Creator: @shaniciaboswell #1 Website For Black Parenting, Culture & Lifestyle. 📚 AUTHOR: OH SIS, YOU’RE PREGNANT! On Amazon!
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@shaniciaboswell - I love what I do because I do what I love. I spent the last few months traveling the world - from Guatemala, to Sweden, Barcelona, Bali, the Dominican Republic, to the US & British Virgin Islands, and the Bahamas. I lived on the airplane to the point where the customs agents recognized me by name in Atlanta. One of the most beautiful highlights of this summer was planning my first 10 day @theselfcareretreat in Bali, Indonesia. What a beautiful and raw experience shared alongside amazing women. Before that, there was our flagship retreat at @gitanadelmarbeachresort hosted alongside my beautiful sister @nyaraiwaistbeads. I touched down back home in Medellin today and my heart is filled with gratitude for this life. In two weeks, I get to host my second Mommy and Me retreat here in Colombia and share in this love with my daughter Kamryn. • This year and last has been all about expansion and transition. As I rebrand @blackmomsblog and have taken a very necessary break from it, as I grow my retreat company, moving out of the country and exploring what love looks like for me now as a fully grown and self aware woman, I am reminded constantly that while change can be intimidating, it must still be pursued. If life feels stagnant right now, open your arms and walk fully into change. You don’t have to keep doing the same things because they are familiar. Give yourself grace to make a different choice. #gentlereminders 📸: @greatestescape_bali #theselfcareretreat
@shaniciaboswell - To be honest, I started homeschooling Kamryn out of convenience. Between our travels and co-parenting, it was an easy choice to keep her flexible. The other reasons included wanting to control the narrative around education and not have her influenced by school culture today. But over the last few years and the increase in school shootings in the United States, I am grateful to know where my daughter is 24 hours a day and who she is interacting with. I am grateful to not have to sit by the phone afraid of getting a call that someone has shot up her school. It sounds sick to even say this but at first, school shootings were limited to once every few years - you heard of an angry high school student taking revenge and committing this awful crime of shooting up his school. Now, you are seeing school shootings every few months and these bastards are targeting elementary school children. • Since moving to Colombia, I have been questioned about our safety and fear of cartels. My fear stemmed in the United States. I have felt more unsafe there, for me and my child, than I have ever felt here. My Colombians friends ask me constantly, “are guns really that bad in the states or is it the media?” A Colombian friend texted me yesterday and said, “wow ANOTHER school shooting in the US???” I have met so many people in my international travels who have told me they have zero desire of traveling to the US because of gun violence. • We were raised to believe that America was the dream but right before our eyes, it is becoming the nightmare. • It is only March and there have been 130 mass shootings in the United States this year alone. 130. Let that number sink in. America is not safe. So the next time you fear monger another country with your American pride, take a look at the dangers in your own backyard. Pray for the USA. Gun reform is needed. Focus on mental health is needed. My heart goes out to every parent that has to send their children into a school system. This has to stop. #blackmomsblog
* Autortiesības: Kontenta veidotāji ir noklusējuma autortiesību īpašnieki. Šie dati, ieskaitot attēlus, tekstus, video, ziņas un profila informāciju, tiek publicēti publiskās vietās un attiecīgajos sociālajos tīklos, lai tos varētu aplūkot sabiedrība.
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Jā, StarNgage analīzes rīki ļauj jums sekot @blackmomsblog iesaistes līmeņa attīstībai laika gaitā Instagram. Šie dati palīdz novērtēt @blackmomsblog iesaistes stratēģiju efektivitāti.
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@blackmomsblog auditorijas demogrāfijas izpratne Instagram var būt ļoti vērtīga. Tas ļauj pielāgot influenceru saturu un mārketinga stratēģijas, lai saskaņotu to ar @blackmomsblog sekotājiem, jo jums būs informācija par viņu vecumu, dzimumu, atrašanās vietu un interesēm.
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Zīmolu līdzjūtības dati ir efektīvs rīks, lai saprastu, kuros zīmoliem vai produktiem jūsu auditorija ir visvairāk ieinteresēta. Šie dati var palīdzēt veicināt sadarbību un partnerības Instagram, palielinot iesaisti ar jūsu mērķauditoriju.