Malaya Jewelry
Designed in the kingdom of the Dragon - Bhutan 🇧🇹 Jewelry for healing and protection. 🌏 worldwide shipping. Store number: 77912225, 17739986
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🌼 Discover the profound spiritual essence of the Bumpa. A central motif in the Ashtamangala, the sacred suite of Eight Auspicious Symbols in Buddhism, the Bumpa (or vase) epitomizes an ocean of wisdom and the boundless nature of the Buddha's teachings. Its presence in our Turquoise Bumpa Earrings brings not only visual allure but also spiritual richness. The Bumpa's treasure-filled belly signifies the inexhaustible blessings and wealth of the Buddha's teachings. It's a spiritual reservoir of potent virtues, symbolizing prosperity, long life, and the wisdom of the Buddha's dharma. By donning our Turquoise Bumpa Earrings, you wear a beautiful token of this ancient wisdom, an emblem of the blessings you invite into your life. 💠🏞️ And let's not forget the enchanting turquoise that graces these earrings. Known for its vibrant azure hue, turquoise has been revered since antiquity for its protective and healing properties. In many cultures, it's considered a master healer, a stone of communication that bridges the earth and the heavens to infuse your world with a harmonious balance. Turquoise is believed to empower those who wear it, enhancing intuition and promoting spiritual attunement. When paired with the symbol of the Bumpa, it becomes a powerful talisman—an accessory that merges the earthly with the celestial, fashion with spirituality. Through our Turquoise Bumpa Earrings, we invite you to embrace a unique piece that speaks not just to your sense of style but to your soul. Dive into the beauty of turquoise, and let the spiritual wisdom of the Bumpa inspire you every day. 🌌🌟
Delve into the fascinating allure of Corallium Rubrum, the precious coral treasured over gold in Asia. This coral, or "Juru" (བྱུ་རུ་) as known in the Bhutanese culture, carries not just beauty but a rich historical and spiritual significance. These unique earrings from our newest collection are a splendid marriage of nature's majesty and ancestral wisdom. Exquisitely handcrafted in 18k yellow gold, they spotlight the radiant allure of vibrant corals. Each piece showcases a glowing coral drop cradled by a coral cabochon, interspersed by a fiery trio of marquise-cut garnets. But there is more to coral than its vibrant hue and luminosity. Red coral has long been revered in Tibet for its rarity and beauty. Traded from the Mediterranean, South Seas, Ceylon, and Persia, its value is amplified by its journey across the globe. As far back as the 13th century, Marco Polo noted its multifaceted uses, from currency to decoration, to religious significance. Trade in coral to Tibet evolved over time, mirroring changes in political and economic landscapes. Interestingly, what the west deemed as semi-precious, the East, particularly China and Tibet, regarded as more precious than diamonds. Corals were considered national treasures in China for at least two thousand years. The regal red hue of coral, symbolizing potency, fertility, vitality, and longevity, attracted auspiciousness and offered protection. In Sowa Rigpa, the Tibetan medical tradition, the healing properties of coral are harnessed. The "Four Tantras" mention, "Coral cures fevers of the liver, channel fevers from poisoning." A testament to coral's medicinal value, it features not just in precious pills, but also in everyday remedies. These earrings are not merely a luxury adornment; they symbolize the history of trade, the perception of preciousness, and the belief in its spiritual and medicinal properties. The only pair of its kind, it reflects the serene spirit of our land and the resilience of our people. Wear the radiant spirit of the Himalayas, the cherished heritage of Bhutan, and the mystical allure of Juru with Malaya Jewelry. Adorn not just your exterior, but illuminate your spirit within.
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Jak mogę wykorzystać dane dotyczące afiliacji marki do poprawy mojej strategii marketingowej na Instagram z
Dane dotyczące afiliacji marki są potężnym narzędziem, które pozwala zrozumieć, które marki lub produkty interesują najbardziej Twoją widownię. Informacje te mogą pomóc w prowadzeniu współpracy w zakresie treści i partnerstw na Instagram, co zwiększy zaangażowanie z Twoją docelową grupą odbiorców.