Freediving huntress. Mama bear. Love gathering food straight from the source.
44.6% @kimi_swimmy sekotāju ir sievietes un 55.4% ir vīrieši. Vidējais iesaistes līmenis ziņās ir ap 6.03%. Vidējais patīkamo reakciju skaits vienā ziņā ir 18,206 un vidējais komentāru skaits ir 349.
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It breaks my heart to share such sad news but I hope we all can help this family through their pain. They have been volunteering and serving their community in the aftermath of the fires even after losing their son Keyiro who would have turned 15 years old today. He was at home enjoying his last day of summer break while the rest of his family was working at their cleaning business. His family raced from work towards their home when they heard the news and were running towards the fire while everyone else was fleeing away. Rubber slippers melting on the hot ground, his mom Luz kicked hers off and ran barefoot. She managed to get past police barricades but was not able to get into their home that had been engulfed in the fire. They spent the next 2 days going to Honokowai beach park, a place Keyiro loved and also where he took his first steps as a baby, hoping he would turn up there. With the help of his classmates, they snuck back into the distruction zone to find their home burnt to rubble and discovered the remains of both Keyiro and their beloved family dog Dexter. 20 year-old Josue seen in this video, had to take his little brother's charred body to the police station. Mama Luz still goes to Honokowai beach park everyday. She will still be celebrating Keyiro's birthday today, in the midst of trying to plan a funeral. Please hold this family in your heart and prayers and if you see them, wrap them in love. The family also wants to remind people that they are one of hundreds of Lahaina families who share loss like this. The clickable link to donate directly to them is in my bio.
Uncle Archie Kalepa @peahi20ft has always been a leader in ocean safety, surfing and Polynesian voyaging. It's no surprise to any of us that he immediately stepped up to serve and organize his community in these trying times and has become a beacon of hope and resilience to so many. He was working a job on the mainland on the day of the fire. Thanks to MFD and people like @buge80857 from my last post, Archie's house and most of his neighborhood was saved. Archie arrived home with supplies the very next day via jet skis and boats when the roads to Lahaina were closed and immediately got into action, turning his home into a safe "pod" for the community. @hawaiiancanoeclub @tiare_lawrence and so many others helped to stock his home with necessary donations and necessities to feed and care for his entire community -who have gone without electricity and running water since the fire. They have also used this plan of action as a template and set up hubs in other Lahaina neighborhoods to help keep people safe. Thank you uncle for your beautiful heart and courage that always remains calm and focused in the most intense times. Currently Maui is getting overrun with donations of food and clothes - monetary donations are needed most to help move forward. @lahaina_ohana_venmo has a list of 200 families in need of funds but there are so many more. They currently can't post more because their account was frozen and flagged for posting too much. If anyone from meta wants to help with that, it would be extremely appreciated.
Lahaina resident and hero, @buge80857 lost the fight to save his own home from the Lahaina fires and found himself trapped in the heart of their destruction. But he fought back and saved so many people -children included. He had recently worked on a local church so he knew where all the water outlets were on that property and worked fast to secure a safe spot for people. He then made his way to Hawaiian homes and saved several houses there, including the home of Archie Kalepa, a community leader who has since transformed his home into the hub of supplies and food for their community. But it's not just Buje's heroism that captivates and inspires me most. It's his pure care and compassion for others and his positive outlook for the future. I hope you hear his messages. He speaks on not blaming anyone or yourself if you left others behind. You guys, this fire was a catastrophic apocalypse. It's the most deadly natural disaster our country has seen in a century, but I'm telling you the death count is far, far more than what has been identified and reported. The survivor's guilt and trauma that is sinking in is heavy beyond measure. Survivors need mental health therapy and suicide prevention as much as they need clean water and shelter. Even firemen and first responders lost their own families and homes while trying to help others. Families were melted in their own cars trying to flee. I don't want to be so graphic but people have seen things they will never unsee and they are shaking. And right now in the midst of trying to grasp this all, outside big money investors with bad intentions are reaching out to these survivors in hopes of scoring land deals on the backs of their tragedies. This is not okay. Please help keep Lahaina lands in Lahaina hands. Monetary donations can be made to the great organizations listed on my last post. But if you want to donate straight to the families in need now, there is a new Instagram page being made with their legit Venmo accounts. More and more families will be added. If you are a family in need, please go through the steps to add yourself to @lahaina_ohana_venmo . Mahalo and let's please work together to put our community first.
* Autortiesības: Kontenta veidotāji ir noklusējuma autortiesību īpašnieki. Šie dati, ieskaitot attēlus, tekstus, video, ziņas un profila informāciju, tiek publicēti publiskās vietās un attiecīgajos sociālajos tīklos, lai tos varētu aplūkot sabiedrība.
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Kā es varu piekļūt Instagram statistikai un analītikai par @kimi_swimmy?
StarNgage piedāvā visaptverošus analītiskos pārskatus, kas sniedz atslēgas rādītājus un uztveri par @kimi_swimmy. Jūs varat pētīt vairākus aspektus, ieskaitot Instagram sekotāju statistiku, piemēram, sekotāju un ziņu pieauguma tendences, iesaistes līmeni un tā pieauguma tendences. Turklāt jūs varat piekļūt informācijai par vidējo patīkamo reakciju vai komentāru skaitu vienā ziņā, ieskatu savos sekotājos vai auditorijas demogrāfijas datiem, zīmolu līdzjūtības datiem, atbilstošo hashtagu pieminējumiem, līdzīgiem kontiem un pēdējām ziņām.
Kāds ir pašreizējais sekotāju skaits @kimi_swimmy kontā Instagram?
Pēdējā atjauninājuma brīdī @kimi_swimmy ir savācis lojālu sekotāju skaitu ar Instagram - 307,900 sekotājiem.
Kādas atziņas un analītika iekļautas pilnajā pārskatā par @kimi_swimmy kontu Instagram?
Mūsu pilnais Instagram analītiskais pārskats sniedz visaptverošu ieskatu par @kimi_swimmy konta veidošanos Instagram. Šajā pārskatā ir iekļauta detalizēta informācija par sekotāju pieaugumu laika gaitā, iesaistes metrikām un ziņu biežumu, gan nedēļas, gan mēneša līmenī. Lai piekļūtu šim detalizētajam pārskatam, lūdzu, reģistrējieties un izveidojiet jaunu StarNgage kontu vai pierakstieties esošajā kontā.
Vai es varu sekot līdzi @kimi_swimmy iesaistes līmeņa attīstībai Instagram?
Jā, StarNgage analīzes rīki ļauj jums sekot @kimi_swimmy iesaistes līmeņa attīstībai laika gaitā Instagram. Šie dati palīdz novērtēt @kimi_swimmy iesaistes stratēģiju efektivitāti.
Kā no Instagram saprast @kimi_swimmy auditorijas demogrāfijas izpratni?
@kimi_swimmy auditorijas demogrāfijas izpratne Instagram var būt ļoti vērtīga. Tas ļauj pielāgot influenceru saturu un mārketinga stratēģijas, lai saskaņotu to ar @kimi_swimmy sekotājiem, jo jums būs informācija par viņu vecumu, dzimumu, atrašanās vietu un interesēm.
Kā es varu izmantot zīmolu līdzjūtības datus, lai uzlabotu savu mārketinga stratēģiju Instagram ar @kimi_swimmy?
Zīmolu līdzjūtības dati ir efektīvs rīks, lai saprastu, kuros zīmoliem vai produktiem jūsu auditorija ir visvairāk ieinteresēta. Šie dati var palīdzēt veicināt sadarbību un partnerības Instagram, palielinot iesaisti ar jūsu mērķauditoriju.