I'm a Ph.D. in biomedical science. Host of the FoundMyFitness podcast. Sign up for my newsletter for all things nutrition, brain & aging.
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Cardiorespiratory fitness is not just about being fit – it’s about dramatically reducing our risk of early death. The gold standard for assessing this is VO2 max. To truly elevate your VO2 max, relying solely on low to moderate-intensity training may fall short. It’s essential to diversify and intensify your workouts. In my recent podcast discussion, Dr. Martin Gibala elucidated on the efficiency of interval training in bolstering VO2 max. He emphasized that the best way to maximize gains is through three to five-minute intervals of maximum sustainable intensity. Such a regimen, executed four times, could be a 20-minute morning commitment. But the benefits? Astounding. One significant takeaway: Not all interval training is made equal. The metabolic challenges vary between short and long intervals. For instance, a 10-minute workout of Tabata style contrasts with a longer-duration interval in terms of metabolic response. Dr. Gibala’s recommendation? Alternate! Some days could involve three to five-minute intervals, while others might lean on a minute-on, minute-off approach, repeated multiple times. This diversity challenges the metabolic system uniquely, culminating in marked improvements in VO2 max. You can catch episode 82 on the FoundMyFitness YouTube channel, or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Comprehensive show notes are also available on my website at http://foundmyfitness.com. #hiit #hiitworkout #vo2max #intervaltraining #highintensityintervaltraining
In a world where Type 2 diabetes affects 8% of adults in the U.S. alone, the consequences are severe—not just on lifespan but on quality of life. Traditional medication like metformin has its merits, but let’s talk about lifestyle modification, specifically through exercise. A large randomized trial of over 3,000 participants have found exercise and modest weight loss to be even more effective than metformin in reducing the incidence of diabetes in people at high risk. We are talking about a staggering 58% reduction in the incidence of diabetes. Now, that’s compared to a 31% reduction for those on the drug metformin. Proactive lifestyle choices can literally rewrite your health trajectory. My recent podcast guest Dr. Martin Gibala talks about how exercise and particularly, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), can lead to such significant improvements that some Type 2 diabetes patients have even been able to reduce their medication. Even more intriguing is this idea of ‘exercise snacks,’ brief one-minute bursts of high-intensity exercise spread throughout your day, being studied for their impact on markers like insulin sensitivity. It’s a perfect storm of time-efficiency and effectiveness at a metabolic level. So we’re on the cusp of potentially revolutionizing how we utilize exercise to combat the diabetes epidemic, which could have far-reaching impacts on both quality of life and longevity. If you’re keen on diving deeper, don’t miss the extensive 2.5-hour conversation with Dr. Gibala. You can catch episode 82 on the FoundMyFitness YouTube channel, or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Comprehensive show notes are also available on my website at foundmyfitness.com.
Should you train hard or should you train long? That’s the theme this week on the FoundMyFitnesss podcast. High-intensity interval training is about the option to achieve more by doing less, but with greater intensity. The option to make every workout minute count, whether you have five or fifty. It’s about creating more physiological stress in a very short period of time, tapping into a time-intensity trade-off where greater intensity yields nearly exponential benefit for the time you put in. Recently, a hint of controversy has begun to emerge, dividing the discourse into two camps. On one side, proponents emphasize the benefits of the sustained, lower-intensity “zone 2 training” for its aerobic and metabolic adaptations. On the other side, advocates argue for the time-efficient and metabolically intense benefits of high-intensity interval training. Which side is the right one? Some studies show that there is no upper limit to the benefit of cardiorespiratory fitness on mortality. Elite athletes can have a nearly 80% lower risk of mortality than their less fit peers of the same age. And more importantly, some people will not experience meaningful cardiorespiratory adaptation if they only meet the guidelines for moderate intensity exercise but don’t also incorporate some vigorous intensity work. Listen to this week’s podcast guest Dr. Martin Gibala discuss the benefit of incorporating vigorous intensity exercise, particularly interval training, into your routine.
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Veelgestelde vragen: Instagram Statistieken en Inzichten voor @foundmyfitness
Hoe kan ik toegang krijgen tot Instagram statistieken en analyses voor @foundmyfitness?
StarNgage biedt uitgebreide analytische rapporten die belangrijke statistieken en inzichten verschaffen om je een volledig begrip van @foundmyfitness te geven. Je kunt verschillende aspecten verkennen, waaronder Instagram volgerstatistieken, zoals groeitrends van volgers en posts, betrokkenheidscijfer en de groeitrends daarvan. Daarnaast kun je informatie krijgen over het gemiddelde aantal likes en reacties per post, inzichten in de demografie van je volgers of publiek, merkaffiniteitsgegevens, vermeldingen van relevante hashtags, vergelijkbare accounts en de meest recente posts.
Wat is het huidige aantal volgers voor @foundmyfitness op Instagram?
Vanaf de nieuwste update heeft @foundmyfitness een toegewijde volgende van 825,749 volgers op Instagram opgebouwd.
Welke inzichten en analyses zijn opgenomen in het volledige rapport voor @foundmyfitness op Instagram?
Ons complete analyserapport van Instagram geeft een uitgebreid overzicht van @foundmyfitness op Instagram. Dit rapport bevat gedetailleerde informatie over volgersgroei in de tijd, betrokkenheidsmetrics en postfrequentie, zowel op wekelijkse als maandelijkse basis. Om toegang te krijgen tot dit uitgebreide rapport, registreer je vriendelijk en maak je een nieuw StarNgage-account aan of log je in op je bestaande account.
Kan ik volgen hoe het betrokkenheidscijfer van @foundmyfitness is geëvolueerd op Instagram?
Ja, StarNgage's analysetools stellen je in staat om te volgen hoe het betrokkenheidscijfer van @foundmyfitness in de tijd is geëvolueerd op Instagram. Deze gegevens helpen je de effectiviteit van @foundmyfitness betrokkenheidsstrategieën te beoordelen.
Hoe kan het begrijpen van de demografie van het publiek van @foundmyfitness op Instagram helpen?
Het verkrijgen van inzicht in de demografie van het publiek van @foundmyfitness op Instagram kan van onschatbare waarde zijn. Het stelt je in staat om je influencercontent en marketingstrategieën af te stemmen op de volgers van @foundmyfitness, omdat je informatie hebt over hun leeftijd, geslacht, locatie en interesses.
Hoe kan ik merkaffiniteitsgegevens gebruiken om mijn marketingstrategie op Instagram met @foundmyfitness te verbeteren?
Merkaffiniteitsgegevens zijn een krachtig hulpmiddel om te begrijpen in welke merken of producten je publiek het meest geïnteresseerd is. Deze informatie kan je begeleiden bij samenwerkingen en partnerships op Instagram, waardoor je betrokkenheid bij je doelgroep wordt verbeterd.