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KNOWING GOD AS YOUR SALVATION The LORD is my light &my salvation; whom shall I fear? ....of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1). Many Christians around the globe know Jesus Christ as their SAVIOUR, which is wonderful, but knowing Him as your SALVATION will completely revolutionize your life & take your walk with Him to a whole new level. Observe the words of David in our opening verse; he said, “The LORD is my light & my salvation; whom shall I fear?” As your saviour, you’re hoping that He will “deliver” you from something, perhaps, your enemies; but as your salvation, you transcend that arena where he rescues you from danger or difficulty; you lose your fears, because you’re in Him. Psalm 27:2 further shows the result of the Lord being your salvation: ”When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.” Christians are not those who need to be delivered from anything; you don’t need to be bothered about your adversaries. The one who needs deliverance is the one who doesn’t know Christ as his SALVATION. When they come out against you, they’ll stumble and fall if you know Jesus as your salvation. He’s your Rock of defence; your protection. Hallelujah! This is different from you asking Him to protect you. This was what He wanted Israel to see and know so they could relate to Him as such, but they couldn’t. As a result, He brought the revelations to them in bits and pieces. For example, in Exodus 15:26 He said, “…I am the LORD that healeth thee”; beautiful revelation! It means you can receive healing anytime because He’s the God that heals. This, however, is for the babe in Christ. Discover Him, not as your healer, but as your healing. When you do, you’ll realize that you’re no longer in need of healing because He’s your health, just as He’s your wisdom, your love, your ability, and your strength. When you have Him, you have it all. When Thomas, one of the disciples, said to Him, “Lord, show us the way,” the Master, unequivocally replied, “I am the way…” (John 14:6). Jesus Christ doesn’t show you the way, He’s the way. When you find Him, you arrive; your search ends, because He’s the totality of divinity.
...Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD...His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. WEALTH and RICHES shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever (Psalm 112:1-3). There’re those who think financial prosperity isn’t for Christians, and they’re WRONG. There’re three people we find in the Bible that God identified Himself with: ABRAHAM, ISAAC, and JACOB, and they were SUPER WEALTHY. In Exodus 3:6, God said to Moses, “… I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” Genesis 13:2 tells us that Abraham “…was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.” The Bible says of his son Isaac, “And the man (Isaac) waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great: For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines envied him” (Genesis 26:13-14). Jacob too had a similar testimony; the Bible says, “ And the man (Jacob) increased exceedingly, and had much cattle, and maidservants, and menservants, and camels, and asses” (Genesis 30:43). God’s prosperity isn’t for a select few; it’s for all who follow, and live by, His Word. He said in 3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” As a Christian, you’re an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ (Romans 8:17), which makes prosperity your birthright. All the wealth in this world belongs to you. This is how you ought to think. 1 Corinthians 3:21 says all things are yours; believe, think, and talk accordingly. Have the consciousness of sufficiency and superabundance. If you’ve struggled all your life in lack, want and penury, what you need is a new orientation; a new mindset. Change your language, your consciousness, and your thinking, and your situation will change. Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind….” Think and talk prosperity until your whole mentality isn’t just overhauled, but supplanted by the possibilities of the prosperous life.
* Autorių teisė: Content creators yra numatyti autorinių teisių savininkai. Ši informacija, įskaitant paveikslėlius, tekstus, vaizdo įrašus, pranešimus ir profilius, paskelbiama viešose interneto vietose ir atitinkamuose socialiniuose tinkluose viešmenims peržiūrėti.
FAQ: Statistik dan Wawasan Instagram untuk @yourmiracletv
Bagaimana cara saya mengakses statistik dan analitik Instagram untuk @yourmiracletv?
StarNgage menawarkan laporan analitik komprehensif yang menyediakan metrik kunci dan wawasan untuk memberikan pemahaman lengkap tentang @yourmiracletv. Anda dapat menjelajahi berbagai aspek, termasuk statistik pengikut Instagram, seperti tren pertumbuhan pengikut dan posting, Tingkat Keterlibatan, dan tren pertumbuhan. Selain itu, Anda bisa mendapatkan informasi mengenai rata-rata jumlah suka per post dan komentar, wawasan tentang demografi pengikut atau audiens Anda, data afinitas merek, penulisan ulang hashtag relevan, akun serupa, dan posting terbaru.
Berapa jumlah pengikut saat ini untuk @yourmiracletv di Instagram?
Per tanggal terbaru, @yourmiracletv telah mengumpulkan pengikut setia sebanyak 15,210 pengikut di Instagram.
Insight dan analitik apa yang termasuk dalam laporan lengkap untuk @yourmiracletv di Instagram?
Laporan analitik lengkap kami menyajikan gambaran komprehensif tentang @yourmiracletv di Instagram. Laporan ini mencakup informasi terperinci tentang pertumbuhan pengikut dari waktu ke waktu, metrik keterlibatan, dan frekuensi posting, baik secara mingguan maupun bulanan. Untuk mengakses laporan mendalam ini, silakan daftar dan buat akun StarNgage baru atau masuk ke akun yang sudah ada.
Apakah saya dapat melacak bagaimana Tingkat Keterlibatan @yourmiracletv telah berkembang di Instagram?
Ya, alat analitik StarNgage memungkinkan Anda memantau perkembangan Tingkat Keterlibatan @yourmiracletv dari waktu ke waktu di Instagram. Data ini membantu Anda menilai efektivitas strategi keterlibatan @yourmiracletv.
Bagaimana cara memahami demografi audiens @yourmiracletv di Instagram?
Memperoleh wawasan tentang demografi audiens @yourmiracletv di Instagram sangat berharga. Ini memungkinkan Anda menyesuaikan konten influencer dan strategi pemasaran Anda agar lebih cocok dengan pengikut @yourmiracletv, karena Anda akan memiliki informasi tentang usia mereka, jenis kelamin, lokasi, dan minat mereka.
Bagaimana cara memanfaatkan data afinitas merek untuk meningkatkan strategi pemasaran saya di Instagram dengan @yourmiracletv?
Data afinitas merek adalah alat yang sangat berguna untuk memahami merek atau produk mana yang paling diminati oleh audiens Anda. Informasi ini dapat membimbing kolaborasi konten dan kemitraan Anda di Instagram, meningkatkan keterlibatan Anda dengan audiens target Anda.