRIBE TO RATI BEAUTY APP FOR SPEED SLIM DIET PLANS♥️♥️😍 You can also whatsapp us at (+91)8800141675 Comment below or Dm for details:) 👇🏾 . . The pictures and photos in the video are unfiltered and unedited. #speedslim #ratibeautydiet #dietplan #weightloss #ratibeauty #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #sugar #artificialsweetners #sugarrush
❤️❤️❤️Answer the question below and get 20% off on any plan of Rati Beauty App😍😍❤️❤️❤️ Question: what was the last snack you ate? The winner of last video is @arunima_jaiswal Snacking on sugary, fried, or processed foods can provide empty calories, meaning they offer little to no nutritional value. These snacks can lead to weight gain without providing essential nutrients your body needs. Choose one of the snacks mentioned for Weight Loss 1. Fruits and Vegetables: Snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, berries, carrots, and celery can provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are low in calories and high in nutrients 2. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are good sources of healthy fats, protein, and fiber. They keep you feeling full and satisfied, making them great snacks in moderation. 3. Greek Yogurt:Greek yogurt is rich in protein and low in sugar, making it a healthy snack option. Protein helps in keeping you full for a longer time. 4. Whole Grain Snacks: Opt for whole grain snacks like whole grain crackers or popcorn. 5. Smoothies: Blend fruits, vegetables, and low-fat yogurt or milk to create a nutritious smoothie. They can be a filling snack and are a great way to incorporate various nutrients into your diet. Remember, the key to successful weight loss is not just choosing the right snacks but also being mindful of your overall diet and staying physically active. It's essential to strike a balance and focus on creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. ♥️♥️♥️SUBSCRIBE TO RATI BEAUTY APP FOR SPEED SLIM DIET PLANS♥️♥️😍 You can also whatsapp us at (+91)8800141675 Comment below or Dm for details:) 👇🏾 . . The pictures and photos in the video are unfiltered and unedited. #speedslim #ratibeautydiet #dietplan #weightloss #ratibeauty #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #snacks #healthysnacks
Simarn has lost 10kgs on Rati Beauty Diet. From being a junk lover to trying all kinds of diets and failing to someone who has become aware of her health now. Watch her interview. :) So proud of your journey, Simran. Never stop taking care of yourself. - Rati :) A big hug to all the people juggling between their lifestyle and trying to be healthy . I’m simran, 26,My job demanded sitting for long hours for which I gained weight over time, which of course made me a feel a little less enough. I’ve tried some other diets before, but most of them were either keeping me starved or very less eating options that wasn’t practical, i did lose, but it came back at the same speed. So when I was introduced to rati ma’am’s Instagram page by my mother, i was reluctant and skeptcical,I went for regular slim rather than speed slim(my second thoughts of failing again), but it has done wonders. It’s been three months of being into the plan and I have successfully lost around 10 kgs (from 70kgs to 60.Something kgs), and I’ve never felt more happy. The diets are going to keep you full, snacks, proper breakfast, lunch and dinner, you just have to stick to that, I’m amazed that all I did was just eating and enjoying the meals! The app,easy to access, multiple diet plans with complete information, measurements, subtitutes, link for the ingredients and answer to all your queries all at one place. The team again,approachable,supportive and there for all the guidance. I always look forward to team members for all the queries, they’ll be listening with the utmost concern and motivating you to be a better version of yourself. For me, it’s no going back now, I’ve discovered a new me, if I can do it, we all can! Love to the team and would highly recommend it to all!❤️ #ratibeauty #weightloss #ratibeautydiet #hearttoheart #interviews
❤️❤️❤️Answer the question below and get 20% off on any plan of Rati Beauty App😍😍❤️❤️❤️ Question: What's your favorite childhood memory related to food? :) The winner of last video is @syedrzu95 If you are following Rati Beauty diet plans, here's one more thing you can do to improve your weight loss results- eat slowly and mindfully. In Japan, researchers questioned 60000 people with diabetes about their eating speeds. They found that slow eaters were 42 percent less likely to suffer from obesity than fast eaters. The slow eaters were significantly skinnier than the fast eaters. Studies show that people who eat fast are likely to consume more calories than those who eat at a slower pace. This is because our brain needs a series of signals from the digestive tract, including chewing the food, swallowing, pressure of food in the stomach, and movement into the small intestine, before it can register fullness. If we eat a lot of food fast, our body may not be able to process these signals fast enough. In another experiment, twenty-one participants were randomly assigned to consume a meal at either a “normal” or “slow” rate. Participants were then given a choice of snack three hours post-meal. The slow rate group consumed on average 25% less energy from snacks. In short, slow eating increased fullness and decreased calorie intake later on. In short, eating slowly can improve your weight loss results. It will also make you enjoy your food more and help in better absorption of nutrients. So practise mindful eating while following Rati Beauty diet plans. ♥️♥️♥️SUBSCRIBE TO RATI BEAUTY APP FOR SPEED SLIM DIET PLANS♥️♥️😍 You can also whatsapp us at (+91)8800141675 Comment below or Dm for details:) 👇🏾 . . The pictures and photos in the video are unfiltered and unedited. #speedslim #ratibeautydiet #dietplan #weightloss #ratibeauty #weightloss #weightlosstransformation
* Prawa autorskie: Twórcy treści są domyślnymi właścicielami praw autorskich. Informacje te, w tym obrazy, teksty, filmy, wpisy i profile, są publikowane w domenach publicznych i odpowiednich mediach społecznościowych w celu publicznego udostępnienia.
FAQ: Statystyki i wskazówki dotyczące Instagram dla @ratibeauty
Jak mogę uzyskać statystyki i analizy na temat Instagram dla @ratibeauty?
StarNgage oferuje kompleksowe raporty analityczne, które dostarczają kluczowych metryk i wskazówek, umożliwiających pełne zrozumienie @ratibeauty. Możesz zobaczyć różne aspekty, takie jak statystyki obserwujących na Instagram, takie jak trendy wzrostu obserwujących i postów, wskaźnik zaangażowania i jego trendy wzrostu. Dodatkowo, możesz uzyskać informacje na temat średniej liczby polubień i komentarzy na post, dane dotyczące demografii obserwujących lub audytorium, dane dotyczące wyszukiwanych hashtagów, podobne konta i najnowsze posty.
Jaki jest aktualny licznik obserwujących dla @ratibeauty na Instagram?
Według najnowszej aktualizacji, @ratibeauty zgromadził dedykowane grono 722,559 obserwujących na Instagram.
Jakie wskazówki i analizy zawiera pełny raport dla @ratibeauty na Instagram?
Nasz pełny raport analityczny Instagram zapewnia wszechstronne przeglądy @ratibeauty na Instagram. Raport ten zawiera szczegółowe informacje na temat wzrostu obserwujących w czasie, mierników zaangażowania i częstości publikowania postów, zarówno tygodniowo, jak i miesięcznie. Aby uzyskać dostęp do tego szczegółowego raportu, prosimy o rejestrację i utworzenie nowego konta (StarNgage) lub zalogowanie się na istniejące konto.
Czy mogę śledzić rozwój wskaźnika zaangażowania @ratibeauty na Instagram?
Tak, narzędzia analityczne StarNgage pozwalają śledzić rozwój wskaźnika zaangażowania @ratibeauty w czasie na Instagram. Dane te pomagają ocenić skuteczność strategii zaangażowania @ratibeauty.
Jak zrozumienie demografii odbiorców Instagram @ratibeauty może być bardzo wartościowe?
Poznanie demografii obserwujących @ratibeauty na Instagram jest niezwykle wartościowe. Dzięki temu możesz dostosować treści influencera i strategie marketingowe, aby lepiej oddziaływały na obserwujących @ratibeauty, ponieważ będziesz mieć informacje na temat ich wieku, płci, położenia i zainteresowań.
Jak mogę wykorzystać dane dotyczące afiliacji marki do poprawy mojej strategii marketingowej na Instagram z @ratibeauty?
Dane dotyczące afiliacji marki są potężnym narzędziem, które pozwala zrozumieć, które marki lub produkty interesują najbardziej Twoją widownię. Informacje te mogą pomóc w prowadzeniu współpracy w zakresie treści i partnerstw na Instagram, co zwiększy zaangażowanie z Twoją docelową grupą odbiorców.