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Toronto is proposing a municipal sales tax as part of a slew of new measures aimed at easing a projected $46.5 billion in budget pressures over the next decade. A one per cent sales tax applied to existing HST/GST was one the key recommendations included in a report released Thursday. "There will be devastating consequences for the City of Toronto and the greater region and country without serious attention given to address the city's financial challenges," the report says. "The city will not be equipped to deliver goals on behalf of other orders of government such as housing priorities, transit expansion, refugee response or climate action.” Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow noted that even if the city adopts all of the various possible revenue tools outlined by staff in the report, they still would not generate enough money to make up for projected shortfalls in the long-term. Chow said Toronto taxpayers are covering the costs of programs and initiatives that should fall to the province or federal government. Both federal Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and Ontario Premier Doug Ford have declined previous requests from the city for additional funding. City staff estimates a municipal sales tax would generate between $800 million and $1 billion annually, but would require the province to amend the City of Toronto Act. To read more about the proposed tax and other revenue proposals in the report, tap the link in our bio. Reporting: Lucas Powers/CBC Photo: Patrick Morrell/CBC #cbctoronto #cbcto #Toronto #topoli #polito #economy #onpoli #salestax
Runoff from a massive industrial fire in Etobicoke on Friday is endangering wildlife in two local creeks, the Ontario environment ministry said. Some of the ducks that survived the runoff are receiving specialized baths from a rescue team organized by the Toronto Wildlife Centre. The team has captured more than 60 birds in Mimico Creek since Saturday, including a Cooper’s hawk, to remove the oily sludge. "This is only after the patients were deemed medically stable, and received treatment to help rid them of any ingested chemicals with a charcoal flush," the centre wrote in a Facebook post. The six-alarm fire broke out at Brenntag Canada, a chemical distribution company that deals in oil and vehicle fluids like lubricants and solvents. The runoff is affecting both Mimico Creek and Humber Creek, the Ontario environment ministry said, but it’s not expected to affect municipal drinking water supply. Measures to contain the spill and absorb the substance include using booms and hay bales, installing underflow dams, deploying vacuum trucks to collect the oil slurry and diverting discharges from reaching the creeks, the ministry said. The Toronto Wildlife Centre is asking the public to continue reporting sightings of birds affected by the substance and that appear oiled, are preening themselves excessively or shaking their wings, hiding under bushes or staying away from the water. To read more about the clean up efforts, tap the link in our bio. Reporting: Muriel Draaisma/CBC Photo: Rob Krbavac/CBC; The Toronto Wildlife Centre IG Production: Britt Purdy #cbctoronto #cbcto #Toronto #GTA #HumberCreek #MimicoCreek #environment #wildlife #fire
A woman who underwent the "most excruciating" experience of her life at Brampton Civic Hospital says she wasn’t able to provide informed consent before undergoing a procedure to receive a kidney stent without pain management. "I describe it as, quite literally, the most barbaric thing I've ever been through," Terri-Ann Perras told CBC Toronto. "I have laboured and birthed four children … I know what pain feels like, but this was something that I could have never even imagined in my lifetime." Perras said the doctor treating her told her she would be given anesthetic or pain medication, but that didn’t happen. She said another different doctor later told her the process typically doesn't involve anesthetic. Perras was handed the consent form moments before the procedure and signed without reading it, she said. In hindsight, she wishes she brought her husband to advocate for her, but says he was at home with their children. “I literally felt incapacitated at that moment,” she said. “I had no idea what was going on.” The hospital declined to comment on Perras's case citing patient privacy, however, William Osler Health System — a hospital system that includes Brampton Civic Hospital — said: "We strive to deliver safe and compassionate care for every patient we treat." Obtaining informed consent is federal law. "Consent is not a matter of getting a signature on a piece of paper," said Dr. Rob Robson, a patient safety scientist and physician. "[Patients] must understand what the risks are and what the procedure entails." Robson said he feels proper consent discussions are often disregarded or cut short because of the strain the health-care system is currently under. For more on Perras’s experience and what the government is doing about resource limitations, tap the link in our bio. Reporting + photo: Tyler Cheese/CBC #cbctoronto #cbcto #Healthcare #Health #Brampton #GTA
The province’s auditor general released a scathing report Wednesday on the Ontario government’s process for choosing protected Greenbelt land to open up for housing development. The “biased” process was heavily influenced by a small group of well-connected developers and landowners who now stand to make billions of dollars, Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk says. Lysyk found the selection process was largely controlled by Housing Minister Steve Clark's chief of staff — not non-partisan public servants — and was influenced by specific suggestions from developers with access to the chief of staff. The process didn't consider the agricultural, environmental and financial impacts of the decision, and involved little input from planning experts or other stakeholders, including the general public and Indigenous communities, according to the report. Premier Doug Ford acknowledged shortcomings with the process, but said the government would continue to do everything it can to address the province's housing crisis. He said his government would accept 14 of the 15 total recommendations Lysyk made in her report. The single recommendation it will not accept is to revisit the land swaps and possibly reverse those decisions, he said. Clark didn't answer reporters' questions directly when asked whether he would resign and his chief of staff would keep his job. To read more about the report and reaction from Ford’s political opponents, tap the link in our bio. Reporting: Ryan Patrick Jones/CBC Photo: Arlyn McAdorey/The Canadian Press #cbctoronto #cbcto #Ontario #Greenbelt #Housing #Development #onpoli
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Kā es varu piekļūt Instagram statistikai un analītikai par @cbctoronto?
StarNgage piedāvā visaptverošus analītiskos pārskatus, kas sniedz atslēgas rādītājus un uztveri par @cbctoronto. Jūs varat pētīt vairākus aspektus, ieskaitot Instagram sekotāju statistiku, piemēram, sekotāju un ziņu pieauguma tendences, iesaistes līmeni un tā pieauguma tendences. Turklāt jūs varat piekļūt informācijai par vidējo patīkamo reakciju vai komentāru skaitu vienā ziņā, ieskatu savos sekotājos vai auditorijas demogrāfijas datiem, zīmolu līdzjūtības datiem, atbilstošo hashtagu pieminējumiem, līdzīgiem kontiem un pēdējām ziņām.
Kāds ir pašreizējais sekotāju skaits @cbctoronto kontā Instagram?
Pēdējā atjauninājuma brīdī @cbctoronto ir savācis lojālu sekotāju skaitu ar Instagram - 199,282 sekotājiem.
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Mūsu pilnais Instagram analītiskais pārskats sniedz visaptverošu ieskatu par @cbctoronto konta veidošanos Instagram. Šajā pārskatā ir iekļauta detalizēta informācija par sekotāju pieaugumu laika gaitā, iesaistes metrikām un ziņu biežumu, gan nedēļas, gan mēneša līmenī. Lai piekļūtu šim detalizētajam pārskatam, lūdzu, reģistrējieties un izveidojiet jaunu StarNgage kontu vai pierakstieties esošajā kontā.
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Jā, StarNgage analīzes rīki ļauj jums sekot @cbctoronto iesaistes līmeņa attīstībai laika gaitā Instagram. Šie dati palīdz novērtēt @cbctoronto iesaistes stratēģiju efektivitāti.
Kā no Instagram saprast @cbctoronto auditorijas demogrāfijas izpratni?
@cbctoronto auditorijas demogrāfijas izpratne Instagram var būt ļoti vērtīga. Tas ļauj pielāgot influenceru saturu un mārketinga stratēģijas, lai saskaņotu to ar @cbctoronto sekotājiem, jo jums būs informācija par viņu vecumu, dzimumu, atrašanās vietu un interesēm.
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Zīmolu līdzjūtības dati ir efektīvs rīks, lai saprastu, kuros zīmoliem vai produktiem jūsu auditorija ir visvairāk ieinteresēta. Šie dati var palīdzēt veicināt sadarbību un partnerības Instagram, palielinot iesaisti ar jūsu mērķauditoriju.